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1 hour ago, ICTChris said:

Is it so hard to put a few quid in a collection?  It's a nice thing to do.  Think of the happiness given to the person receiving the gift and wonder how much you really need the change.  You'd only spend it on rubbish anyway.

Yes, especially if it's some pregnant bint, we have the CSA for this.

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10 minutes ago, trainspotter said:

When it's an 8 months pregnant colleague who is still heading out to the smoking shelter twice a day, yeah its a bit of a dilemma.

I worked with a lassie who justified still smoking through her pregnancy with "I want to have a small baby that's easier to push out".

Staggering that someone who was 'educated' enough to know that they are harming a child, even an unborn one, still goes ahead and knowingly did it.

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On 17/08/2017 at 12:55, Honest_Man#1 said:

I'm well aware that they're biologically likely to feel colder. But it's the fact that there is absolutely no regard for anyone else's comfort that annoys me.

Yip, put on a jumper if you are cold. It's easier to get warm from cold that the other way around short of sitting in the office wearing nothing but my pants. 

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When I was transferred into my current location I told them right from the start that I didn't do birthdays, cards, sheets etc. I've been left in peace ever since [emoji4]

Am not surprised, good grief
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I work in a building with 3 security pass operated doors. You can use all 3 to get in but only 2 can be used to get out. c***s entering the building at peak exit times not using the 'enter only' door can take a running f**k to themselves. It's all glass so you can see all the c***s waiting to get out, there's no excuse.

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On 01/07/2017 at 11:54, D.A.F.C said:

There's someone like that at my work. Constantly skint but takes home 10k more than me with all the raises and overtime he does. He always asks me in front of others 'oh what's that where did you get that from' knowing full well it's m&s as a treat myself once a week. He then plays the hard luck card with his yellow sticker food. It pisses me off and it turns out his missus is blasting £200 a week on weed to get over post natal shit. I take a different break now, pretty petty but it's devious and deliberate to wind me up and justify his greedy over time bollocks. Look at poor little me I have to work seven days.
f**k off.

You sound like an absolute scumbag tbh.

Edited by Poet of the Macabre
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You sound like an absolute scumbag tbh.

You would need to be there. Everyone else despises him but he's in with management so are afraid to speak out about it. I know you have issues with what I say football wise fair play but you're getting a bit personal and vindictive now.
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You would need to be there. Everyone else despises him but he's in with management so are afraid to speak out about it. I know you have issues with what I say football wise fair play but you're getting a bit personal and vindictive now.

Personal and vindictive? That's some irony right there considering your post he is quoting.
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Someone from the office put a notice up above the sink in the canteen telling folk "wash your dishes, cups and cutlery up after yourselves". They are the worst culprits ironically.

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Personal and vindictive? That's some irony right there considering your post he is quoting.

The thread was about colleagues. Explaining that one was false and obsequious and also grassing up colleagues while trying to play a victim by buying woops food while getting paid 5k more than anyone else and working constant overtime and getting raises from management due to the grassing deserves all the telts going tbh.
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16 hours ago, Lambie's Pigeon Feed said:

£200 a week on weed seems impossible. I've never met a lassie who smokes anywhere near an ounce a week. And she's presumably looking after a newborn? Unlikely.

More likely his other half wont let him anywhere near her and he's sinking the £200 on hookers

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There's some fat dick in my work who whenever the conversation turns to diet or food in general pipes up 'I don't eat that much'.  He's at least 20 stone and probably hasn't seen his penis for many years.  He also has 4 sandwiches, a packet of crisps,a chocolate bar and a bottle of Irn Bru everyday for lunch.

He also uses the lift instead of taking the stairs,

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