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This is throbber level attention-seeking, well done

Ooft. From you, after that fucking thread with its self indulgent 40 page posts? Jesus.
So the only options are day time TV or unpaid work?

I’m open to suggestions, DA. Whatever I do, I’ll know that I’ve got other stuff that I need to be doing.
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2 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

Ooft. From you, after that fucking thread with its self indulgent 40 page posts? Jesus.

I’m open to suggestions, DA. Whatever I do, I’ll know that I’ve got other stuff that I need to be doing.

Serious question - Haven't you always got other stuff to do at work, who can leave work with a clear desk every day?  So, you're never able to relax and forget about work? 

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Serious question - Haven't you always got other stuff to do at work, who can leave work with a clear desk every day?  So, you're never able to relax and forget about work? 

I’ll need to get as much as possible sorted before going away at Christmas and that. Just now, there’s things I know need done before then. Once I’ve done these things then f**k it.
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20 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

I thought of all the people here you’d appreciate the no nonsense, get the work done attitude.

It may surprise you to know that not everything I post on here is serious. The only thing I was remotely serious about on that whole at work to work thing was that my concentration was being disturbed and it was really annoying me because I was stuck on a Flow Free level for ages and couldn't get past it. I think I've spent the sum total of about 2 hours this week doing actual work in between reading my kindle, browsing on here and being addicted to Flow Free.

So I can see where you'd think I was your last hope, but it's fucked. NJ2 is dead, long live NJ3 xx

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2 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

I’ll need to get as much as possible sorted before going away at Christmas and that. Just now, there’s things I know need done before then. Once I’ve done these things then f**k it.

If you'd followed Rugster's advice and done some work, rather than fucking about with decorations since the October week, you wouldn't be in this position.

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2 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

I’ll need to get as much as possible sorted before going away at Christmas and that. Just now, there’s things I know need done before then. Once I’ve done these things then f**k it.

Fair enough.  I know what you mean about clearing things up as much as you can in order to relax, but as long as you can distinguish between what needs to be done and what actually needs to be done - otherwise you'll become a workaholic. 

That said, you'll likely get no thanks for it but you know that. 

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On 12/20/2017 at 13:57, tarapoa said:

Quite liked this one from latest Viz....




Going back 12 years ago I worked for the same company as my sister in law. Different department, other end of a large building. She done that thing while off on maternity leave, where she brought the baby in to show him off to her colleagues. On the way out she stopped by where I was working. Ended up with all the women in my department going all googly eyed and soft in the head, while I sat trying to get on with my work and not really caring. I got to see the little shite machine whenever I felt like it anyway. They made me feel like a fucking monster, when I am merely a heartless c**t.

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Fair enough.  I know what you mean about clearing things up as much as you can in order to relax, but as long as you can distinguish between what needs to be done and what actually needs to be done - otherwise you'll become a workaholic. 
That said, you'll likely get no thanks for it but you know that. 

Aye exactly. Get some shit out the way and then the rest we can play by ear. If we were doing it for thanks I’d have left long ago!
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If it wasnt for our mutual love of Tennents Mr J2.....

Exactly why I’m avoiding the pub today. Plans are afoot for Friday pints and Saturday recovery pints. Tennents being the order of the day of course
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On 11/12/2017 at 14:18, DA Baracus said:

Just found out that quite a folk at my work print out emails so that, in their words, ‘they know they’ve dealt with it’.


What a fucking huge waste of paper. They could create folder in their email account or use the flagging system. Genuinely this should be something that should see them get a talking to from management. Tree killing morons.

I used to work with a guy who would send you an e-mail, print it off and bring the printed copy over to you and read it to you! 

Absolute zoomer, he was a dead ringer for Ned Flanders as well, god fearing with glasses and a moustache.

Edited by JT1867
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9 hours ago, NJ2 said:

I have got a telly, yes. Have you watched daytime tv? I’d rather stand outside in the rain.

I thought it would be more common, folk going in on their days off. Quite commonplace in our team at work. If the work needs done, it needs done. I thought of all the people here you’d appreciate the no nonsense, get the work done attitude.

If you're having to come in on days off to do work, you're either utterly shite at your job or you're doing far more than a one man role and should be having a conversation with management, not happily accepting it.

Edited by Honest_Man#1
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If you're having to come in on days off to do work, you're either utterly shite at your job or you're doing far more than a one man role and should be having a conversation with management, not happily accepting it.

Everyone on our team is overrun. The boss is well aware but his bosses aren’t for giving x amount to employ more people.
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3 hours ago, NJ2 said:

Everyone on our team is overrun. The boss is well aware but his bosses aren’t for giving x amount to employ more people.

Why would they when they've managed to brainwash the existing staff into thinking it's normal for everyone to come in on their days off to work?

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21 hours ago, NJ2 said:

I finished up yesterday. Got a away early was well. Was still there 8am sharp this morning. What a total bell piece I am. Left about 11 but think I’ll go back in this afternoon. Might leave it until tomorrow though. A combination of not a great deal else to do and could really do with having stuff done to save getting a wee telling off.

Are you mental?

If you have so much work outstanding that you need to give up time off to go into your work unpaid then you're either really poor at your job or your employer is in an absolutely terrible state.

Nobody should ever have to give up days off without pay. Occasional overtime is one thing. Actually considering giving up time off?

Barking mad and a sign of serious underlying problems in the business.

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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Why would they when they've managed to brainwash the existing staff into thinking it's normal for everyone to come in on their days off to work?

Where existing staff have never had a previous job, it does not require that much brainwashing.  If you never known anything different and you want to appear to be a good worker then it is very easy to do this.

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