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Crazy how many people in that environment want to go for promotion with the misguided option it'll give them the power to sack people at the drop of a hat and enforce wholesale changes. The arsehole behaviour probably arises when they realise they're now stuck in a position with zero extra power and now have to deal with shit from both directions for a few extra pence an hour.
My company is full of managers who actually take pleasure in fucking up each others departments. Nobody talks about the elephant in the room and they all just chuck stones at each other.
Worst thing is seeing them at work events and chatting away like friends.
We could actually try, you know, working together?
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We had a meeting on Monday about distractions in the work place and how to avoid, our bosses telling us stuff like "try to keep your phone off your desk while you are working" I was thinking to myself, surely we don't need to be told this, we're all adults, then I looked to my right and notice one girl is actually on her phone during the meeting. Shortly afterwards one of my colleagues is saying something and says  'we are all adults here', just as that line comes out of her mouth, another girl loudly pops her chewing gum.  I felt sorry for my bosses after that, what chance do they have. 

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Have to admit, all the bosses I have dealt with where I am now have been absolutely sound as f**k, and that's going from call centre team managers up to the octogenarian, multi billionaire owner of the company and most departments in between.

Some of the other general staff do make up for it mind you.

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Was she a promotion from within the team? I've found folk in that position who are unsuited to management store up all kinds of grudges and then unleash their worst impulses once they have some power.


Nah she was just a cow tbh. We did have assistants in the team. 2 of which are exactly how you describe, they were given time off the phone to help others out and decided this meant that they were above everyone else. They weren’t paid any more or given any other privileges, just good enough for the job but not good enough to be promoted, the thought of power turns people into c***s sometimes.

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14 hours ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

I quite like the sound of free bin bags. How dose one blag them for free from other companies?

The company uses various waste disposal firms at a couple of dozen locations. One of those firms, which services one single location, provides "free" bin bags (which will be covered in the handling fee, obviously). My new boss' boss has apparently been creaming her skants over this for some time, and regularly nags the other firms for free bin bags.

I found this out when I (reluctantly, at my boss' request) asked a van driver, and was told to "tell that daft cow we're not buying her bin bags for her".

9 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Was she a promotion from within the team? I've found folk in that position who are unsuited to management store up all kinds of grudges and then unleash their worst impulses once they have some power.

This is exactly the situation with my new boss, Bin Bag Boy. The people he worked alongside for years, and apparently got on well with, are currently mystified about what's going on. It's like he's always hated them all and is having a great time trying to make them miserable through pettiness.

The latest weirdness is that we've been warned that we'll be SUBJECT TO DISCIPLINARY MEASURES! if we fail to respond to any more emails from management. Only problem is, the company's had email problems for as long as I've been there, and nobody receives half of the messages they're supposed to. The company's unionised, by the way, so I'm tempted to stick around to watch the shitshow when somebody tries to hand out a warning for not replying to an email that they demonstrably didn't receive. Spicy.

Could be huge if these missing emails are about milk.

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Similarly, many moons ago I worked in a horrible debt collection / tracing business ... most of the people were sound, including one guy who was always first in the queue for pints of a Friday evening. 

One day he got promoted and literally overnight, he turned into an absolute tadger of a manager - picking up on the most minor of infractions and publicly belittling peoples' performance. We still invited him out for pints - at least at first - but he never came out again (except for the state-sanctioned Xmas dinner where he sat with all his middle-management cronies).

He often used the phrase "Familiarity breeds contempt" as a reason for not socialising. 

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She only in the past year became one of the managers for the team, she seemed to treat everyone like school kids no matter what age you were, we had a shop in our call centre which most people (managers including herself) used at the start of their shift to go get coffee etc, it only became an issue when she decided it was. I don’t get why you’d want to make someone’s day job the worst experience it can be. Especially considering how shite the job itself actually is.

Loved telling her to get to f**k.

We’ve 2 members of staff who recently got promotions to management positions and the 2 have become c***s overnight.

One walks around and will pull people up for non work related comments, this could be something as simple as Just asking what was for lunch or if they needed a list after work. Took great pleasure in interrupting her whilst she was talking about her weekend and asking if it was work related.
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I’m sure I’ve posted this before but one problem I’ve seen in every place I’ve worked is that people don’t know how to be managers or how to manage so they end up behaving in the way that previous posters have described - petty, bullying naggers.

Often people get promoted for the wrong reasons and aren’t prioritised for management because they would be suited for it or have a particular aptitude for managing people or running teams. Do employers invest in training their staff or developing them so they can actually do their jobs? In a lot of cases no. I read an article about the productivity gap in the UK that made this point. France, for example, is far more productive than the UK and also spends more time training administrators and managers than UK firms do.

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48 minutes ago, mizfit said:



We’ve 2 members of staff who recently got promotions to management positions and the 2 have become c***s overnight.

One walks around and will pull people up for non work related comments, this could be something as simple as Just asking what was for lunch or if they needed a list after work. Took great pleasure in interrupting her whilst she was talking about her weekend and asking if it was work related.




1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

That's mental behaviour! Actually cutting about policing smalltalk?

Yeah that's not normal at all. Pretty sure if you went over their heads they'd be told pretty quickly they have no right to do that.

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Yeah that's not normal at all. Pretty sure if you went over their heads they'd be told pretty quickly they have no right to do that.
Depends how long the small talk went on for and if it was impacting on the workload. There are just as many comments about people who spend all day talking on this thread.
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7 minutes ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
51 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:
Yeah that's not normal at all. Pretty sure if you went over their heads they'd be told pretty quickly they have no right to do that.

Depends how long the small talk went on for and if it was impacting on the workload. There are just as many comments about people who spend all day talking on this thread.

The examples given were asking someone what they had for lunch and if they needed a lift home which hardly suggested taking the piss.

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Depends how long the small talk went on for and if it was impacting on the workload. There are just as many comments about people who spend all day talking on this thread.
Well then you as a manager correctly remind people of their obligations to their workload. You dont have any right to police the subject matter of conversation.
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2 minutes ago, scottmcleanscontacts said:
On 05/06/2019 at 10:17, nsr said:
I have a colleague with a collection of books on Scrum methodology proudly displayed on his desk. He has to be in his 30s at least. Surely too old to be an idealistic Scrum fanboy.

f**k is Scrum methodology?

Largely a fantasy that instead of all sitting down and designing what you want to build/develop at the beginning, you can figure it out as you go along.

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4 minutes ago, scottmcleanscontacts said:
On ‎05‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 10:17, nsr said:
I have a colleague with a collection of books on Scrum methodology proudly displayed on his desk. He has to be in his 30s at least. Surely too old to be an idealistic Scrum fanboy.

f**k is Scrum methodology?

its "Agile" get with it m9

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10 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

The company uses various waste disposal firms at a couple of dozen locations. One of those firms, which services one single location, provides "free" bin bags (which will be covered in the handling fee, obviously). My new boss' boss has apparently been creaming her skants over this for some time, and regularly nags the other firms for free bin bags.

I found this out when I (reluctantly, at my boss' request) asked a van driver, and was told to "tell that daft cow we're not buying her bin bags for her".

This is exactly the situation with my new boss, Bin Bag Boy. The people he worked alongside for years, and apparently got on well with, are currently mystified about what's going on. It's like he's always hated them all and is having a great time trying to make them miserable through pettiness.

The latest weirdness is that we've been warned that we'll be SUBJECT TO DISCIPLINARY MEASURES! if we fail to respond to any more emails from management. Only problem is, the company's had email problems for as long as I've been there, and nobody receives half of the messages they're supposed to. The company's unionised, by the way, so I'm tempted to stick around to watch the shitshow when somebody tries to hand out a warning for not replying to an email that they demonstrably didn't receive. Spicy.

Could be huge if these missing emails are about milk.



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