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10 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

A bump - quite surprised how far down the list this thread fell!

Asking for a friend (...) - say you're a temp worker and they end up asking you to do work related activity unpaid, what sort of recourse/who should you go to?

It's only hypothetical but my friend (...) has a funny feeling that this may be coming up in relation to some admin stuff needing done, would take a guess at the nature of it that it amounts to about a couple of hours of tedious work in total thats outside of ordinary responsibilities but has a deadline coming up. My friend (...) also had to eat a little bit of shit over time spent getting set up working from home way back in March last year but shrugged it off at the time, basically a "oh btw we're only going to pay you from when you started working not when you started trying to get set up at home or any of your time on hold with our IT department, haha, enjoy the rest of your shift :)"  deal but it was only 2/3 hours there and given the exceptional circumstances it didn't fester for too long.

My friend (...) will tell their employer to go f**k themselves if they're expecting additional work outside of the timesheet or during the lunch hour, but is wondering if there's better options available than that. Not megabux but if they try to discipline anyone over that surely thats a no-no. My friend (...) has also started grabbing some images of emails/teamchat messages in relation to this work and might note any call times if they're fly about it and try to pressure my friend (...) on an unrecorded call or something.

the gist is that they're hoping it quietens down enough before the deadline that the work can be done in normal hours, which sounds reasonable enough, but it may well be that they try to get folk to stay on past their shift on deadline day to do this work and to eat shit unpaid for the privilege to boot...

Would the simplest thing to do be to not kick up much of a stink but just put the time onto my friends (... oh enough of the dots) timesheet for however long it takes to do the additional work and put the ball in their court to refuse to approve the time worked?

I really really hope it doesnt come to that for my friend but it just feels like there's a storm brewing over this...

Why don't you sit down and look in the mirror and have a chat with your...friend?

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51 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

Does your "friend" not have some kind of contract even if they're a temp?

f**k doing work you're not paid for unless you've agreed to do it voluntarily.

And if it was me and the issue was forced then the unpaid admin work would be done by filing everything in the wrong place/shredder, putting wrong dates in the diary etc but in such a way that it's not discovered until after my contract is up...

Think there will be a way to check that on the online portal yeah, cheers, will try to check that. Might not come to it for all that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's remarkably reassuring. Edited to try to protect the identities/keep this anonymous, but:

I asked a colleague how they were doing it the other day and got this reply, helped make my mind up


I logged in early this morning, having drafted an email last night and fired it off to them. Last thing I remember saying on the email was that if someone else wants to do about 4 hours of work on their own time then good luck to them; its not for me. Haven't bothered logging back into the work (assuming I even have access anymore, got a feeling they'll stop me in case I point out the fuckery to any colleagues and one of them has enough of a spine to tell them to ram the job too)

Then went into my pit for a long lie, went out for a walk with the dog (big malamute so looks cracking against the snowy backdrop) and there were a bunch of folk having a great time sledging and the like, out building snowmans and all sorts, couldn't help myself smiling while I went by.

Legit the happiest I've been in over a year. f**k it, it was a long term temp dead end bullshit job tbh, might be a bit ballsy going unemployed at the moment but it can't be any worse than staying there; I've got savings to eat shit over until any Universal Credit comes through and there's f**k all to spend money on at the minute anyway.

the shift patterns were miserable and all. I think what mainly sold it to my partner when I told her that I was thinking of packing it in was that a few months ago it was working from home, now its this stat tracker thing they want us to do unpaid, so what's stopping them in a few weeks/months from pulling the same pish over something else?

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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Been working without heating now since March. Not clearing car park of ice, folk hurting themselves.

Facilities manager fixed a nozzle on the coffee machine quick enough then told us he's been told that oil heaters are too expensive. Last week someone lost it as him after he took their heater away as it was a fire hazard.

Had to buy thermal tops and still baltic. 

Dunno if I mentioned it on here but told boss exactly what i thought and felt a while back. Now looking elsewhere.

What a relief, they pressured me into it as well. Was stuck in snow and traffic then pulled up for being a minute late. Basically ranted for 30 mins, everything was denied and lied about further. I even said there was no point as manager would deny it. They then dug themselves into a massive hole was quite scary how forthright they were about blatant lies.

Feel so much better for saying it and that there can't be much comeback because they asked me to tell them.

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5 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Been working without heating now since March. Not clearing car park of ice, folk hurting themselves.

Facilities manager fixed a nozzle on the coffee machine quick enough then told us he's been told that oil heaters are too expensive. Last week someone lost it as him after he took their heater away as it was a fire hazard.

Had to buy thermal tops and still baltic. 

Dunno if I mentioned it on here but told boss exactly what i thought and felt a while back. Now looking elsewhere.

What a relief, they pressured me into it as well. Was stuck in snow and traffic then pulled up for being a minute late. Basically ranted for 30 mins, everything was denied and lied about further. I even said there was no point as manager would deny it. They then dug themselves into a massive hole was quite scary how forthright they were about blatant lies.

Feel so much better for saying it and that there can't be much comeback because they asked me to tell them.


I think they're not only taking the piss but they're breaking health and safety law.


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1 minute ago, tamthebam said:


I think they're not only taking the piss but they're breaking health and safety law.


I looked this up before and it seems like it’s only advice.

Minimum workplace temperature

The Approved Code of Practice suggests the minimum temperature in a workplace should normally be at least 16 degrees Celsius. If the work involves rigorous physical effort, the temperature should be at least 13 degrees Celsius. These temperatures are not absolute legal requirements; the employer has a duty to determine what reasonable comfort will be in the particular circumstances. 

I’m doing some physical work but not rigorous. Originally the area was designed for a stores area. They then needed more floor space so moved stores out to another building. The area was then never redesigned for a working area. It had two huge heaters but one broke down. It was never replaced and that left us with one. There’s zero insulation and any heat from the heater goes out the roof within an hour. Can’t switch on the heater due to covid but they never came up with a solution. Facilities manager was furloughed and I think he’s been told to cut back on spending. 
Every suggestion gets shot down.

Install fan heaters, trips the system. System never upgraded from stores area. Sometimes your work area will trip meaning you lose work. 
Use oil heaters, told they were too expensive.

Put in insulation or a false roof, can’t do that because it means the rent will change to office space rather than industrial.

All from a company that makes millions in profit. Despite covid we still made money yet we get this. Meanwhile the PR is on usual spin giving money to local charities etc. Which is good but our department is treated like dirt. I can cope with it due to thermal tops and moving about every wee while plus cups of tea but it’s the thought that we are seen as worth less than parts that’s a bit insulting.

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3 minutes ago, tamthebam said:


I think they're not only taking the piss but they're breaking health and safety law.

We worked out on here a while ago that there's nothing forcing employers to provide their employees with a temperate work environment; merely unenforceable "guidelines" about minimum temperatures that would be as well not existing.

Several of our locations don't have working heating, and the management line is "wrap up warm". The locations with heating are told not to turn it on if the doors are open, and to always leave the doors open to encourage passing trade. Genius.

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1 minute ago, BFTD said:

We worked out on here a while ago that there's nothing forcing employers to provide their employees with a temperate work environment; merely unenforceable "guidelines" about minimum temperatures that would be as well not existing.

Several of our locations don't have working heating, and the management line is "wrap up warm". The locations with heating are told not to turn it on if the doors are open, and to always leave the doors open to encourage passing trade. Genius.

They're probably not classed as "fire doors" but if they are and the Fire Inspector pops round..

The 1964 Factories Act used to apply to temperature (average of 16 degrees over three hours) and was marked on workplace thermometers but I believe there's a newer act. 

It's still worth asking for advice, if only to benefit from current workers' rights before they disappear in a puff of Brexit smoke

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12 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

They're probably not classed as "fire doors" but if they are and the Fire Inspector pops round..

The 1964 Factories Act used to apply to temperature (average of 16 degrees over three hours) and was marked on workplace thermometers but I believe there's a newer act. 

It's still worth asking for advice, if only to benefit from current workers' rights before they disappear in a puff of Brexit smoke

No, but we do have at least one fire door that doesn't open at the moment  :lol:

The high heid yins seem to have decided things like that aren't their responsibility if they don't know about it. We fill out the requisite forms, file them in the correct place, and they always make sure to "forget" to check the paperwork. Such a weird organisation; we follow everything up by email, so they can't claim we never told them if the shit hits the fan, but it seems like that's their plan.

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Hooo wow, had a phone call now. It was "my poor time management" that resulted in this. The claim was that everyone that did the work is now being paid, and I am now out of a job for not being "man enough" to ask them about it earlier.

the call was really quick but straight after it was done my thought was - which I never really got to say, was a firm thank you f**k you bye call - "hang on its not my time management behind this mess then surely its shitty communication, no-one told us when we were to do this work or CRUCIALLY that we'd actually be paid for it". and it was said in the call to remind me that at the start of the job we were told our trackers were our own responsibility - so thinking we were doing this in our own time wasnt outlandish, I got TOLD THAT by my line manager ffs that we'd be expected to do these in our lunches if we didn't finish them in time when I first started! 

I mean like the screenshot above I asked someone on my team about it and they thought the exact same as me; another colleague talked about doing it during their weekend ffs. I didn't feel like I could bring it up with anyone, and that seems a fair point too; why was it put on us to "be a man" and ask them about it rather than them being proactive and nipping the worries in the bud? There were conflicting priorities to do our normal work vs. doing this tracker stuff, why didn't anyone put our minds to rest over it and reassure us that we would get paid for our time?

Still ultimately doesnt change that its a dead end job which has a shelf life and will probably be completely redundant in a year or two anyway, still glad I've got more of my free time back, still confident I will eventually get something else thats more enjoyable and it wont be too hard to get something lined up, just that given the circumstances it might take a while (nightshift shelf stackers at Tesco make more money ffs). Still doesnt change, too, that we got arsed about when setting up to work from home.

They weren't happy but I'm not all that frustrated now, just need to get on with what I want to do from here at my end. Genuinely feel a bit happier that they are at least paying the other temps for it, would have preferred to be told that we'd get paid sooner and avoid murdering my motivation at the place.

A part of me wonders if they've only brought up the issue of pay for this now that I've fired off an (aggressive apparently, didn't swear in it and didn't curse out any of them but maybe they took it that way) email, maybe someone else has asked the question about pay, who knows. Can't be proven but it has the feel that they were chancing it. Speculating but if they were waiting to get clearance or something to be able to pay us and that caused the delay then again, as above, why not just tell us that?

In an alternative universe I'd be interested to see how this would have unfolded in the office; maybe the communication would have been better (even just through word of mouth) and the fact we're working from home has played a part here too.

Firmly in a JC denton "what a shame" mood over it, with a hint of American Beauty "you don't get to tell me what to do ever again" in there. It's worrysome thinking about letting family know and trying to explain this shitshow to them.

Ahhhh, it's done now. Perhaps I was partially in the wrong here, maybe even mostly, it wouldn't be the first time. I'd sooner forget this whole experience.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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1 hour ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Hooo wow, had a phone call now. It was "my poor time management" that resulted in this. The claim was that everyone that did the work is now being paid, and I am now out of a job for not being "man enough" to ask them about it earlier.

the call was really quick but straight after it was done my thought was - which I never really got to say, was a firm thank you f**k you bye call - "hang on its not my time management behind this mess then surely its shitty communication, no-one told us when we were to do this work or CRUCIALLY that we'd actually be paid for it". and it was said in the call to remind me that at the start of the job we were told our trackers were our own responsibility - so thinking we were doing this in our own time wasnt outlandish, I got TOLD THAT by my line manager ffs that we'd be expected to do these in our lunches if we didn't finish them in time when I first started! 

I mean like the screenshot above I asked someone on my team about it and they thought the exact same as me; another colleague talked about doing it during their weekend ffs. I didn't feel like I could bring it up with anyone, and that seems a fair point too; why was it put on us to "be a man" and ask them about it rather than them being proactive and nipping the worries in the bud? There were conflicting priorities to do our normal work vs. doing this tracker stuff, why didn't anyone put our minds to rest over it and reassure us that we would get paid for our time?

Still ultimately doesnt change that its a dead end job which has a shelf life and will probably be completely redundant in a year or two anyway, still glad I've got more of my free time back, still confident I will eventually get something else thats more enjoyable and it wont be too hard to get something lined up, just that given the circumstances it might take a while (nightshift shelf stackers at Tesco make more money ffs). Still doesnt change, too, that we got arsed about when setting up to work from home.

They weren't happy but I'm not all that frustrated now, just need to get on with what I want to do from here at my end. Genuinely feel a bit happier that they are at least paying the other temps for it, would have preferred to be told that we'd get paid sooner and avoid murdering my motivation at the place.

A part of me wonders if they've only brought up the issue of pay for this now that I've fired off an (aggressive apparently, didn't swear in it and didn't curse out any of them but maybe they took it that way) email, maybe someone else has asked the question about pay, who knows. Can't be proven but it has the feel that they were chancing it. Speculating but if they were waiting to get clearance or something to be able to pay us and that caused the delay then again, as above, why not just tell us that?

In an alternative universe I'd be interested to see how this would have unfolded in the office; maybe the communication would have been better (even just through word of mouth) and the fact we're working from home has played a part here too.

Firmly in a JC denton "what a shame" mood over it, with a hint of American Beauty "you don't get to tell me what to do ever again" in there. It's worrysome thinking about letting family know and trying to explain this shitshow to them.

Ahhhh, it's done now. Perhaps I was partially in the wrong here, maybe even mostly, it wouldn't be the first time. I'd sooner forget this whole experience.

They sound like a bunch of absolute fucking c***s going out of their way to exploit temp staff as much as possible. f**k them. They were absolutely definitely hoping that no one would say anything and they’d get out of paying anyone for the work done.

If staff haven’t got a clue what’s going on, thats the fault of management for not communicating properly, not the fault of staff for not ‘being man enough.’ The fact they’ve used that phrase at all suggests that you’re far better off out of there.

Best of luck going forward anyway.

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Guest bernardblack
22 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Hooo wow, had a phone call now. It was "my poor time management" that resulted in this. The claim was that everyone that did the work is now being paid, and I am now out of a job for not being "man enough" to ask them about it earlier.

the call was really quick but straight after it was done my thought was - which I never really got to say, was a firm thank you f**k you bye call - "hang on its not my time management behind this mess then surely its shitty communication, no-one told us when we were to do this work or CRUCIALLY that we'd actually be paid for it". and it was said in the call to remind me that at the start of the job we were told our trackers were our own responsibility - so thinking we were doing this in our own time wasnt outlandish, I got TOLD THAT by my line manager ffs that we'd be expected to do these in our lunches if we didn't finish them in time when I first started! 

I mean like the screenshot above I asked someone on my team about it and they thought the exact same as me; another colleague talked about doing it during their weekend ffs. I didn't feel like I could bring it up with anyone, and that seems a fair point too; why was it put on us to "be a man" and ask them about it rather than them being proactive and nipping the worries in the bud? There were conflicting priorities to do our normal work vs. doing this tracker stuff, why didn't anyone put our minds to rest over it and reassure us that we would get paid for our time?

Still ultimately doesnt change that its a dead end job which has a shelf life and will probably be completely redundant in a year or two anyway, still glad I've got more of my free time back, still confident I will eventually get something else thats more enjoyable and it wont be too hard to get something lined up, just that given the circumstances it might take a while (nightshift shelf stackers at Tesco make more money ffs). Still doesnt change, too, that we got arsed about when setting up to work from home.

They weren't happy but I'm not all that frustrated now, just need to get on with what I want to do from here at my end. Genuinely feel a bit happier that they are at least paying the other temps for it, would have preferred to be told that we'd get paid sooner and avoid murdering my motivation at the place.

A part of me wonders if they've only brought up the issue of pay for this now that I've fired off an (aggressive apparently, didn't swear in it and didn't curse out any of them but maybe they took it that way) email, maybe someone else has asked the question about pay, who knows. Can't be proven but it has the feel that they were chancing it. Speculating but if they were waiting to get clearance or something to be able to pay us and that caused the delay then again, as above, why not just tell us that?

In an alternative universe I'd be interested to see how this would have unfolded in the office; maybe the communication would have been better (even just through word of mouth) and the fact we're working from home has played a part here too.

Firmly in a JC denton "what a shame" mood over it, with a hint of American Beauty "you don't get to tell me what to do ever again" in there. It's worrysome thinking about letting family know and trying to explain this shitshow to them.

Ahhhh, it's done now. Perhaps I was partially in the wrong here, maybe even mostly, it wouldn't be the first time. I'd sooner forget this whole experience.

Sounds like you are best out of there mate. Enjoy the spare time and you’ll find something new soon enough

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22 hours ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

They sound like a bunch of absolute fucking c***s going out of their way to exploit temp staff as much as possible. f**k them. They were absolutely definitely hoping that no one would say anything and they’d get out of paying anyone for the work done.

If staff haven’t got a clue what’s going on, thats the fault of management for not communicating properly, not the fault of staff for not ‘being man enough.’ The fact they’ve used that phrase at all suggests that you’re far better off out of there.

Best of luck going forward anyway.



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3 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Should've offered the c**t out to Ruel Street after that "man enough" comment.  See how big his cajones are then.

tempted, but it was a she, ha! Probably a blessing to be WFH, avoided any heads gone #scenes at the office that may have unfolded in another timeline.

thanks for the support. Increasingly certain I've made the right call. Also occurred to me; why we weren't doing these ID refs from the start of january, feels like this has been someone elses f**k up that we were meant to fix for all our tracker spreadsheets. Pinning it all on "my poor timekeeping" - again remembered after the call that we were told to wait a few days to see if it calmed down w/o any mention of getting it backdated or anything if we were to do it in our own time lol. + both my teammates were under the exact same impression as me - is a pile of shite. Very odd that she said "the temps are now going to be paid", realised in a bit of a shower moment but I have a feeling they weren't going to before this shambles unfolded. Little annoyed I never asked the question, would be dynamite if I had it in writing somewhere that no we were to do these in our own time, but perhaps they'd have been fly and done it on a quick call or something rather than get it in writing. Fuckers.

Just enjoying the time off the now, will get my UC claim started on Monday and touch up the CV etc. probably a haircut from somewhere if I can rope someone that knows what they're doing into it with a pair of clippers...

I know I mentioned it earlier but legit wasn't intended to be disparaging about Tesco shelf stackers at the nightshift, was recommended it elsewhere as a suggestion for a job I might find a bit more straightforward to get shifts in at the minute - no customers/very few if its a big 24 hour store, comfy, relatively straightforward work. If your colleagues are decent you can have some fun arsing about a little and all. Been better at sticking to my cardio/pishy weights routine from home recently so the physical side of it might be alright and all.

Working firmly on a "can't be any worse than what went before" proviso the now. Will see what I can get.

edit: If anyone happens to know anything Glasgow wise that they reckon I could do with applying to I'd be very grateful; sadly not in a position to give you a commission apart from maybe a nice wee green dot/square/circle on here I'm afraid, so no worries if I can't talk any of you into doing the hard bit for me. No degree education, shitey admin work most of my working life and an HND in Accounting that has been pointless so far since all accounting entry level work wants either professional accreditations or 1 - 2+ years of accounts experience which I can't get as a placement or voluntarily. Also legit unsure what sort of accounting work would even interest me, bookkeeping was the more interesting modules for me, no idea if transactional finance would be up my street or not as no real practice with it. Will work for food, harr dee harr.

na but srsly im not all that fussy so open to any suggestions.

I saw ACCA were looking for customer service advisors so was tempted to go for that, not all that keen on call centre work but the job advert sounded like it might be quite cool and a good bit more involved than shitty data processing. If its still open I'll apply for it once I do my UC claim and fix my CV up, think it needs a bit of simplification too tbh. a wee bit wary of trying to do contact centre work from home which would seem a bit... odd, but i think it might be open and you go to the office for the training part of it and then you work from home, would need to check the ad again.

(The CV will just say reason for leaving: temp contract expired, but holy shit there's so much more to it than that :lol: )

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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39 minutes ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

tempted, but it was a she, ha! Probably a blessing to be WFH, avoided any heads gone #scenes at the office that may have unfolded in another timeline.

thanks for the support. Increasingly certain I've made the right call. Also occurred to me; why we weren't doing these ID refs from the start of january, feels like this has been someone elses f**k up that we were meant to fix for all our tracker spreadsheets. Pinning it all on "my poor timekeeping" - again remembered after the call that we were told to wait a few days to see if it calmed down w/o any mention of getting it backdated or anything if we were to do it in our own time lol. + both my teammates were under the exact same impression as me - is a pile of shite. Very odd that she said "the temps are now going to be paid", realised in a bit of a shower moment but I have a feeling they weren't going to before this shambles unfolded. Little annoyed I never asked the question, would be dynamite if I had it in writing somewhere that no we were to do these in our own time, but perhaps they'd have been fly and done it on a quick call or something rather than get it in writing. Fuckers.

Just enjoying the time off the now, will get my UC claim started on Monday and touch up the CV etc. probably a haircut from somewhere if I can rope someone that knows what they're doing into it with a pair of clippers...

I know I mentioned it earlier but legit wasn't intended to be disparaging about Tesco shelf stackers at the nightshift, was recommended it elsewhere as a suggestion for a job I might find a bit more straightforward to get shifts in at the minute - no customers/very few if its a big 24 hour store, comfy, relatively straightforward work. If your colleagues are decent you can have some fun arsing about a little and all. Been better at sticking to my cardio/pishy weights routine from home recently so the physical side of it might be alright and all.

Working firmly on a "can't be any worse than what went before" proviso the now. Will see what I can get.

edit: If anyone happens to know anything Glasgow wise that they reckon I could do with applying to I'd be very grateful; sadly not in a position to give you a commission apart from maybe a nice wee green dot/square/circle on here I'm afraid, so no worries if I can't talk any of you into doing the hard bit for me. No degree education, shitey admin work most of my working life and an HND in Accounting that has been pointless so far since all accounting entry level work wants either professional accreditations or 1 - 2+ years of accounts experience which I can't get as a placement or voluntarily. Also legit unsure what sort of accounting work would even interest me, bookkeeping was the more interesting modules for me, no idea if transactional finance would be up my street or not as no real practice with it. Will work for food, harr dee harr.

na but srsly im not all that fussy so open to any suggestions.

I saw ACCA were looking for customer service advisors so was tempted to go for that, not all that keen on call centre work but the job advert sounded like it might be quite cool and a good bit more involved than shitty data processing. If its still open I'll apply for it once I do my UC claim and fix my CV up, think it needs a bit of simplification too tbh. a wee bit wary of trying to do contact centre work from home which would seem a bit... odd, but i think it might be open and you go to the office for the training part of it and then you work from home, would need to check the ad again.

(The CV will just say reason for leaving: temp contract expired, but holy shit there's so much more to it than that :lol: )

You got asked to to something unpaid and told them to do one. They didn’t like you sticking up for yourself and then insulted you blaming you for not asking about it. Being a temp is shit and shouldn’t be an excuse to treat people badly. I wouldn’t worry about leaving there. They’ll have plenty others doing the same if that’s how they treat people.

I see Amazon let their workers stay home in the snow recently, was surprised at that. Maybe getting their act together?

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13 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

tempted, but it was a she, ha! Probably a blessing to be WFH, avoided any heads gone #scenes at the office that may have unfolded in another timeline.

thanks for the support. Increasingly certain I've made the right call. Also occurred to me; why we weren't doing these ID refs from the start of january, feels like this has been someone elses f**k up that we were meant to fix for all our tracker spreadsheets. Pinning it all on "my poor timekeeping" - again remembered after the call that we were told to wait a few days to see if it calmed down w/o any mention of getting it backdated or anything if we were to do it in our own time lol. + both my teammates were under the exact same impression as me - is a pile of shite. Very odd that she said "the temps are now going to be paid", realised in a bit of a shower moment but I have a feeling they weren't going to before this shambles unfolded. Little annoyed I never asked the question, would be dynamite if I had it in writing somewhere that no we were to do these in our own time, but perhaps they'd have been fly and done it on a quick call or something rather than get it in writing. Fuckers.

Just enjoying the time off the now, will get my UC claim started on Monday and touch up the CV etc. probably a haircut from somewhere if I can rope someone that knows what they're doing into it with a pair of clippers...

I know I mentioned it earlier but legit wasn't intended to be disparaging about Tesco shelf stackers at the nightshift, was recommended it elsewhere as a suggestion for a job I might find a bit more straightforward to get shifts in at the minute - no customers/very few if its a big 24 hour store, comfy, relatively straightforward work. If your colleagues are decent you can have some fun arsing about a little and all. Been better at sticking to my cardio/pishy weights routine from home recently so the physical side of it might be alright and all.

Working firmly on a "can't be any worse than what went before" proviso the now. Will see what I can get.

edit: If anyone happens to know anything Glasgow wise that they reckon I could do with applying to I'd be very grateful; sadly not in a position to give you a commission apart from maybe a nice wee green dot/square/circle on here I'm afraid, so no worries if I can't talk any of you into doing the hard bit for me. No degree education, shitey admin work most of my working life and an HND in Accounting that has been pointless so far since all accounting entry level work wants either professional accreditations or 1 - 2+ years of accounts experience which I can't get as a placement or voluntarily. Also legit unsure what sort of accounting work would even interest me, bookkeeping was the more interesting modules for me, no idea if transactional finance would be up my street or not as no real practice with it. Will work for food, harr dee harr.

na but srsly im not all that fussy so open to any suggestions.

I saw ACCA were looking for customer service advisors so was tempted to go for that, not all that keen on call centre work but the job advert sounded like it might be quite cool and a good bit more involved than shitty data processing. If its still open I'll apply for it once I do my UC claim and fix my CV up, think it needs a bit of simplification too tbh. a wee bit wary of trying to do contact centre work from home which would seem a bit... odd, but i think it might be open and you go to the office for the training part of it and then you work from home, would need to check the ad again.

(The CV will just say reason for leaving: temp contract expired, but holy shit there's so much more to it than that :lol: )

No expert, but  I've long been under the impression that many self employed people/small businesses needed book-keepers. 

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