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52 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Presumably he was a contractor?

The contracting industry was where I saw these types of problem repeatedly occurring.


47 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Not for individual contractors who make up (or used to) a big portion of offshore staff.

That is a fair point. However, you would need to know what information about his employment status he gave to the advisor before arriving at the answer as to who was at fault for arranging the cover.

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32 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

"second deputy"? So there's a senior c**t with a deputy, and a second deputy under that? And none of them appear wise to what's going on here despite numerous meetings? Are my taxes funding this complete caper? 

The Prof sees that there are far too many fuckers employed to do the same job and is tying them in knots. I hope he comes out of this well. 

Left hand, have you met the right hand?

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1 minute ago, Archie McSquackle said:
2 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:
Well, none of them take minutes of meetings...

I can understand it when it's maybe only been 2 or 3 people meeting but as soon as it was mentioned there was a "misunderstanding" from the meeting when everyone involved got together I immediately thought does no-one take minutes of the meetings?

Always take notes at meetings, no matter how few are in attendance, even if they are not classed as official minutes. Always.

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9 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I'd have thought that there would be one or two admin assistants who will serve the entire department.

We have a few more than that but need many, many more. Take the exam board process as an example - the amount of work that the 2 admin staff do to prepare these is ridiculous. They work evenings and weekends to get that done. And their jobs only relate to student admin. 

Nobody takes minutes in meetings these days except official meetings of record like exam board meetings, Senate and other committees. Until this prof came along nobody needed to take minutes on what is normally an informal meeting on "this is your teaching this year". Now I have heard a suggestion from a colleague that when they meet the Prof, they'll record the meeting on Teams. His reputation for being less than truthful is growing.

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7 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I am very glad I did not pursue a career in academia. 

The thread has focused on this one specific problem in the last couple of weeks. But for me, I really enjoy my career. I get a nice mix of stuff, teaching and admin. I don't trumpet this enough but there is something great about seeing a kid fresh out of school nervously starting their first year, turning in to a confident, qualified person ready to go out and tackle their own career. There are times when I've genuinely been able to help someone, and not just through standing and talking in front of class, but through some other stuff. These stories won't ever appear on P&B but being able to help someone who is struggling, in trouble, worried or whatever is a great feeling I never got anywhere else. 

Research is great fun if you're into that kind of thing. I am, I enjoy learning stuff nobody ever knew before and telling people about it. There is a freedom to that I like - if I wanted to, I could decide tomorrow to do some work on climate change. I won't because I did that about 10 years ago and found it dull. But I could choose to research literally anything and spend my time doing that.

Admin is shite but admin is everywhere; no job escapes it. 

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