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The Worst Posters in P&B History (2017 Edition)

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12 minutes ago, sjc said:

I wouldn't say it's as definitive as that. Whilst there is Western junk food available, I wouldn't say it's a mainstay diet for many Japanese people young or old.

Even though there is obesity here it's definitely not anywhere near the levels of the UK. The fact that most kids cycle everywhere and have long active days probably helps too.


Why ?  

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5 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

Guy I know worked over there for a while and said there was a weird generational thing going on, with most of the women 40 and up really petite and straight up'n'down whereas the girls in their 20s were almost invariably a good bit taller with a fair bit of curvature going on.  He put it down to the shift in diet too; the younger ones have grown up eating  Western style.

They have now that SJC lives there...


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12 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

Guy I know worked over there for a while and said there was a weird generational thing going on, with most of the women 40 and up really petite and straight up'n'down whereas the girls in their 20s were almost invariably a good bit taller with a fair bit of curvature going on.  He put it down to the shift in diet too; the younger ones have grown up eating  Western style.

Japan went through some very hard times during and immediately after WWII, so it's a bit like being in and around Glasgow back in the 70s sometimes as you see some very small older people that had rickets when they were children. Food security is always a major issue in Japan as they can't grow enough food to feed the population. They heavily subsidize rice farming to make sure they have something to fall back on in a global crisis. It's only in the last few decades with the success of the industrial economy that it became easy to eat to excess and have regular access to western staples like bread, beef etc.  The younger generation take that for granted now. The older generation still tend to stick to the diet they had when things were different, which is heavy on sea food, rice and a very limited range of vegetables that tend to be quite different from western ones. Seems to be very healthy to eat that way as they tend to come out on top on life expectancy rankings.

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1 hour ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Japan went through some very hard times during and immediately after WWII, so it's a bit like being in and around Glasgow back in the 70s sometimes as you see some very small older people that had rickets when they were children. Food security is always a major issue in Japan as they can't grow enough food to feed the population. They heavily subsidize rice farming to make sure they have something to fall back on in a global crisis. It's only in the last few decades with the success of the industrial economy that it became easy to eat to excess and have regular access to western staples like bread, beef etc.  The younger generation take that for granted now. The older generation still tend to stick to the diet they had when things were different, which is heavy on sea food, rice and a very limited range of vegetables that tend to be quite different from western ones. Seems to be very healthy to eat that way as they tend to come out on top on life expectancy rankings.

Have a Charles for some genuinely interesting reading.

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There’s been no meltdowns of note. No resignations. Now everyone is discussing whether Japan has fat people or not.

This thread was already dead when it started.

Add to that the fact that the top five are pretty much a certainty. They'll be no tension of any kind (not that there is right now of course).
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28 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

Very disappointing if I'm honest 

I believe you are very honest heedthebaa.   Your posts sadly provide the affirmation that you're a useless f**k.    Still....plus points for being honest. 

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12 hours ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

There’s a lot of website where I can imagine “chubby/fat Japanese girl” is a very popular search term. For any p&bers looking to see if they exist.

I was grateful for this tip at least.

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I don't know about you all but I'm on tenterhooks here waiting to find out whose the 38th worst poster on P&B. Wish I'd started posting on here years ago and been enthralled by these awards.

Mate, obviously not your mate. Do you suffer from Desperation?
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