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22 hours ago, Zen Archer said:

#There's something in my spare#

Aled Jones

You know, he never actually sang on that fucking terrible "Walking in the Air" song? He got the credit for it but it was some record label balls up. The take the producer decided was the best cut was of someone else singing it. 


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He did sing WITA, its just he didn't sing it in the actual Snowman. Everyone thinks he did but that was someone else, so he's been stealing a living for 30 years - deserves to be on the #beast list just for that.

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58 minutes ago, Zen Archer said:

There will be a fair bit of truth in what he's saying but it's not something I'd say as the real(might all be) victims will take it as an attack on them, they've probably had more than their share of bad times over it without some celeb throwing their tuppence worth in.

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"I hate rape... But in many cases, one looks at the circumstances and thinks that the person who is considered a victim is merely disappointed."


I take it Morrissey has more shit records to sell. 

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"I hate rape... But in many cases, one looks at the circumstances and thinks that the person who is considered a victim is merely disappointed."
I take it Morrissey has more shit records to sell. 

The way people fawn over this guy like he's some kind of genius is sickening.

Morrisey fans are OFTW
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He did sing WITA, its just he didn't sing it in the actual Snowman. Everyone thinks he did but that was someone else, so he's been stealing a living for 30 years - deserves to be on the #beast list just for that.

IIRC he got to record it because the original singer's balls had dropped by the time they wanted to put the record out, and he could no longer hit the required pitch.
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