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c***s on the road

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Well after the success of the train and holiday threads, you can vent your spleen about road users here. Mine are the p***k that was so close to me on Friday morning that he would've rear ended me if I'd touched the brake. And today I've been pissed off at middle lane wankers and drivers in the overtaking lane driving at 10mph below the limit despite the conditions being perfect.

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c***s who speed up and pace you when you're overtaking them, forcing you to go faster than you intended.

c***s who you can clearly see need to overtake the car in front of them, yet they haven't worked it out. Then they pull out into the fast lane, in front of you, at the last second.

c***s who cant understand mistakes happen and follow soneone blaring their horn and screaming blue murder for 10 minutes.

c***s who don't fancy waiting in a queue and go along the next lane before bullying their way in at the last second. 

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2 minutes ago, philpy said:

c***s who trundle past a junction slow as f**k when there is a gap in the traffic coming the other way.

This causes me almost limitless seethe. Utter c***s. 


1. Pensioners bimbling about in stupid wee fucking cars like the Renault Modus, Kia Picanto etc. Old c***s. 

2. People who don't acknowledge you for letting them through (almost always female drivers, clearly terrified to take one hand off the wheel for a second). c***s. 

3. Pensioners trying to reverse park (badly) at lunchtime in a busy narrow street, and having to wait ages for the useless fuckers to get out of the way. c***s. 

4. Being tailgated by inadequate welts, usually Audis or Range Rovers. Although this can be good fun on long stretches of narrow, windy roads with few overtaking opportunities. 

5. Pensioners (again) that pull out of a junction on your left and then fanny about along the road at 15mph.  c***s.

6. Inconsiderate campervan drivers that seem all too pleased to be holding up 30+ cars on the A82. c***s. 

In summary, folk should have to resit their test when hitting pension age, you fail, you get a fucking bus pass. Campervan drivers who let masses of traffic build up behind them should be hosed with machine gun fire. 

c***s the lot of them.

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Anyone who expects to be able to turn right onto Grahams Road in Falkirk.

This but i will raise you the kants at hope st lights going on to coburn st who wander from the right hand lane into the left without using mirrors or indicating. They need to bathe in sulphuric acid.
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7 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:

This causes me almost limitless seethe. Utter c***s. 


1. Pensioners bimbling about in stupid wee fucking cars like the Renault Modus, Kia Picanto etc. Old c***s. 

2. People who don't acknowledge you for letting them through (almost always female drivers, clearly terrified to take one hand off the wheel for a second). c***s. 

3. Pensioners trying to reverse park (badly) at lunchtime in a busy narrow street, and having to wait ages for the useless fuckers to get out of the way. c***s. 

4. Being tailgated by inadequate welts, usually Audis or Range Rovers. Although this can be good fun on long stretches of narrow, windy roads with few overtaking opportunities. 

5. Pensioners (again) that pull out of a junction on your left and then fanny about along the road at 15mph.  c***s.

6. Inconsiderate campervan drivers that seem all too pleased to be holding up 30+ cars on the A82. c***s. 

In summary, folk should have to resit their test when hitting pension age, you fail, you get a fucking bus pass. Campervan drivers who let masses of traffic build up behind them should be hosed with machine gun fire. 

c***s the lot of them.

Bimbling. Never a better word used on here.

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Guest Moomintroll
c***s who speed up and pace you when you're overtaking them, forcing you to go faster than you intended.
c***s who you can clearly see need to overtake the car in front of them, yet they haven't worked it out. Then they pull out into the fast lane, in front of you, at the last second.
c***s who cant understand mistakes happen and follow soneone blaring their horn and screaming blue murder for 10 minutes.
c***s who don't fancy waiting in a queue and go along the next lane before bullying their way in at the last second. 

Agree wholeheartedly with the general sentiment, however, people who are responsible for point 2 do turn me into the lunatic in point 3 so they are a bit contradictory. Although in fairness I do settle for blaring the horn once and calling them whatever springs to mind at the time so not really excessive levels of seethe.
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