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c***s on the road

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7 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Arseholes who slow down to almost stopping for a small speedbump. How am I supposed to judge that if I'm behind you?

Don't fancy your chances if a child runs out in front of the bus ahead of you.

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c***s that don't turn their full beam off.

This. Happens fairly regularly to me on the A96.
Flash them(snigger) to tell them they've got full beam on, they dip and then flash back as I've had the audacity to not want blinded.

Cvnts. Utter, utter cvnts.
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This. Happens fairly regularly to me on the A96.
Flash them(snigger) to tell them they've got full beam on, they dip and then flash back as I've had the audacity to not want blinded.

Cvnts. Utter, utter cvnts.

Most turn off when you flash but you still get a complete tosser who doesn't.

The other day I had a guy behind me with his full beam on and wouldn't turn it off. Utter cock of a person.
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I'm going to be controversial and add driving at over 70 mph to the list. Everything is fine and jolly until the unlikely event of having to make an emergency stop. It's not so much the braking distance involved as the likelihood of losing control of your vehicle.

I had to apply the brakes suddenly once doing 70 mph and, looking back I'm happy that I got that lesson. Shudder to think about a similar situation at 80 mph upwards. It's something you are not taught when learning to drive...  

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c***s who enter a box junction before there's enough space ahead of them to clear said junction, therefore blocking the junction for everyone around them
c***s who who don't have the decency to turn their full beam off as they drive past you, even when you flash
c***s who don't have the decency to pull in to let an ambulance past them
c***s who overtake before proceeding to drive right in front of you for the rest of the journey
c***s who tailgate while you're going the speed limit
c***s who aggressively tailgate learner drivers, don't be a c**t
c***s who advance past the first stop line at a junction and sit in the area reserved for cyclists
c***s who run red lights
c***s who think driving a 4x4 means they own the road
c***s who slow down to look at an accident
c***s who don't look as they begin to reverse
c***s who don't look as they're coming out of a parking space
c***s who don't slow down while they're going through a puddle, therefore soaking all cars and people within a 5 metre radius
c***s who park on double yellow lines
c***s who park on inconsiderate parts of the road that aren't double yellow, just because it's not a double yellow doesn't mean you're not a c**t
c***s who think that being in the correct lane means they don't have to indicate
c***s who don't indicate until they've started turning
c***s who don't indicate

People are c***s


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People who signal right at a standard-layout roundabout then proceed to go straight on. I've no idea where this has come from but enough people do this that it has to be more than just an occasional brainfart. Naturally they don't signal left when they do reach their intended exit.

People who barge their way out of a junction, forcing me to rapidly brake, and then sit in front of me at a lower speed than I was originally going, when the road behind me is clear for a good mile.

People who undertake on a dual carriageway and slip into the braking distance I've left between me and the car in front whose speed I am matching.

People who think driving slowly is all it takes to drive safely, and don't bother with signals or lane discipline or awareness of other road users.

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23 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Arseholes who slow down to almost stopping for a small speedbump. How am I supposed to judge that if I'm behind you?

By being far enough behind them to be able to react. You're obviously a tailgater. 

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15 hours ago, Angusfifer said:

I'm going to be controversial and add driving at over 70 mph to the list. Everything is fine and jolly until the unlikely event of having to make an emergency stop. It's not so much the braking distance involved as the likelihood of losing control of your vehicle.

I had to apply the brakes suddenly once doing 70 mph and, looking back I'm happy that I got that lesson. Shudder to think about a similar situation at 80 mph upwards. It's something you are not taught when learning to drive...

Breaking the law bit aside ( I get that bit), just because you have no idea of how to control a vehicle in such a situation, don't tar us all with the same brush. 

Plenty people actually drive their vehicles instead of just operating them. They have a decent idea of the dynamics involved and are more than competent in the situation you describe.  These days where most vehicles are ABS equipped make it safer still although I concede the stopping distance may be slightly increased with ABS versus a skilled driver in a similar non ABS equipped vehicle. 

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1 minute ago, Trackdaybob said:

Breaking the law bit aside ( I get that bit), just because you have no idea of how to control a vehicle in such a situation, don't tar us all with the same brush. 

Plenty people actually drive their vehicles instead of just operating them. They have a decent idea of the dynamics involved and are more than competent in the situation you describe.  These days where most vehicles are ABS equipped make it safer still although I concede the stopping distance may be slightly increased with ABS versus a skilled driver in a similar non ABS equipped vehicle. 

Agree with this, and also, technology in vehicles has come a long way, as has the quality of motorways (steady, on the whole they have) so the 70mph limit is now antiquated and out of date. 

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4 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Agree with this, and also, technology in vehicles has come a long way, as has the quality of motorways (steady, on the whole they have) so the 70mph limit is now antiquated and out of date. 

I'd agree with this. 30mph in town still makes sense because pedestrians haven't got any quicker or cleverer, but on the motorway higher speeds should be legal, although a longer braking distance would be required for it to be safe.

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c***s that seem to need to stop completely before making a right turn into a side street from a main road. Fair enough if you're driving an artic, but in a car???


(BTW imagine it's a left turn they're making if you're in the UK)

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11 hours ago, Angusfifer said:

So basically we should increase the speed limit to allow all the aforementioned c***s in this thread to drive even more dangerously...

There's always the argument put forward about the autobahn having no real speed limit, and we could do that here.

Except, as you say, the majority of people in the UK can barely drive competently at 40mph or less.

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