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c***s on the road

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6 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

c***s turning right at traffic lights, who don't pull forward into position so that firstly, the sensors recognise the requirement to turn on the right filter, and secondly to be in a position where a gap in the oncoming traffic can be taken advantage of.

Usually leaving themselves and often me stuck in no man's lands when the lights turn back to red.

This happened to me today at the lights at home bargains. 

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17 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

c***s turning right at traffic lights, who don't pull forward into position so that firstly, the sensors recognise the requirement to turn on the right filter, and secondly to be in a position where a gap in the oncoming traffic can be taken advantage of.

Usually leaving themselves and often me stuck in no man's lands when the lights turn back to red.


11 hours ago, gav-ffc said:

This happened to me today at the lights at home bargains. 

Bet they were pensioners in lowest-model-in-the-portfolio (ie Picanto, C5, Aygo etc), Stenny/Larbert is polluted with these types trickling round the streets, seemingly just using up a few more hours while waiting for death.



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3 minutes ago, Boghead ranter said:


Bet they were pensioners in lowest-model-in-the-portfolio (ie Picanto, C5, Aygo etc), Stenny/Larbert is polluted with these types trickling round the streets, seemingly just using up a few more hours while waiting for death.



The lights the Crown, Asda, B&M, Larbert Cross. 


All have right filter lanes, all utterly haunted by these clowns who don't know how it works. 

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I normally drive in to work, but today the wife took the wheel.

Always seems that when she is driving, everyone else on the road goes a bit mental. This morning she had a van drive virtually on her bumper with the high beams on, two cars pulling in to the lane right in front of her, making her slam the brakes on. Over and over, it seemed that folk were trying to cause an accident.

from now on, I'll drive.

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3 hours ago, Boghead ranter said:


Bet they were pensioners in lowest-model-in-the-portfolio (ie Picanto, C5, Aygo etc), Stenny/Larbert is polluted with these types trickling round the streets, seemingly just using up a few more hours while waiting for death.



Aye spot on was an Aygo.

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Taxi drivers. They are consistently the worst group of driver I've encountered. A few years ago, I had one tailgate me on the Erskine bridge despite the right hand lane being completely empty. He did overtake me as we got onto the motorway and a few minutes later I saw him use the hard shoulder to undertake someone. In the summer, there was one that indicated left to go round a left hand bend. And this morning I witnessed (and only avoided hitting by slamming the brakes) one reverse into a busy, rush hour main road.  I'm sure not all taxi drivers are bad drivers but the ones who are don't half give their profession a bad name.

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On 27/10/2022 at 08:31, Boghead ranter said:


Bet they were pensioners in lowest-model-in-the-portfolio (ie Picanto, C5, Aygo etc), Stenny/Larbert is polluted with these types trickling round the streets, seemingly just using up a few more hours while waiting for death.



Larbert is haunted full stop.

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23 hours ago, microdave said:

Taxi drivers. They are consistently the worst group of driver I've encountered. A few years ago, I had one tailgate me on the Erskine bridge despite the right hand lane being completely empty. He did overtake me as we got onto the motorway and a few minutes later I saw him use the hard shoulder to undertake someone. In the summer, there was one that indicated left to go round a left hand bend. And this morning I witnessed (and only avoided hitting by slamming the brakes) one reverse into a busy, rush hour main road.  I'm sure not all taxi drivers are bad drivers but the ones who are don't half give their profession a bad name.

I recently saw a cock of a taxi driver cause an accident. I was in Bishopbriggs town centre and a taxi did an illegal u-turn around the lights, marked in in blue below. He didn't even indicate and two vans behind him both had to slam on their brakes and collided with each other.

He then pulled in to drop his fare off at the Bank of Scotland and then fled the scene heading North.

I was standing where the red dot is and saw the whole thing, as did a bunch of others, and the two vans pulled in beside us to exchange details. Amusingly the old woman standing next to me had got the taxi company details and gave it to them. They then went into the bank and go the details again from the lady he'd dropped off, and they reported the fud to the cops. 




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Driving along the A71 from Kilmarnock approaching Newmilns. I slow down to 30 on the edge of the village.

Pillock behind me in a flash car overtakes at 40 just at the signs for the 30 speed limit. Just along a bit he turns right into the estate he lives in.

What was the point?

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7 hours ago, milton75 said:

I recently saw a cock of a taxi driver cause an accident. I was in Bishopbriggs town centre and a taxi did an illegal u-turn around the lights, marked in in blue below. He didn't even indicate and two vans behind him both had to slam on their brakes and collided with each other.

He then pulled in to drop his fare off at the Bank of Scotland and then fled the scene heading North.

I was standing where the red dot is and saw the whole thing, as did a bunch of others, and the two vans pulled in beside us to exchange details. Amusingly the old woman standing next to me had got the taxi company details and gave it to them. They then went into the bank and go the details again from the lady he'd dropped off, and they reported the fud to the cops. 




Related to this: people that park on the double yellows indicated by my red line are lazy inconsiderate arseholes and one day I’m going to spend a few hours with a claw hammer meeting many windscreens.




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Driving along the A71 from Kilmarnock approaching Newmilns. I slow down to 30 on the edge of the village.
Pillock behind me in a flash car overtakes at 40 just at the signs for the 30 speed limit. Just along a bit he turns right into the estate he lives in.
What was the point?
Gets him home a little bit earlier to make sure no one is fucking his misses.
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1 hour ago, ajwffc said:
2 hours ago, tamthebam said:
Driving along the A71 from Kilmarnock approaching Newmilns. I slow down to 30 on the edge of the village.
Pillock behind me in a flash car overtakes at 40 just at the signs for the 30 speed limit. Just along a bit he turns right into the estate he lives in.
What was the point?

Gets him home a little bit earlier to make sure no one is fucking his misses.

Aye, well, he was half an hour too late then .. :whistle

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People that sit in the yellow criss-crossed boxes that are supposed to be there to let drivers know that this area should be left clear, in order to let other traffic continue to flow whilst they are stationary.

In order to leave my work I am relying on two lanes of traffic adhering to these yellow boxes, and leaving me a gap to drive through so I can get on to the road travelling in the opposite direction. I would say at least twice a week I’m met with people disregarding these road markings and completely blocking me off. I usually throw my hands up in disbelief or try and get their attention, and sometimes you can see them realising what they’ve done and proceed to try and reverse back or move further up.

A few weeks ago after sitting and watching a workies van pull up straight on to the yellow box, as I sat there with my indicator on clearly waiting to pull out, I decided to edge my way round a gap behind him and pull up to his window. He was completely oblivious as to the nuisance he was causing, because after getting him to roll his window down and asking ‘are you fucking stupid?’ he didn’t have the first idea what I was on about. I told him he was blocking the full junction and called him a clown, but by the look on his face I fear he is still none the wiser and would do exactly the same next time. 

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Related to this: people that park on the double yellows indicated by my red line are lazy inconsiderate arseholes and one day I’m going to spend a few hours with a claw hammer meeting many windscreens.
I'll happily join you. On that bit of road, you have no idea if the cars are parked or stopped at the lights which can make you feel foolish when you stop behind a parked car that doesn't move when the lights change. And talking of double yellow lines, I was out for a walk one lunchtime and saw a car parked on the pavement (with hazards on) simply because there were double yellows. They must've thought that was acceptable but I was seething.
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People that sit in the yellow criss-crossed boxes that are supposed to be there to let drivers know that this area should be left clear, in order to let other traffic continue to flow whilst they are stationary.
In order to leave my work I am relying on two lanes of traffic adhering to these yellow boxes, and leaving me a gap to drive through so I can get on to the road travelling in the opposite direction. I would say at least twice a week I’m met with people disregarding these road markings and completely blocking me off. I usually throw my hands up in disbelief or try and get their attention, and sometimes you can see them realising what they’ve done and proceed to try and reverse back or move further up.
A few weeks ago after sitting and watching a workies van pull up straight on to the yellow box, as I sat there with my indicator on clearly waiting to pull out, I decided to edge my way round a gap behind him and pull up to his window. He was completely oblivious as to the nuisance he was causing, because after getting him to roll his window down and asking ‘are you fucking stupid?’ he didn’t have the first idea what I was on about. I told him he was blocking the full junction and called him a clown, but by the look on his face I fear he is still none the wiser and would do exactly the same next time. 
You're lucky you didn't get a black eye.
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I thought I was going to see a huge incident in Catania yesterday, a BMW undertaking at the last minute to sneak back onto the duel carriageway from the upcoming slip road. 

Must have been mere inches that he left between himself, the hard barrier and another car completely oblivious on the road until he gets undertaken. 

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