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c***s on the road

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The example which comes to mind, to illustrate my point above, is the Bankfield roundabout on the A77 at Ayr. For a start, it isn't round, more of a parallelogram. As you enter on the 77, both from north and south, there is a long straight stretch into the exits. It's here where a right signal is useful to the waiting traffic trying to enter the roundabout. They are uncertain whether traffic on the roundabout are exiting as you can't rely on them indicating left.
There's no reason on that roundabout to be indicating right unless you are taking the 3rd exit.

The only time it's acceptable to indicate right when taking the second exit is when the exit is past 180 degrees ie right of where you entered
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5 minutes ago, Mr X said:

There's no reason on that roundabout to be indicating right unless you are taking the 3rd exit.

The only time it's acceptable to indicate right when taking the second exit is when the exit is past 180 degrees ie right of where you entered

I've already offered my explanation as to why such action is sometimes helpful: to the traffic seeking to enter from the left. As one who frequently enters the roundabout from the side (Dalmellington) road, I know that it is often unclear whether traffic from the right are exiting or not.

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26 minutes ago, Bold Rover said:

I've already offered my explanation as to why such action is sometimes helpful: to the traffic seeking to enter from the left. As one who frequently enters the roundabout from the side (Dalmellington) road, I know that it is often unclear whether traffic from the right are exiting or not.

I agree with this. In an ideal world where everyone signalled properly it wouldn't be an issue, but with any roundabout that isn't a straightforward NSEW it's helpful. Even going straight on a conventional roundabout I signal left as I pass the first exit so it's clear to anyone entering there. And not everyone will know the exact shape of the roundabout before entering.

Edited by welshbairn
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31 minutes ago, Bold Rover said:

I've already offered my explanation as to why such action is sometimes helpful: to the traffic seeking to enter from the left. As one who frequently enters the roundabout from the side (Dalmellington) road, I know that it is often unclear whether traffic from the right are exiting or not.

Nah. Anyone about to exit the roundabout should be indicating left. Plenty of people don’t but that doesn’t mean you should start using your indicators wrongly to compensate for them.

Edit - what you’re saying could also be quite dangerous. That’s a two lane roundabout so if you’re going straight on you’ll be in the left lane. If you’re indicating right while in the left hand lane people on the right of you will worry you’re about to cut across them.

Edited by eez-eh
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regarding indicating at roundabouts: there are 2x near me that i pass by quite often (near Kelvindale train station)

so for this one, it's pretty straightforward, nice and easy w/ 3 exits. so left indicator if you're going left, no indicator going straight, right indicator for right. The centre island can get a bit... interesting if the road is jam packed but  99% of the time I've not had any issues with it


Literally the next roundabout, however, suddenly becomes a fucking ballsache to get through (especially if there's even moderate traffic. Plenty of the Mexican standoffs mentioned earlier in the thread)


you would not believe how often traffic at all sides of the roundabout will leave at the first exit w/o any indication whatsoever - i think it must be that the exit is so close that they don't think to bother. problem is that I've lost count of the amount of times coming down the same bit the big of road the big truck is on in the image, where I have slowed down for traffic approaching from the right (often having to stop to a complete halt) which has no indicators on and then the chucklefuck takes the 1st exit anyway. if they'd just thought to put their left indicator on I could safely have gone out. now normally I would be having my left indicator on for going on the 1st exit, but not everyone does... so sometimes if there's ANOTHER car approaching at the other side of the roundaboute, they too will give way to their right. basically one person failing to indicate left, especially at rush hour times, can slow the whole thing down to a crawl for a few minutes.

As something of a courtesy if I'm coming out the same bit that the aforementioned chucklefucks were coming from, I'll indicate left if I'm hitting the first exit and I'll indicate right even if its the 2nd exit I'm taking which is technically straight on/before 12 o'clock if you're going by the clock radial rule thing.


Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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1 hour ago, Bold Rover said:

I've already offered my explanation as to why such action is sometimes helpful: to the traffic seeking to enter from the left. As one who frequently enters the roundabout from the side (Dalmellington) road, I know that it is often unclear whether traffic from the right are exiting or not.

I know, but your explanation is wrong. As eez-eh has pointed out, you shouldnt be doing something wrong because everyone else is.

The highway code is pretty clear on indicating at roundabouts

Edited by Mr X
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1 hour ago, eez-eh said:

Nah. Anyone about to exit the roundabout should be indicating left. Plenty of people don’t but that doesn’t mean you should start using your indicators wrongly to compensate for them.

Edit - what you’re saying could also be quite dangerous. That’s a two lane roundabout so if you’re going straight on you’ll be in the left lane. If you’re indicating right while in the left hand lane people on the right of you will worry you’re about to cut across them.

I don't accept I'm indicating wrongly. It would be a brief indicator action, only used when there was no-one else to confuse, for the benefit of traffic seeking to emerge. The shape of the roundabout is an important factor as there is a long straight section heading from the south entrance to the west exit and traffic looks as if it is heading west, to the emerging queue. I think this topic is discussed in Roadcraft but I'm unable to locate my copy.

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11 minutes ago, Bold Rover said:

I don't accept I'm indicating wrongly. It would be a brief indicator action, only used when there was no-one else to confuse, for the benefit of traffic seeking to emerge. The shape of the roundabout is an important factor as there is a long straight section heading from the south entrance to the west exit and traffic looks as if it is heading west, to the emerging queue. I think this topic is discussed in Roadcraft but I'm unable to locate my copy.

If you’re indicating right while going straight on at a roundabout then you are indicating wrongly and are liable to confuse others. The way to let everyone know you are going straight on is to leave your indicators alone until you’re past the first exit, then start indicating left. It’s in the Highway Code. Anyone heading west should be indicating left the whole time, it isn’t your responsibility to make up for those that don’t.

If I was in the right lane of that roundabout with you on my left and you started indicating right I’d probably shit myself that you were about to ram into the side of me.

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Just now, eez-eh said:

If you’re indicating right while going straight on at a roundabout then you are indicating wrongly and are liable to confuse others. The way to let everyone know you are going straight on is to leave your indicators alone until you’re past the first exit, then start indicating left. It’s in the Highway Code. Anyone heading west should be indicating left the whole time, it isn’t your responsibility to make up for those that don’t.

If I was in the right lane of that roundabout with you on my left and you started indicating right I’d probably shit myself that you were about to ram into the side of me.

If you, or anyone else, were on my right, I would not so indicate - it would be alarming and unnecessary.

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1 hour ago, Bold Rover said:

If you, or anyone else, were on my right, I would not so indicate - it would be alarming and unnecessary.

So is indicating right when you are going straight on.  As others have said, your personal justification for this is no excuse for indicating incorrectly.  Just stop doing it and you will be a much better driver.

Edited by strichener
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It's an ever increasing trend.  In a 2 lane roundabout, the driver in front will go in the left hand lane, indicate right, and take the straight on exit. 

There's a couple of roundabouts in Inverness that are big enough so that I can go in the inside lane, not indicating initially of course, and easily and safely take the straight on exit, overtaking the said car in front with ease and with plenty of space.  Indicating left, correctly, as I take said exit straight on.

You get a couple of flashes from folk who think you're in the wrong but it's really because they've been hilariously overtaken on a roundabout.

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It's a weird one for sure. However the geography of some roundabouts and the roadside directions approaching them can make it seem sensible. 

A roundabout i use every week lends itself to it. Always busy. Almost always traffic queuing, waiting to get on at every entry. Its a four exit one with 'straight' on being the third exit. Yet its the left lane on approach you're directed to. The right lane is for exit four only although in willing to bet 50% of people in it are planning on exciting at 3. I'm always uncomfortable with it as people seeing you in the left lane assume your gonna exit before them. This results in you having to brake as they pull out in front of you. In this situating indicating right at least tells them I'm not exciting just yet. Theoretically, it's incorrect as stated earlier but I'll continue to do it :)

What it also does is let the chump on my inside attempting to take the same exit as me (incorrectly) know I'm not about to exit thus give him a space to 'jump' into to exit at 3. 

It's a pain in the arse. A17/A16 at Sutterton. A fuckin ball ache. All the time. 

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18 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

It's a weird one for sure. However the geography of some roundabouts and the roadside directions approaching them can make it seem sensible. 

A roundabout i use every week lends itself to it. Always busy. Almost always traffic queuing, waiting to get on at every entry. Its a four exit one with 'straight' on being the third exit. Yet its the left lane on approach you're directed to. The right lane is for exit four only although in willing to bet 50% of people in it are planning on exciting at 3. I'm always uncomfortable with it as people seeing you in the left lane assume your gonna exit before them. This results in you having to brake as they pull out in front of you. In this situating indicating right at least tells them I'm not exciting just yet. Theoretically, it's incorrect as stated earlier but I'll continue to do it :)

What it also does is let the chump on my inside attempting to take the same exit as me (incorrectly) know I'm not about to exit thus give him a space to 'jump' into to exit at 3. 

It's a pain in the arse. A17/A16 at Sutterton. A fuckin ball ache. All the time. 

Or it could lead the drivers in your inside and outside to assume that either:

1) you are an idiot that is in the wrong lane and trying manoeuvre into the correct lane or;

2) You just don't know how to signal on a roundabout.

It is really simple, indicate left to exit, right to take an exit on the right.

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8 minutes ago, strichener said:

It is really simple, indicate left to exit, right to take an exit on the right.

I know. Thanks. 

8 minutes ago, strichener said:

Or it could lead the drivers in your inside and outside to assume

Then they are assuming wrong. The lanes are clearly marked and signposted. Not that that would help with a car parked on top of me 🙄


9 minutes ago, strichener said:

1) you are an idiot that is in the wrong lane and trying manoeuvre into the correct lane

I'm in the correct lane. As designated by the markings.


9 minutes ago, strichener said:

2) You just don't know how to signal on a roundabout.

They can assume what they like.

As I said, I know its technically not correct but I'll continue to do it. FWIW it's the only place I do it. 

If your that bothered, take a look at it. Travelling east on the A17, straight on (exit 3) is at 2 o clock. So not really straight on either. Again that don't make it right. The amount of people who come inside lane (incorrectly) for exit 3 is crazy. Indicating right hopefully 'protects' me a little. Also has a pleasing side by right royally fucking then off off they're forced round to exit 4 ;)

I know!!! Us audi drivers eh? Kuntz to a man. 

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10 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

I know. Thanks. 

Then they are assuming wrong. The lanes are clearly marked and signposted. Not that that would help with a car parked on top of me 🙄


I'm in the correct lane. As designated by the markings.


They can assume what they like.

As I said, I know its technically not correct but I'll continue to do it. FWIW it's the only place I do it. 

If your that bothered, take a look at it. Travelling east on the A17, straight on (exit 3) is at 2 o clock. So not really straight on either. Again that don't make it right. The amount of people who come inside lane (incorrectly) for exit 3 is crazy. Indicating right hopefully 'protects' me a little. Also has a pleasing side by right royally fucking then off off they're forced round to exit 4 ;)

I know!!! Us audi drivers eh? Kuntz to a man. 

A bloody Audi driver indicating when they shouldn't.  Certainly has been a particularly strange year. 😁

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They can assume what they like.
As I said, I know its technically not correct but I'll continue to do it. FWIW it's the only place I do it. 
If your that bothered, take a look at it. Travelling east on the A17, straight on (exit 3) is at 2 o clock. So not really straight on either. Again that don't make it right. The amount of people who come inside lane (incorrectly) for exit 3 is crazy. Indicating right hopefully 'protects' me a little. Also has a pleasing side by right royally fucking then off off they're forced round to exit 4 [emoji6]
I know!!! Us audi drivers eh? Kuntz to a man. 
If the exit is at 2 o clock then you should be indicating right.


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1 hour ago, strichener said:

So is indicating right when you are going straight on.  As others have said, your personal justification for this is no excuse for indicating incorrectly.  Just stop doing it and you will be a much better driver.

Thank you for your sagacious advice. Let's end by agreeing to differ, rather than flashing credentials, and be glad that each of us thinks  and cares about the matter.

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1 hour ago, TheScarf said:

It's an ever increasing trend.  In a 2 lane roundabout, the driver in front will go in the left hand lane, indicate right, and take the straight on exit. 

There's a couple of roundabouts in Inverness that are big enough so that I can go in the inside lane, not indicating initially of course, and easily and safely take the straight on exit, overtaking the said car in front with ease and with plenty of space.  Indicating left, correctly, as I take said exit straight on.

You get a couple of flashes from folk who think you're in the wrong but it's really because they've been hilariously overtaken on a roundabout.

I assume on Inverness roundabouts that nobody is signalling correctly, nobody is in the right lane, nobody is using their mirrors and that nobody knows what exit they're going for. It's every man for himself.

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