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Top 50 Most Hated Players To Have Played In Scottish Football

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I couldn't send a PM to the OP


Not sure the methodology on this, so I am going with the 10 players I hated the most (as opposed to the players I think that people hated because Neil Lennon would win that one)

1. Kirk Broadfoot - Bigoted, useless, can't even cook an egg

2. El Hadji-Diouf - Was a p***k before he joined Rangers, while he was with Rangers, and after he left Rangers.

3. Kris Boyd - More for his modern commentary than anything else.

4. Vladimir Weiss - a p***ks p***k

5. Keith "Yellow Card" Lasley - Can't all be Rangers guys and his style wore off fairly quickly

6. Roy Keane - I hated him at Man United and his arrogance at Celtic further diminished my opinion of him

7. John "Bomber" Brown - Just an all around horrible person

8. Paul Gascgoigne - He's low on the list because I don't think he really understood why his actions were inappropriate.  Plus he's a bit of a tragic figure.

9. Barry Ferguson- Just another Rangers p***k, plus his actions on Scotland duty were embarassing

10. Alex Tonev - His racism was an embarassment to the shirt, plus he was not very good at football

Edited by senorsoupe
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Here @Ludo*1 it's saying you're not accepting PMs, presumably your box has been pumped full of hatred.

Anyway, here's mine.

Nacho Novo- Vermin. Could write hundreds of words about him but most of them are “c**t”

Owen Coyle- Diving, cheating , spitting w**k, who also happened to score about 176 goals against us. Now prone to “bullshit bingo” management talk

John Brown- Archetypal knuckledragging Orc centre half with zero redeeming qualities. Gave us all a laugh years later with this “title deeds” rabble rousing when Rangers were dying

Kevin Muscat-The above, except without the rabble rousing. Hopefully gets fucked to death by a kangaroo.

Chris Sutton- I’ve warmed to him as a pundit even if some of his shtick is a bit obvious, as a player he was a cheating c**t, elbows all over the shop and constantly backing in before collapsing to win free kicks

Paul Hartley- Rat faced little p***k now a fat faced little p***k. Goes all the way back to his Raith Rovers days.

Andy Smith- a face like a haunted sausage, ears that could be seen from outer space, and a total p***k on the park.

Scott Leitch- an angry, shouty hatchet man of no value whatsoever.

Paul McGrillen- speaking ill of the dead and all that, but he was a diving b*****d and even when he did it for us it left a bad taste

Paul Paton- a poor man’s Joey Barton, thinks he’s smart but a thick ned. Also spent the entire summer of 2013 fellating Jackie McNamara in the press.

Dishonourable mentions to almost the entire Airdrie squad circa 1991-93, Darian MacKinnon, Mickey Weir, Simon Stainrod and dozens more I've forgotten about

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Hate is a very strong word, but the following players are those I dislike/disliked the most - 


Jackie McNamara - a horrible person, with a nasty streak in him.   Always tried to stamp on players feet/ankles.  Nice to see him failing as a manager.

Ross Tokely - a useless and a very crude prayer.  Ruined a young St Mirren player's career and showed no remorse for his actions.

Kirk Broadfoot - horrible bigot and why ever did Killie sign him?

Gregor Stevens - simply a thug, heaven knows how he ever became a professional footballer.

Roy Aitken - I still can't believe he got so many caps for Scotland, especially in the era he played in.

Andy Walker - someone who actively encourages cheating.  It is an absolute disgrace he is allowed to voice these opinions in the media.

Chris Sutton - good player, but should have been hammered by the SFA of this comments about Dunfermline.  

Neil Lennon - no need to explain why, it's obvious

Craig Levein - ditto 

Paul McGowan - ditto


Age is playing a part in this as I am sure there were many other players from the 70s, 80s and 90s who I really disliked, but now can't remember them all, especially some who played for Motherwell and/or Thistle. 





Edited by paul wright scores
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1. Steven Pressley

2. Fraser Aird

3. Kevin McBride

4. Phil Roberts

5. Nacho Novo

6. Aiden McGeady

7. Vladimir Weiss

8. Alan Stubbs

9. Gary Caldwell

10. Kallum Higginbotham


I can't PM you Ludo so count this pls.

Edited by Marshmallo
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I'll need to delete some PM's. Didn't expect to get so many. Received 35 entries in the first 24 hours which is just an amazing response. Clearly there's a level of hatred bubbling away within you all.

I'll be able to accept PM's again I'm about half an hour.


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5 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

I'll need to delete some PM's. Didn't expect to get so many. Received 35 entries in the first 24 hours which is just an amazing response. Clearly there's a level of hatred bubbling away within you all.

I'll be able to accept PM's again I'm about half an hour.


So are you going to need us to re-send them via PM or will you count the lists posted in the thread?

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So are you going to need us to re-send them via PM or will you count the lists posted in the thread?

Will still need to be by PM purely so I don't get confused. I've got the vast majorities. Obviously you'll get a notification saying you can't send it to me at the moment, because my inbox is full. I'm away to jump on a laptop and clear a load of space so hold fire if you need to send it via pm still for the next 20 or so minutes.
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Just when you think you've settled on a top 10, another poster reminds you of a complete c**t you'd almost forgotten about.

My top 10 Scottish footballing c***s are as follows...

1 Nacho Novo

2 Gary McKay

3 John Brown

4 Ian Black

5 Barry Ferguson

6 Mark Hateley

7 Bob Malcolm

8 Lee McCulloch

9 Paul Hartley

10 Rudi Skacel

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8 hours ago, Finch road said:

Jimmy Sandison, Kenny Black, Sean Sweeney, Jimmy Boyle, Alan Lawrence, John scab Martin, Gary McKay, Paul McGrillen

Yes! All of them.

I remember John Martin conducting our crowd singing scab scab scab at him like some pantomime. 

The first division had some real fuckers in it back then. We bought Andy Smith from Airdrie and some of our fans cheered when he went off injured in a friendly. Would later become a fans favourite. Gerry Britain the same.

I can remember Davie Cooper being a dick too, winding up fans at corners etc. He got a pie off the face at Fir Park. 

More recently Jamie Adams at Ayr was a right git.

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1 hour ago, Cerberus said:

I don't get the hatred for Imrie.
Maybe when he was at his arrogant peak at Clyde or Inverness but now he's just a middle aged man running around being terrible at football, smelling of shite.

It's more sad than anything else.

Seen plenty of him before. Was always a wee w**k but always suspected he'd be someone I'd like a hell of a lot if he played for us. That turned out to be the case. So I couldn't really include him. However, if he hadn't played for us, and put in the effort he put in, he'd have been a stick on.

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10. Kyle Lafferty

Diving *** dick who got under my skin massively in his Rangers days. Time heals wounds, however, and I enjoyed him mugging off Hibs (and  Neil Lennon) this summer, so low down on the list. 

9. Stephen Hughes

One of the most infuriating players to have played for the Dons in recent years. I hated the guy. Probably not a dickhead, but gets on the list because I'm petty. 

8. Fernando Ricksen

The earliest player I can remember hating. I feel for the guy because that illness looks like hell. He gets on the list because he would want to be here. He loved being a dick on the pitch, and it's appropriate that he's still honoured thus. 

7. Mikael Lustig

This guy epitomises the smugness of the post-Armageddon Celtic. Shite hair, shite tattoos, shite Atomic Kitten song, arrogant w****r player adored by the perennial winners. His smug aura mocks me, and I'd like for his injuries to return asap, if only to get his ugly grinning mug off my tv. 

6, 5. Gary McDonald, Mark Kerr

AKA the Gruesome Twosome AKA the Ghost and the Zombie AKA the worst midfield duo I've seen play together for Aberdeen. "Kerrso" is the worst Dons captain we've had. And we had Ricky Foster as captain. Mark Kerr managed to get himself battered in town, and missed the last few games of the season. Gary McDonald was nowhere to be seen, as fucking usual. (In all honesty he's unlucky to be so high, but the two are inseparable in my mind. 

4. Scott Brown 

Not much more needs said. He's a total bellend. 

3. Kris Commons

Fake Scottish, fat, Celtic, always scored against Aberdeen, nowhere near as good as we made him look in those games. His punditry recently also has me rattled, along with Kris Boyd, who would probably be on this list, if he wasn't so utterly un-threatening on the football pitch anymore. 

2. Ryan  Jack

He's a snake, and he mugged off Derek McInnes. Nobody lies to my Derek. Praying him and the rest of the **** get a solid doing this week. 

1. James Forrest

I have an utterly irrational hatred of this little no-necked f**k. It's based in the fact that for great lengths of his career he was incredibly overrated, and generally shite. He should have been nowhere near Scotland squads, let alone starting. This season I've disliked him even more, because he's become quite good, thus making me wrong, thus making me really mad. He's supposed to be shite. Why hasn't he got a neck??! Apparently he gets his wee tadger out in nightclubs, which is beast behaviour too. 

Offffft that was a good vent for my rage.

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In no particular order:

1. Barry Ferguson - In terms of reputation and hype there can't have been a Scottish footballer in the last 30 years to have delivered as little as backwards Barry. Seal-clubbing for an utterly dominant pre-death Rangers side means f**k all. Rarely made an impact for Scotland and was frequently a fucking liability, killing anything resembling an attack with a momentum-destroying sideways pass. Shown up as bang average when he left Rangers. Shite, get him into the fucking sea. 

2. Roy Aitken - A dirty, hacking c**t of a player who would probably spend his entire career sitting in the stands had he been player these days. From a generation of Scottish footballers for whom being a big lummox and running round like a headless chicken, fouling, elbowing, screaming at the ref and scoring the occasional fluke 20 yarder was seen as an asset, he was frankly a bit of a w****r. Dundee fans of a certain vintage will gleefully recall an utter shambles of an Aitken shitshow in a 2-2 at Parkhead with great hilarity. Vastly overrated. 

3. Kris Boyd - Another fat, *** seal-clubber who now seems to fancy himself as a controversial pundit as his career winds down. Recent highlights include whining about Aberdeen-connected players being selected for a Scotland game at Pittodrie, and stinging criticism of Hearts' ill-fated appointment of Iain Cathro. Pleasingly Hearts stuck 5 past his Killie side shortly afterwards. In his favour he has at least had the decency to stick 5 past the Dabs himself on occasion. Still a monumentally thick, fat waster though. 

4. Paul McStay - Basically a 1980's Barry Ferguson for Celtic. Bigged up endlessly by the media, he did f**k all at International level and was average at best in Celtic's big european games. Unlike Ferguson he shat out of moving elsewhere by staying at Celtic, just in time to see them almost go tits up and miss the decisive penalty against Raith Rovers in THAT Final. Delicious. My hatred for him stems from him slyly elbowing Dusan Vrto in a cup game at Dens. A c**t. 

5. Nacho Novo - Yes i know he played for Dundee, but he's nonetheless an absolute c**t. Chucked in a transfer request and took a giant huff literally within days of McLeish openly stating he was a "player I admire" after playing well against the ***s in a game at Dens, then totally overdid the celebrations scoring in front of Dundee fans in his first game back at Dens. Was also allegedly involved in some dodgy financial scheme and shacked up with his ex-team-mates bird. c**t. 

6. Kevin Muscat - I can't even remember him ever playing against us. The one game that stands out was a ***s match at Firhill where, IIRC he feigned injury to get a player sent off, as well as going through at least one player deliberately over the ball. A so-called hardman who only ever went flying into a challenge if it 70-30 in his favour. 

7. Paul Hegarty - A hugely dislikable player and even more dislikable manager. For years he got absolute dogs abuse for feigning injury after Eric Sinclair "decked him". Amusingly Sinky stood up at a supporters club functions in the 90s and admitted punching the DAB c**t. My abiding memory of him however was, strangely, at a Forfar-Hibs reserve game. My pal was a massive Hibee and Hegarty was Forfar's manager. The only open part of the ground was the terrace below the wee stand and around 15 spectators were treated to Hegarty roaring absolute dogs abuse at full volume at his youngsters for almost the entire 90 minutes. A total c**t. 

8. Paul "Luggy" Sturrock - Obviously his derby record is reason enough to hate him, his dismissive arrogance towards us in the 80s is another. Undoubtedly a fine player, but also a total w****r. Delighted to see after his FTD nonsense a few years ago that he's been reduced to a fat, wheezing irrelevant mess. Glorious. 

9. Dougie Imrie - Archetypal lower league, permatanned, pigeon-chested "playmaker". Also a c**t. Dees will fondly remember coming on as a sub for Caley in 09/10 Challenge Cup Final then getting sent off for almost cutting Pat Clarke in two. 

10. Andy Goram - A bigoted alcoholic mess of a footballer. "The Goalie" also seemed a bit schitzo (There's only two Andy Gorams) and allegedly had a penchant for pumping 16 year old lassies in phone boxes. Thoroughly creepy OFTW behaviour. Also posted on P&B as "The Tedi" for a while I believe. 

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