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Segregating Cyclists.

PB 4.2

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South City Way: Travel times will be cut for those travelling by bike.An artists impression of the project.

Great to finally see the artist's impression from Glasgow city council's scheme to keep bikes off our roads.    


The C.A.S.T team were first aware of this when we met Humza Yousaf at a city centre hotel shortly after this year's Pedal for Scotland event.    He's been absolutely true to his word that he's spin this as "investing in cycling".    That moment where he gave me the full sclera's and placed his hand on my shoulder saying "I've got this Grahame.  I'm on it."  will live with me forever.    It was a warmth I hadn't felt since I unsuccessfully tried to save my pet budgie 'Arnold' during my 1983 house fire.     

Look at that beautiful solid white line to the RHS of the bike lane!   While it's not the 6 foot wall I suggested, it's a start.    I also love the marvelous sense of humour from the artist in picture two, where a cyclist completely ignores the pedestrians at the zebra crossing.    

Is segregating cyclists the future on Scotland's tax funded roads, as we strive to achieve the harmonious tarmac we all crave?  


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36 minutes ago, Romeo said:

Even with their own lane they'll probably end up on the pavement running down old people.

Because it's their god given right to cycle wherever they want.

That was the reason I suggested lane buffers like you get a 10 pin bowling.  

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28 minutes ago, Finch road said:

Internment and then the gallows for the two wheeled members of society

Terminate with extreme prejudice 

Are they really members of our society?     I'm not so sure.  

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p***k decided to pull out in front of me on a 40mph stretch just at Dumbarton police station tonight. He was in the bus stop lay-by. Pulled out without signaling or looking at the traffic.

No issue with good, responsible cyclists who ride safely. Others are total twats

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24 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Perfectly good cycle track near me and some still cycle tandem on road. Beggers belief.

there's a cycle track provided in Holyrood Park but I think the lyric clad leg shaving shrivelled bollock twats get pleasure out of holding up motorists as they claim some kind of environmental moral high ground. 

on the other hand, Victoria Pendleton and Laura Trott- wid. 


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11 hours ago, PB 4.2 said:

South City Way: Travel times will be cut for those travelling by bike.An artists impression of the project.

Great to finally see the artist's impression from Glasgow city council's scheme to keep bikes off our roads.    


The C.A.S.T team were first aware of this when we met Humza Yousaf at a city centre hotel shortly after this year's Pedal for Scotland event.    He's been absolutely true to his word that he's spin this as "investing in cycling".    That moment where he gave me the full sclera's and placed his hand on my shoulder saying "I've got this Grahame.  I'm on it."  will live with me forever.    It was a warmth I hadn't felt since I unsuccessfully tried to save my pet budgie 'Arnold' during my 1983 house fire.     

Look at that beautiful solid white line to the RHS of the bike lane!   While it's not the 6 foot wall I suggested, it's a start.    I also love the marvelous sense of humour from the artist in picture two, where a cyclist completely ignores the pedestrians at the zebra crossing.    

Is segregating cyclists the future on Scotland's tax funded roads, as we strive to achieve the harmonious tarmac we all crave?  

I agree it's a good idea on paper, but they've built a segregated cycle lane between Milngavie and Hillfoot, and it's a total disaster. There have been countless accidents on the road because of it, emergency service vehicles have been stuck in traffic, people who don't know the area seem to pull out into it a lot, Cyclists sail over it without a care for pedestrians and, to top it all off, the hardman cyclists still go on the road so that they can gesticulate at drivers who politely suggest they use the lane.

Fortunately the proposed Phase 2 was scrapped by the Council.


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