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Brewdog - Beer For Girls

Guest bernardblack

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17 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
20 minutes ago, Hillonearth said:
Good call. In my mind I had Fierce coming from somewhere around Stirling way, but I think I was getting them mixed up with Fallen.
I suppose it's inevitable that the bigger a player a brewery becomes, the less creative they become. Williams have gone the same way to a certain extent...most of their effort and energy is probably going into large scale production of Joker and Caesar Gus rather than thinking up weird new stuff these days.
There's an air of innate wankiness around Brewdog I don't see elsewhere though.

Brewdogs success came from building themselves up as something other than beer. A personality for people who have none. This basically means theres a huge amount of Brewdog fans who are terminally boring about it, and because they think its more than just a beer, think they sinply must tell everyone all about how great it is, and how they handed their money over so they could be "equity punks"

Yeah, I could see that happening - I've met a couple of very dull people who are almost evangelical about Brewdog.

I've had some recent first-hand experience of their range in that somebody got me one of those advent calendar things they do at Christmas...TBH there was very little there to write home about; the beers range from the insipid (Dead Pony Club/Hazy Jane) to the downright unpleasant (Lost Lager/Jagged Edge). Even the exclusives weren't up to much - I'm not entirely convinced that their festive IPA was anything other than Punk in a different can.

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3 hours ago, virginton said:

They were setting up in a country that venerates Tennents' lager and tolerated a tiny number of equivalents and Guinness. 

That their beer is hoppy shite didn't matter because it was the only different type of shite to the norm. 

Tennent's is fucking great.

Don't try and hit us with the "Staropramen and Pilsner Urquell are better" pish.

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If we are talking north east breweries then 6°North and 71 are a million miles beyond brewdog.

Fair enough they hit on a good thing at the right time as the only alternative to T but have everything since has been a variation on a theme.

The Hazy Jane literally tastes like the tin its in. 

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6 minutes ago, Slenderman said:

Definition of "I have no response to this".

Had a quick look on some beers sites. Of the 3 polls I looked at, Pilsner Urquell was voted number 1 beer in the world in 2 of the polls and was in the top 5 in the other.

You may prefer to drink Tennents and dislike the taste of Pilsner Urquell, but to say it's "pish" is a wild take.

Brewdog not even close to being the best Scottish Brewery, Fierce, Six Degrees North, Fallen, Stewart, Pilot, Drygate, Innis and Gunn and my own personal favourite Overtone are all better IMHO.

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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

There's no need for a response because your abject fail speaks for itself. 

Thanks for playing anyway.


2012 gif seems apt. When your patter still comes from.

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The love of tennent's on this site is a curious one. It used to be regarded with proper disdain and was the cheap option for a pint in almost every pub. Since then they've really upped their advertising and gimmickry and it's now beloved.

Anyone else feel like a pint after reading this thread? 

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