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6 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:
6 hours ago, strichener said:
It is not the job of a journalist to hold the government to account.  That is what the opposition parties are for.  A journalist's job is to collect and present news to the audience.

Oh, do fůck off. You've just described a PR representative.

Hey it ain't my fault that your party has been a failure for the best part of a decade.

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5 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Yes.  Yes you are.

Hey, I'm not the one on here 24x7 with a need to post on every thread.

Some people take this place soooo seriously that they offer to meet up with people for a square go.  Or even worse, get banned.   Not accusing you of either of those obviously.

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3 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Strictly speaking if you didn't vote for them it is your fault a bit.

I like to expand on this, basically all the people that didn't vote for the Labour party that ended up in opposition are responsible for their failure to hold the government to account?  Is this your position?

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Let's face it if Dominic Cummings does not resign or is sacked the UK Gov will lose what little credibility it has remaining.


The very fact the BBC and the No 10 spin machine are trying to justify why he and his family can drive to his parents 250 miles away, when they should have been self isolating due to them having symptoms is an insult to every single one of us.


There are millions of people in this country who have not had any symptoms, nor have they had to self isolate and yet they have had to do without many of things we enjoy in life to keep others safe by staying at home and observing social distancing when out of the home.


Many of people have or are now facing losing their jobs or seeing their businesses go under due to this crisis. So on that basis alone Mr Cummings should no longer be on the payroll of UK Gov creaming off a six figure salary while many people lose their livelihoods. It is simple as that. It absolutely riles me that people in power think they are above the law.


..... and one final point to add, when is Prince Charles going to get his knuckles formally wrapped for travelling to Scotland when he should have remained at his London home self isolating due to having symptoms?



Did he skin them?

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18 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

BBC Newsnight is continually excellent. Lewis Goodall is continuing excellent. Laura Kuenssberg is continually terrible . Agreed?

She should be banned from showing off her access by instant news tweeting for sure. Think she thinks it's like competing for Head Girl at school by coming first with the reaction, when someone else has done all the work getting the meat of the story. It's a terrible look. But we did get some dirt out of it, Cummings (or sources close to) changing his story from taking his kid to be looked after by his elderly parents, after a 5 hour car journey trapped with his viral mum and probably Dad, to just his sister dropping off shopping at the door in his official statement the next day. Between that, Cummings's wife's article and the Durham Police, there's lies all over the shop. Bit clumsy for someone with a brain the size of a planet.

Edited by welshbairn
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3 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

No, their failure to hold the government to account is a separate issue, but because you didn't vote for any of the parties that didn't win, it is technically your fault a bit.

Just as it's my fault a bit that parties that aren't the SNP didn't win in Scotland.

The inability for an opposition to hold the government to account is not related to who voted for them.  Labour, SNP even Tory voters are not the reason that the opposition has been shite for the last ten years.

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4 hours ago, strichener said:

The inability for an opposition to hold the government to account is not related to who voted for them.  Labour, SNP even Tory voters are not the reason that the opposition has been shite for the last ten years.

The Tories have everything to do with a lack of opposition. It's not that the tories are any good in Government. They just own every mainstream media propaganda outlet and have the power of Zionist Israel and fascist USA on their side.

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14 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Sure it is. I mean otherwise you're implying that you not voting for them even though you know fine how the conservatives have behaved is somehow not your responsibility.

So if everyone voted for Labour and the Tories were shite in opposition then who takes responsibility for that?

Labour infighting, undermining of their leadership and constant use of anti-Semitism by some quarters as a cloak for their utter contempt for Jeremy Corbyn is the result of me not voting Labour. 

It is a heavy burden I carry. 

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