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The Clyde FC 2018-19 Thread

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The punishment seems absurd. The player in question was a Clyde player out on loan. It wasn't as if Clyde were playing a star EPL striker or something. It seems like a minor technicality. It spoils the league- sure Peterhead may be smug but its no way to win something.  It is not just unfair on Clyde but also potentially on Berwick. This could end in court. 

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Do you support the team or the club? For me I've never thought of Clyde as a membership thing... It's about the jersey.

We have a committed squad who have played silky football at times and at other time been able to grind out results. There is no point in worrying about things you can't control. The team can't control the board, admin or the SFA. They can however determine how they play and their attitude. 

Heids up lads and keep the focus on maintaining our winning ways.

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The greatest irony in all this is that Declan Fitzpatrick is not a good enough football player to be a part of this Clyde team. The error is bordering on unbelievable and proper Sunday league stuff, however. It's particularly galling that we gained absolutely no sporting advantage from having him plodding around chasing shadows.

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12 minutes ago, the_bully_wee said:

The greatest irony in all this is that Declan Fitzpatrick is not a good enough football player to be a part of this Clyde team. The error is bordering on unbelievable and proper Sunday league stuff, however. It's particularly galling that we gained absolutely no sporting advantage from having him plodding around chasing shadows.

I have every sympathy with the Clyde supporters over this.  It appears to be harsh given what has happened previously with regards to teams such as Sevco but to use the same excuse as was provided for them is ludicrous.  As soon as you field a player that is not entitled to play you are gaining a sporting advantage.

Make no mistake I believe that admin errors such as this should be punished but not with punishments that detract from the league competition and disadvantage other teams.

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I have every sympathy with the Clyde supporters over this.  It appears to be harsh given what has happened previously with regards to teams such as Sevco but to use the same excuse as was provided for them is ludicrous.  As soon as you field a player that is not entitled to play you are gaining a sporting advantage.
Make no mistake I believe that admin errors such as this should be punished but not with punishments that detract from the league competition and disadvantage other teams.
In almost all scenarios I would completely agree with you, but this guy is a junior centre half who played like one up front. If we'd signed some competent striker and played him without the proper registration I would be fizzing, but I'm in a state of disbelief that the club has shot itself in the foot like this.
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The bigger issue for me in the secret society statement on the website.  Never mind the fact that this was only brought up this morning; Name the directors, state the error, don't sweep it under the carpet as we still have a shot at a playoff in two months.
The board is the Scottish equivalent of the Burlington club[emoji23] old boys network everyone looking out for one another Dishon can hardly say anything he cost us years ago Well if you are a member you could ask for the full details not that you would get it However I'm sure Mr Innes won't let this go un noticed

anyway at the moment the team is the most important thing we can still go up through the play offs keeping the momentum is going to be crucial and not easy

come in the Clyde

3 1 win today
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Just can’t understand this decision. Deducting points is extremely harsh for a clerical error and disproportionate to the offence. The player wasn’t ineligible he was incorrectly registered, which to me is the difference between a mistake and an attempt to gain advantage.

Even more baffling is the awarding of 3-0 loses, effectively punishing us another point by savaging our goal difference whilst handing an undeserved advantage to other sides.

I can recall plenty of points deductions to teams over the years but never awarding walk over wins in domestic league games.

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Just can’t understand this decision. Deducting points is extremely harsh for a clerical error and disproportionate to the offence. The player wasn’t ineligible he was incorrectly registered, which to me is the difference between a mistake and an attempt to gain advantage.

Even more baffling is the awarding of 3-0 loses, effectively punishing us another point by savaging our goal difference whilst handing an undeserved advantage to other sides.

I can recall plenty of points deductions to teams over the years but never awarding walk over wins in domestic league games.
if it was that simple why wasn't it done properly this is the second time in 3 years
it's harsh but it's our own fault nobody else is to blame I doubt the authorities have an agenda against Clyde, however they just be wanting to make an example who knows

just hope the team can get over this and go up through the play offs

1 0 Elgin FFS
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if it was that simple why wasn't it done properly this is the second time in 3 years
it's harsh but it's our own fault nobody else is to blame I doubt the authorities have an agenda against Clyde, however they just be wanting to make an example who knows

just hope the team can get over this and go up through the play offs

1 0 Elgin FFS
Not that really matters but what happened the last time wasn't the same mistake. It was a late payment to HMRC rather than player registration.
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I won't bore non-Clyde fans with specifics but this is far from the first time that the club's officials have been guilty of monumental incompetence.....and I am talking about events including going back before most current Clyde fans were born!

For this latest episode I say that we can't plead no sporting advantage was gained just because the player in question is ironically not good enough to hold down a place in the team under normal circumstances. If the alternative was, say, being forced to play the reserve goalie as a striker then yes, playing Fitzpatrick is technically an advantage we were apparently not entitled to.  While I don't think for one minute there was any intention whatsoever to cheat by playing the guy it doesn't alter the fact that rules were broken, regardless of whether it was down to admin incompetence.  Why should Berwick Rangers be punished here as a direct result of 2 Clyde directors being unable to complete a simple form correctly?

Docking points from Clyde and awarding points to other teams hurt and offend everyone but those responsible for the debacle.  The game's integrity would be better preserved by hitting the club with a fine of a size that would (as things stand) hurt more than losing 4 points and would not affect the status quo at the other clubs concerned - if all parties are in agreement that the player's inclusion was not a deliberate  attempt to deceive or gain advantage.   Alternatively, perhaps the directors concerned have indemnity insurance against which a civil claim might be made for  professional negligence.

Also, just a thought: presumably this mean Clyde's 16 match unbeaten run (up to today) is now invalid?


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This decision has ruined the league. There is no doubt that unnamed Clyde directors acted incompetently and should haveas a matter of principle resigned but really the player in question almost certainly did not impact the outcome of those games and it does seem to have been a simple incompetent error.

Deducting points and giving a 3-0 walkover arbitrarily has really spoiled the competition. Berwick may well pay a very high price and Clyde's chances of automatic promotion are gone spooling an exciting end to the season. Sure make an example with al age fine (even that would be hash given the circumstances) but don't ruin the event. If Peterhead are to win the league let them do it on merit, not some bizarre decision. 

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This decision has ruined the league. There is no doubt that unnamed Clyde directors acted incompetently and should haveas a matter of principle resigned but really the player in question almost certainly did not impact the outcome of those games and it does seem to have been a simple incompetent error.
Deducting points and giving a 3-0 walkover arbitrarily has really spoiled the competition. Berwick may well pay a very high price and Clyde's chances of automatic promotion are gone spooling an exciting end to the season. Sure make an example with al age fine (even that would be hash given the circumstances) but don't ruin the event. If Peterhead are to win the league let them do it on merit, not some bizarre decision. 
he set the player up to score have a look at the highlights
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Looks like our season has turned to shit in 1 day, only thing we have left now is the play-offs.  I am spitting mad after the news today, follow that with today's result, whoever made this error should just walk, it is obvious the damage his/their action/ non-action has caused and has ruined our chances of winning the title. Although not deliberate the incompetence is the last thing we needed at this time, no excuses will ever repair the damaged caused, just hope the players can get their heads cleared and continue performing as they have all season. Is their any point to appealing now, the league is gone. I can imagine how Berwick will be feeling they are now 2pts away from the relegation spot, surely they have to complain and get the 3 pts deducted from QP and Albion Rovers overturned, could you imagine anything like this happening in the SPL ?

Thought i would feel better getting that off my chest but no i am still fcuking raging.

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Putting Clyde’s position to one side, the league could relegate Berwick with this action. So Berwick could go down because of another club breaking the rules ? That is just wrong. 
Looks like a win win to me
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