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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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That was one of the most toxic atmosphere's i've seen at Somerset 

A long way back now for Hopkin and Smith won't be far behind him unless he gets the house in order cause at the moment it's turning into a circus.

A kid coming on the pitch at full time giving the stewards a runaround summed us up just now.

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At this point provided he turned up with Stephen Kelly I'd even accept Curtis Woodhouse.

Smith would be as well just advertising the job on Linkedin as the Scottish managerial merry-go-round doesn't fill me with much confidence. Not that it matters as he'll probably hold off paying off Hopkin, Timmins, Duffy and Joyce in the hope they quit themselves so no doubt still be here Saturday.

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29 minutes ago, UpInTheAyr said:

Seeing Hopkin sat in the dugout the last five minutes it really looked like a man who knows his goose is cooked.

for my first time seeing this season I thought there would be a touch of the melodramatics from everyone on here about how bad they were and that they couldn't actually be as bad as everyone makes out but they were. Zero creativity, no attacking threat, a bunch of players who look like they are lost or just not up to it and for a team of hammer throwers filled with defenders they let Zanatta score from a header.

That sounds exactly like us last season. 

3 hours ago, HMIP said:

Looks like a 4-4-2 to me, with McAllister and Maxwell wide.  Might be alright actually- strong running if nothing else.

Please tell me Nick McAllister was not playing as a right-winger.


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Just now, Allanaufc said:

Do we have the money to pay Hopkin out of his contract? think we gave him a 2 year deal, he needs to go before we lose fans

The board won't have much of a choice.

They either hemorrhage money with less and less fans going or they sack Hopkin. Its going to cost them money either way. Stick with Hopkin and get relegated will probably cost us a couple of hundred thousand in prize money and less away fans. 

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If he's no sacked by Saturday I'll be cancelling my AU500 standing order. I backed the club when it showed ambition and joined the fund when we re-signed Shankland after our title winning season. However, I'm no paying money for that ginger potato to spunk it up the wall on haddies like Baird and McGinty.

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4 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

If he's no sacked by Saturday I'll be cancelling my AU500 standing order. I backed the club when it showed ambition and joined the fund when we re-signed Shankland after our title winning season. However, I'm no paying money for that ginger potato to spunk it up the wall on haddies like Baird and McGinty.

He’s signed a dozen dumplings, and you pick one of the players that isn’t his….!

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Just now, HMIP said:

He’s signed a dozen dumplings, and you pick one of the players that isn’t his….!

Baird is his alright. He should have been shipped out in the summer and nowhere near the starting 11. He's been a mainstay of Hopkins. Pretty sure he had him at Morton as well.

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17 minutes ago, 1nickydevlin said:

Yes I think he was actually. Tbf he was the best of a bad bunch.

If I still lived in Ayr then I'd be on my way to Somerset with my HOPKIN GTF banner for that alone.

I know I said he had the attributes to play a few positions, but Christ. 

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6 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

ginger potato to spunk it up the wall on haddies like Baird and McGinty.

Not the best players in the world, I agree. However, as said before, there could be a few released players soon. If Hopkin stays, think of the benefits of another few useless centre backs and a few loans from Rangers under 12s could do. Stay positive.

Of course, I'd rather he f*cked off with his players cleek that he takes from club to club. You can count on one hand the decent players at this club. Get someone in the middle and build around them!

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I know the manager picks the team but that was horrendous from 2 to 11 I’ve never seen so many players play so poorly in one game and that’s not the managers fault it’s the players who should be ashamed of that performance ultimately he will pay the price, and I know  before you tell me he signed them, that team played Dundee United off the park so what’s gone wrong god knows, I’ll be amazed if he’s still here if we don’t beat Dunfermline on Saturday.

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Season ticket money is in the bank so crowd numbers won’t be less than 1000 due to the numbers sold.

Hopkin in on a 2 year deal, don’t know about his back room staff. If he walks then I’d imagine Some might stay.

if he doesn’t walk, I’d guess at about £75k to get rid of Hopkin.

I hope we have clauses in his contract or he may be here for a few games yet. 

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Just now, Lochwood said:

I know the manager picks the team but that was horrendous from 2 to 11 I’ve never seen so many players play so poorly in one game and that’s not the managers fault it’s the players who should be ashamed of that performance ultimately he will pay the price, and I know  before you tell me he signed them, that team played Dundee United off the park so what’s gone wrong god knows, I’ll be amazed if he’s still here if we don’t beat Dunfermline on Saturday.

Eh?  It’s his team, his tactics, his signings, his substitutions.  Since he took over we’ve had outlier performances - away to Dundee last season, and 30 minutes against Dundee Utd in the cup 3 weeks ago.  Other than that, we have been consistently dreadful throughout his tenure.  No more excuses.

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