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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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I'm just completely apathetic towards the club at the moment. Off the park things are much improved however on the park it's just the same old shite. People will argue it's being a successful season however the quality of the league has been rank rotten this year. We've got the best striker in the league by a country mile however could easily miss out on the playoffs. That in itself should have alarm bells ringing.

We've also recently handed out two year deals to McGinty and McKenzie. If we are are wanting to progress to the next level then we simply need better than that. Other than Albinson, Musonda, Murdoch, Dempsey, Mullin* and Dipo I don't think we'd miss the rest. 

Lee Bullen does genuinely come across as a decent guy but just don't think he is the man to lead us forward. Doesn't seem to have a plan B when things aren't going right and his team selections are bizzare at times. Don't expect the club to sack him however. If he is sticking about next season then he simply needs to have an experienced assistant beside him. 

This is probably petty however the #weareunited hashtag just comes across as birthday caird pish. It still very much feels like a us v them atmosphere and anyone who dares criticise the club are usually shot down in flames. 

*Loan spell form

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Against 10 men you keep it simple and retain possession. You don't launch it for a 50/50 and then lose the second ball. I genuinely feared we would lose that game at the end up.

How McAlear remained on the park for the whole game, I'll never know. We had an overload late on and he hit the ball at the defender. When it would have been easier to find an Ayr man - there were two of them on the left hand side. He didn't even need to play the pass immediately, he could have run on.

If Murdoch wasn't fit, I'd have put Smith on for McAlear, when that headbanger got sent off. 

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5 minutes ago, ayrunitedfw said:

We've also recently handed out two year deals to McGinty and McKenzie. If we are are wanting to progress to the next level then we simply need better than that. Other than Albinson, Musonda, Murdoch, Dempsey, Mullin* and Dipo I don't think we'd miss the rest. 

Yes, agree. I will judge Bullen on who he releases. If we don't offload the likes of Reading, Ashford, JML etc. then it shows in my opinion really poor judgement from Bullen.

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9 minutes ago, rgreig said:

Yes, agree. I will judge Bullen on who he releases. If we don't offload the likes of Reading, Ashford, JML etc. then it shows in my opinion really poor judgement from Bullen.

They’re all under contract so it’s not as simple as just releasing them. 

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Bangala is genuinely the only one under contract I’d be expecting to go. Has offered absolutely nothing since signing and is way out his depth. Think Houston, O’Connor and McAdams will go as well for a variety of different reasons.

With McAlear and Dipo also away and Kirk unlikely to be back I’d be looking for us to be signing in the region of six players. Now the quality of those six will determine where we end up next season. There’s an opportunity there to upgrade at right back, midfield and out wide. That should be a realistic target for the summer. We are incredibly unlikely to get another Dipo but we still need to replace him and I think it’ll end up being someone from the same market down South. 

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17 minutes ago, D'Jaffo said:

They’re all under contract so it’s not as simple as just releasing them. 

The South East /  London based ones might be easier to shift tbf.  Let them find a club and not stand in their way 

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1 minute ago, Hursty said:

The South East /  London based ones might be easier to shift tbf.  Let them find a club and not stand in their way 

It’s them finding a club that’ll pay what we’re paying that might be the issue. I think there should be enough scope in the summer with releasing players out of contract to improve the squad significantly. 

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Starting players wise we need RB, LB, CB, two wide players, CM, (depending on formation) ST so yeah quite a rebuild…

I didn’t realise Ashford still had a year to go, absolutely pointless having both him and McKenzie - it’s one or the other. 

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Lewis Strapp told he can leave Morton, cracking left back with a wicked long throw, massive upgrade on Reading who I would keep but only for cover.

Another game where we were carrying passengers happening week after week.

 McKenzie. A two year contract god help us if that’s what Bullen thinks a player looks like 

Mcguire. So far off it had too long a lay off to play at this level, his legs have gone.

Mcalear can’t believe the level this guy has played at but is absolutely hopeless mistake after mistake all day and still kept on the park

The rest of the team battled away to get a point so credit to them, can’t see that team getting anything at thistle and have the fear going to Inverness last game to get in the play offs.

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In my eyes we need rb cb lb right winger left winger cm 2 strikers.

We are losing dipo, mullin Maguire(not good enough to offer a new deal) Kirk and Houston as a minimum. Given we never really replaced chalmers and O’Connor would be mad to stay for another season seen as bullen doesn’t seem to rate him. 

I’d keep JML as back up as he can make an impact from the bench and he’s still fairly young.  Ashford really isn’t good enough and doesn’t really have any potential to improve so I’d try move him on. Mckenzie I’d loan out to a lower league for at least part of the season so that he can get experience and maybe some confidence by scoring some goals. Reading I’d try and move on as I think he has another year on his deal and think ecrepont would be better back up. 

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1 hour ago, D'Jaffo said:

They’re all under contract so it’s not as simple as just releasing them. 

Ah, I thought that they would be out of contract at the end of this season. That is going to be a real problem in that case.

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The highlight of the afternoon for me was the ball dropping to McAlear 14 yards out, the easy thing to do was to throw a leg out and put it goal wards.

He managed to throw both at the same time and fell over.


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57 minutes ago, Hursty said:

Im going to Partick and making a day of it in the Woodside /Royalty / Wintergills etc with an old pal so looking forward to it. We will get destroyed though. 

I was going to go if we won as it would be an important game.  I'm an extra £300 down cause I slept in fir my flight home last Sunday so had to get creative to come home and feed the cat.  Skint as I am I'd have made it work. 

Meaningless game* though? No chance.  

*I get we still can make the playoffs but if you aren't 2nd you have no chance in them. 

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2 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Irrelevant to the statement I made, but that’s some world class insight.

Well, you stated that this seasons team, without Dipo, would get relegated in next seasons league so not sure what your point actually was then…

The without Dipo chat is nonsense, if we didn’t sign him we were hardly going to run with Mark McKenzie up front himself all season. 

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