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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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16 hours ago, Rb123 said:

Every article that has come out from the VOR in the last few days just gives complete Football Manager vibes with some of the stuff being said

Just underlines what I said previously, we don't have any meaningful questioning in the media, just a PR job

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7 minutes ago, Peil said:

Just underlines what I said previously, we don't have any meaningful questioning in the media, just a PR job

Voice isn’t there to ask tricky questions of the management. As long as he’s been about I don’t think he’s ever done that when reporting on Ayr. His first priority is keeping hold of his access to the inside scoop at the club. There’s a reason he has interviews with new signings out minutes after they’re announced or gets comments from Bullen after games. 

If he started question Bullen or the club properly you can bet the access would be taken away as is the same at any club with their local journalist. 

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16 hours ago, wuffster said:

Scrape survival, sell the new stand/head coach combo and sell more season tickets. It is plausible but it is a gamble and if it fails the owner and others responsible deserve all the opprobrium they receive.

Only works if we scrape survival, which on current form is marginal, and if we have a new coach to sell. I worry that even if the internal view is that Bullen goes in June, we're not doing anything to get the new coach lined up in time for him to assess the squad and do any planning.  Sometimes I think Ayr are the only club in the country that have never heard of PCAs.

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7 minutes ago, edinburghhonestman said:

Only works if we scrape survival, which on current form is marginal, and if we have a new coach to sell. I worry that even if the internal view is that Bullen goes in June, we're not doing anything to get the new coach lined up in time for him to assess the squad and do any planning.  Sometimes I think Ayr are the only club in the country that have never heard of PCAs.

You signed McGinty on a PCA from us a few years ago. Only clubs who are complete morons announce their pre-contract deals in advance, because they're not binding and so allow any competitor to gazump the offer if they can offer a significantly better alternative (like ending up in a higher division after the season ends). 

There's probably a few PCAs that get quietly binned by mutual agreement every June. 

Edited by vikingTON
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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

You signed McGinty on a PCA from us a few years ago. Only clubs who are complete morons announce their pre-contract deals in advance, because they're not binding and so allow any competitor to gazump the offer if they can offer a significantly better alternative (like ending up in a higher division after the season ends). 

As if it won’t be common knowledge amongst agents that a player has signed a PCA.  

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Pretty sure we also did a PCA for Robbie Mutch. 

The returns of Geggan and Moffat were also done months in advance of our relegation back in 2017. 

The only real benefit announcing a PCA does is it can unsettle players and teams. Most managers and clubs agree not to announce any deals until the seasons of both clubs involved are over. 

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3 minutes ago, virginton said:

You signed McGinty on a PCA from us a few years ago. Only clubs who are complete morons announce their pre-contract deals in advance, because they're not binding and so allow any competitor to gazump the offer if they can offer a significantly better alternative (like ending up in a higher division after the season ends). 

To an extent I'd agree. A PCA is completely unenforceable but a) it's not that often they are broken and b) it at least shows a modicum of forward planning.

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19 minutes ago, virginton said:

You signed McGinty on a PCA from us a few years ago. Only clubs who are complete morons announce their pre-contract deals in advance, because they're not binding and so allow any competitor to gazump the offer if they can offer a significantly better alternative (like ending up in a higher division after the season ends). 

There's probably a few PCAs that get quietly binned by mutual agreement every June. 

Or in the case of Dundee United, you’ve agreed a PCA with an Ayr player ages ago and just by sheer coincidence you decide to announce it the day before playing Ayr.

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1 minute ago, eez-eh said:

Or in the case of Dundee United, you’ve agreed a PCA with an Ayr player ages ago and just by sheer coincidence you decide to announce it the day before playing Ayr.

Angry Comedy Bang Bang GIF

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3 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

I imagine the Davidson appointment for QP will be somewhere in the range of not completely terrible. 

I think he will get them organised, which is definitely a major worry as we are shambolic. 

He seems to be of the same ilk as Bullen, from an outsiders point of view, he won two cups, while most St Johnstone were wanting him punted for months. A lot of people will see Bullens achievements as saving us from relegation and getting us to second.

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6 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

I imagine the Davidson appointment for QP will be somewhere in the range of not completely terrible. 

I think he will get them organised, which is definitely a major worry as we are shambolic. 

It’s pretty shit when we’re worrying about who other clubs appoint as manager (myself included) and shows where we’re at. Just a pity the “powers that be” can’t see this.

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Interesting appointment for Queens Park.  You could argue that he inherited a St Johnstone team that was approaching its peak then had to deal almost immediately with that team breaking apart in a very short period of time.  Common complaint seems to be his recruitment was terrible,  and with the expectations of the fans raised sky high by 2 cup wins in a year it all seemed to go to pieces pretty quickly.  

Total gamble really that there is actually a decent manager in there who was overwhelmed by a perfect storm of problems all at the same time.  Wouldn’t exactly have been buzzing if he’d got the Ayr job, but given we’re circling the plug hole to League 1, I could have lived with it.  Even a brief new manager bounce for them  could be fatal for us.

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Football coverage in this country is so bad. Radio and telly only interested in ugly sisters and SPL. Down one league and it’s a bit of lip service with the same tired old pundits usually covering same old teams. 
No interviews with any managers and when there is the questions are no better than AU media are panned for. How the Jane Lewis’s of this world keep a job I’ll never know. 
QP have made their move and Davidson is in. We seem to be crossing all fingers and toes and hoping Bullen somehow turns this around although the stats ( posted by others ) don’t lie. If Davidson is as poor a manger as he was a pundit ( he was a total bore ) then they’ll be in the dog fight with us to the end of the season. Here’s hoping. 

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2 minutes ago, ComradeDiego said:

He’s been given 3 games to turn it.

Defeat on Saturday and he’s gone.

That isn’t exactly giving him three games though? 

Not that I’m complaining as a defeat on Saturday could have us bottom and it’ll be hard to lift this lot off of it. 

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