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What is the point of Labour ?


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2 minutes ago, orfc said:

Corbyn's not allowed in is he? I thought he had the whip removed?

Never a fan of Corbyn but his treatment by the Labour Party has been nothing short of disgraceful.

The use of Israel/Palestine (and I say this as someone who is not particularly enamoured to either side) by certain individuals is just poltical opportunism of the worst kind.

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6 minutes ago, orfc said:

Corbyn's not allowed in is he? I thought he had the whip removed?

He'll be trying to sneak in wearing a succession of hilarious disguises and getting rumbled by the bouncer, eventually succeeding, he'll get in when everyone has left. 

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Never a fan of Corbyn but his treatment by the Labour Party has been nothing short of disgraceful.

The use of Israel/Palestine (and I say this as someone who is not particularly enamoured to either side) by certain individuals is just poltical opportunism of the worst kind.

And just watch the tory right wing turn Corbyns Palestinian support and the Palestinian group outside the Labour Party conference today subtly spun to associate the Labour party as a whole in supporting Palestine and terrorism.

This has been political manna from heaven for the tory right wing.

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It was from the general secretary of the Labour party, which I am never leaving, informing me of changes to my membership card. I now have to carry something with a union flag on it that says “putting country first” on the flip side.


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25 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

In terms of likeability Lammy is Labour’s answer to Braverman.

Braverman is a confirmed nutjob tbf, Lammy is just a shameless opportunistic cretin.

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22 hours ago, Granny Danger said:


It was from the general secretary of the Labour party, which I am never leaving, informing me of changes to my membership card. I now have to carry something with a union flag on it that says “putting country first” on the flip side.


Bit derivative, I think. I suppose most here are familiar with the quote from arch-Tory GK Chesterton: " 'My country, right or wrong', is a thing no patriot would think of saying. It is like saying 'My mother, drunk or sober.' "


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Imagine going to all that fuss to access the stage, throw the glitter, you then get your chance to speak into the microphone for millions of people to see and hear, and the best you can come up with is a demand for a fucking "People's House". He deserves to do at least twenty years for that. 

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1 hour ago, DrewDon said:

Imagine going to all that fuss to access the stage, throw the glitter, you then get your chance to speak into the microphone for millions of people to see and hear, and the best you can come up with is a demand for a fucking "People's House". He deserves to do at least twenty years for that. 

Pull off by two women. Any actual protestor would be getting huckled and thrown around by security.

The fact it even looked like an Ed milliband impersonator makes it feel even more staged.

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I wonder to what extent the calculation from the Scottish electorate, which we know to be sophisticated, is that Starmer is going to win a stomping majority based on English and Welsh seats anyway and given that, it’s better to elect Scottish Labour MPs who will be inside the tent pissing out, the SNP MPs who won’t have the power to do anything. That wouldn’t be the case if it was the Tories who were leading the polls as they are seen to be out of touch with Scotland, but that’s maybe not the case with Labour 

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19 minutes ago, Donathan said:

I wonder to what extent the calculation from the Scottish electorate, which we know to be sophisticated, is that Starmer is going to win a stomping majority based on English and Welsh seats anyway and given that, it’s better to elect Scottish Labour MPs who will be inside the tent pissing out, the SNP MPs who won’t have the power to do anything. That wouldn’t be the case if it was the Tories who were leading the polls as they are seen to be out of touch with Scotland, but that’s maybe not the case with Labour 

You think there's actually a possibility that Keir Starmer's Labour Party isn't out of touch with Scotland?

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25 minutes ago, StellarHibee said:

You think there's actually a possibility that Keir Starmer's Labour Party isn't out of touch with Scotland?

I think there’s a very solid argument that a Scottish Labour MP who has a direct line into the cabinet can be more influential than an SNP MP when there’s a whomping majority government.

There’s probably around 70% of the Scottish electorate that would never want to vote Conservative and that’s why their popular voting numbers have topped out in the mid to high 20’s under the relative popularity of Ruth Davidson and Douglas Ross compared to former leaders like Annabel Goldie, Jackson Carlaw and David McLetchie.


But for Labour, their brand is far less toxic and I think an awful lot of voters would be willing to back them in the right circumstances. These could be those circumstances. 

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