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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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It's not exactly democracy to only give coverage of opinions you agree with.

Farage more than Griffin. Farage was the spokesman for a lot of people who felt they were being ignored by both mainstream parties. Griffin's backing was far smaller although they did get more votes than the Greens at one point which is slightly worrying.

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25 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

It's not exactly democracy to only give coverage of opinions you agree with.

Farage more than Griffin. Farage was the spokesman for a lot of people who felt they were being ignored by both mainstream parties. Griffin's backing was far smaller although they did get more votes than the Greens at one point which is slightly worrying.

The SNP are the third largest party at Westminster but get significantly less national coverage than either Farage or the LibDems.

I accept than in terms of the popular vote they are a small party because they only stand in Scotland, but nonetheless until we change this bizarre FPTP system then that at least it should be recognised and they should be getting more national coverage than they do.


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Griffin never recovered from his embarrassing exposure on QT where his ‘logic and reasoning’ were hopelessly destroyed.

Wheel them out into the open spotlight and under fair scrutiny and pressure in order that their views can be summarily dismissed. Unable to hide, it is their worst nightmare.

The noisy screams of protest and claims of ‘unwarranted publicity’ and a ‘platform for extremists’ would be a price worth paying in the long run.


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1 hour ago, RedRob72 said:

Griffin never recovered from his embarrassing exposure on QT where his ‘logic and reasoning’ were hopelessly destroyed.

Wheel them out into the open spotlight and under fair scrutiny and pressure in order that their views can be summarily dismissed

Sadly they're wheeled out and given a platform for their vile views instead.

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A lot of people were saying much the same when Nick Griffin was on QT. Apparently letting him spout his pish would lead to a surge in support for the BNP. Where is he now?
I don't believe that the far right is a massive problem but if you appear to be clamping down on their 'free speech' we might see a build up of support. 
Of course Robinson's arrest was not about freedom of speech and all about the right to a fair trial. 

UKIP killed the BNP, not Question Time. The BBC offering massive exposure to Farage and allowing the far right to present itself as more respectable did more to marginalise the BNP than polite society watching a racist get rag dolled for an hour.
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The absolute scenes if he simply gets jailed again [emoji38]

Which is probably likely given that he has clearly breached the conditions of a suspended sentence imposed after a similar stunt at Canterbury Law Courts (at least to serve the full three month term), irrespective of the outcome of his current fiasco.
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9 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

Griffin never recovered from his embarrassing exposure on QT where his ‘logic and reasoning’ were hopelessly destroyed.

Wheel them out into the open spotlight and under fair scrutiny and pressure in order that their views can be summarily dismissed. Unable to hide, it is their worst nightmare.

The noisy screams of protest and claims of ‘unwarranted publicity’ and a ‘platform for extremists’ would be a price worth paying in the long run.


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Yep, they went from political obscurity to actually capturing council seats following Griffin appearing on question time, those who don’t get this are deluded. When you put something on the mainstream media you are introducing it as a mainstream political idea to a cross section of society. The shift to the right in this country is absolutely obvious and the BBC are championing it.
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The BNP haven’t managed to secure one single Westminster MP since its formation or the National Front before it. The handful of council & European seats they have managed to win in that period have been short lived tenures on realisation of their total ineffectuality in serving ‘their communities’.
Compared with the far right in a number of neighbouring European countries their futile standing across the UK Electorate remains completely insignificant.
Feel certain that the Griffins appearance and performance on QT received FAR more ridicule and derision that it gained in genuine and influential support.

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The BNP haven’t managed to secure one single Westminster MP since its formation or the National Front before it. The handful of council & European seats they have managed to win in that period have been short lived tenures on realisation of their total ineffectuality in serving ‘their communities’.

Compared with the far right in a number of neighbouring European countries their futile standing across the UK Electorate remains completely insignificant.

Feel certain that the Griffins appearance and performance on QT received FAR more ridicule and derision that it gained in genuine and influential support.


The Brexit vote, Yarls Wood, the nativist policy of the Conservative Party and deportation of minorities regardless of their immigration status kinda highlights how meaningless the far right’s lack of direct electoral success is in assessing its impact on society.


It’s like people “owning” Nigel Farage by pointing out how he keeps losing elections for Westminster when he’s succeeded in the main goal of his party. He’s won. Everyone’s dancing to his tune.

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The Brexit vote, Yarls Wood, the nativist policy of the Conservative Party and deportation of minorities regardless of their immigration status kinda highlights how meaningless the far right’s lack of direct electoral success is in assessing its impact on society.
It’s like people “owning” Nigel Farage by pointing out how he keeps losing elections for Westminster when he’s succeeded in the main goal of his party. He’s won. Everyone’s dancing to his tune.

Yep totally agree, whilst the BNP/UKIP political capital has been limited its allowed the tories to shift hard right and still appear somewhat moderate thus normalising whats happening.
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15 hours ago, RedRob72 said:

Griffin never recovered from his embarrassing exposure on QT where his ‘logic and reasoning’ were hopelessly destroyed.

Wheel them out into the open spotlight and under fair scrutiny and pressure in order that their views can be summarily dismissed. Unable to hide, it is their worst nightmare.

The noisy screams of protest and claims of ‘unwarranted publicity’ and a ‘platform for extremists’ would be a price worth paying in the long run.


Aye, should probably do that with the grand master of the orange order too eh champ.

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The Brexit vote, Yarls Wood, the nativist policy of the Conservative Party and deportation of minorities regardless of their immigration status kinda highlights how meaningless the far right’s lack of direct electoral success is in assessing its impact on society.
It’s like people “owning” Nigel Farage by pointing out how he keeps losing elections for Westminster when he’s succeeded in the main goal of his party. He’s won. Everyone’s dancing to his tune.
Not to mention that every time they appear somewhere there is an increase in racist attacks.
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 The Brexit vote, Yarls Wood, the nativist policy of the Conservative Party and deportation of minorities regardless of their immigration status kinda highlights how meaningless the far right’s lack of direct electoral success is in assessing its impact on society.


It’s like people “owning” Nigel Farage by pointing out how he keeps losing elections for Westminster when he’s succeeded in the main goal of his party. He’s won. Everyone’s dancing to his tune.




Just out of interest;

 Total number of Individuals leaving ‘the detention estate’, just over 28,000 (which includes voluntary repatriations) under the auspices of the Immigration Act. It also includes over 12,000 enforced returns including almost 6,000 deported as Foreign National Offenders. 67% of NFO’s were EU Nationals.

(Home Office figures 2017)


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haven't posted about politics for ages, mostly due to having lost all interest. anyway I don't really like farage much but is it maybe a wee bit unfair to compare him to glorified football hooligans and convicted thugs? maybe he's just someone who's opinions you don't like?
His fanbase is composed almost entirely of knuckledraggers, bigots and seething pensioners who hate "forriners". f**k him and all who support him.
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