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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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12 minutes ago, ForzaDundee said:

I don't think anyone has a defined role. People can dae whatever they please and make your own successes/mistakes.

If your asking what is the role of women in the traditional family model, it's pretty obviously home-making and care-giving for children. If a women chooses to live like this (like many, many do) then they should be encouraged and supported in their choice as it obviously has great outcomes for the children. Women shouldn't feel pressured to keep a career if they don't want to and if the option to not work is available, then what's the point in working? Also men could also choose to do this role but obviously it's usually the women who have a  biological advantage when it comes to care-given so it's usually best to play to that strength. 

It's unfortunate that Nicola Sturgeon wasn't able to have a child as I think she would've been a great mother. If I'm lucky enough to have a daughter I might suggest to my wife that she's named Nicola as I couldn't think of a better female role model.

Nobody is stopping women from doing that. The problem is that historically things have been the opposite

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10 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Do you think he turned into a Tory because Tommy Sheridan was hoovering up all the nat king?

Hahahahahaha maybe - apparently he always hated the SNP so I think between being temperamentally extreme and prioritising his dislike of the SNP he has ended up where he is. He's also a fucking tube

Edited by Malcolm Malcolm
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10 minutes ago, ForzaDundee said:

Do you not think it's a bit weird saying there are "problems" with him. You might disagree with some stuff he says but how is this a problem? I often disagree with people but I never think to use that language, I just tell them I disagree and why. If everyone agreed on everything then we'd have problems because existence would be boring. (Would existence even exist? Like if we were just a hivemind  of collective intelligence with no freewill or unconforming opinions would we even technically exist. Like Rene Descartes said "I think, therefore I am".)

I'm not fond of people who talk mystical nonsense to make themselves look intelligent, and then come out with trite stuff like "Tidy your room" as the answer to life's problems.

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On 11/03/2019 at 16:01, tirso said:

I'm no conspiracy theorist but I think Youtube use has a lot to do with the normalisaiton of  dissident views.  

I think young, inquisitive men are being brought round to these ideas on a slippery slope.  There's an angst amongst a proportion of guys and it's being let by quasi-intellectuals framing debates against "SJW" and "radical feminists" etc.  There are all these buzzwords out there now that people discuss online but rarely, if ever, offline.

You watch one Jordan Peterson video and you're bombarded with more and more.  Logical arguments are made against narrow, extreme feminist-gender ideology which leads normal guys down a path of starting to question whether inequalities exist at all.  Their life isn't easy and they're a guy.  Isn't it funny to see these "woke" people  brought down a peg or two back to REALITY.

Then you start questioning the whole mantra of progressive thought and, helpfully, there's a Ben Shapiro video waving at you debating some pink haired boy about Healthcare.  You're then drawn to some issue about the A word.  There's actual representatives discussing the killing of children without the rights of the father.  9 times out of ten these channels flash more videos about other **TAKE DOWNS of SJW types!!!  **  about immigration, gender paygap or something else of that ilk.

All of  a sudden you've got Rebel media and conservative talk shows on your recommended watch panel whenever you open up Youtube.   They start to become you're point of reference rather than the BBC or other "establishment" means of getting news.  All of this is to consider alternative media as a great saviour of what people really think. 

I've been moved to write this as I've now had two conversations with friends in the last month who have verbatim given me Jordan Peterson arguments (i haven't pulled them up on it) and seem to have changed their political views; particularly on women.  We're a group of pals that are not massively political.  I've sensed guys who maybe share a flat, maybe still not got a settle relationship sit on youtube more than they should and this can be the result.  They start to become more open to points of view they'd never have considered previously.  As I say as a group we are not massivley political; when asked who are the feminists making the outrageous comments, they don't know any.  It's all online.  If they discussed it with their girl pals they'd find nuanced views. 

I don't think it's a conspiracy, I just think the algorithms and alternative media are come together in a way that can produce this.  I think you could do a whole study on this.


I've tried and can't for the life of me think what the A word is. Arsehole? Autism? Abortions?

2 hours ago, Malcolm Malcolm said:

I've never watched one of these videos and they're always lined up for me to watch next after Si Ferry or whatever. It's unsettling.

Not surprising when you watch Si Ferry tbh

2 hours ago, ForzaDundee said:

Difficult to disagree with most of what he says. 

I think it's a good thing you came back to P&B when you did.


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2 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I've tried and can't for the life of me think what the A word is. Arsehole? Autism? Abortions?

Not surprising when you watch Si Ferry tbh

I think it's a good thing you came back to P&B when you did.


What's that about Simon Ferry? He's a bit of a daftie but I don't think he's in the far-right

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13 minutes ago, Malcolm Malcolm said:

What's that about Simon Ferry? He's a bit of a daftie but I don't think he's in the far-right

It was a joke about my opinion of the audience for his videos (being a bit dim rather than fascist)

I got a Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Feminist! video in my suggestions a few months ago despite watching literally nothing related to him or anything he does. Weird stuff.

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29 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

It was a joke about my opinion of the audience for his videos (being a bit dim rather than fascist)

I got a Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Feminist! video in my suggestions a few months ago despite watching literally nothing related to him or anything he does. Weird stuff.

There probably are a lot of dimwits in his audience, yeah

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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

It was a joke about my opinion of the audience for his videos (being a bit dim rather than fascist)

I got a Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Feminist! video in my suggestions a few months ago despite watching literally nothing related to him or anything he does. Weird stuff.

I had a video pop-up in my youtube recommended videos feed that was along the lines of "What you should invest in after Brexit".

Didn't click as iirc the thumbnail was three shifty looking guys in suits and my gut instinct is they were Lyle Lanley types paying for sponsored content to con some fools out of their money.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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7 minutes ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

I had a video pop-up in my youtube recommended videos feed that was along the lines of "What you should invest in after Brexit".

Didn't click as iirc the thumbnail was three shifty looking guys in suits and my gut instinct is they were Lyle Lanley types paying for sponsored content to con some fools out of their money.

I'm looking at my homepage now


Dear oh dear.

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Can't take Peterson seriously after that all beef diet he was on.
Banana was a huge fan, which obviously sets alarm bells ringing.

I think part of the reason I’m so persistently mad at Jordan Peterson is because one of my mates who’s a fan owned me saying “well you can’t criticise him if you haven’t read what he actually says” which obvs made me read his fucking book and destroy my brain for no good reason.
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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:


I think part of the reason I’m so persistently mad at Jordan Peterson is because one of my mates who’s a fan owned me saying “well you can’t criticise him if you haven’t read what he actually says” which obvs made me read his fucking book and destroy my brain for no good reason.


Are you sure he's a mate?

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I've no read any of Piers Morgan's books, but I'm going to right ahead and say I'm fully qualified to criticise the complete f**k out of him. "Owned" is absolutely the correct word, NTP. :lol:

Edited by JamieThomas
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1 minute ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

The internet is absolutely responsible for a lot of the fascist crap you get today. In a way it's almost pitiful seeing gullible people get reeled in by these grifters. Lost souls.

I read somewhere once an argument along the lines that if you Google 'why can't I get a girlfriend', the internet effectively has two answers to that problem. The first is the GQ solution, where you buy a £5000 watch, an Armani suit and get ripped at the gym. The second is the answer that tells you that the reason you can't get a girlfriend is feminism, and here's a Jordan Peterson video to explain it in full! Not surprising really that these sad, desperate losers choose to believe answer 2.

Grim. True, but grim. I've met a few who did both.

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