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The normalisation of the far-right continues

Guest Bob Mahelp

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Looks more likely that he'll get done for contempt of court by showing a film where he repeated accusations that were found to be libellous about that Syrian schoolkid who got beaten up. Might explain why the Met say they weren't involved. Pretending the terrorism act was used is more likely to get mugs like Elon Musk involved.


Edited by welshbairn
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23 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Looks more likely that he'll get done for contempt of court by showing a film where he repeated accusations that were found to be libellous about that Syrian schoolkid who got beaten up. Might explain why the Met say they weren't involved. Pretending the terrorism act was used is more likely to get mugs like Elon Musk involved.


That Donate Now button doesn't seem to work.


If he needs a lobotomy I'll chip in.


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3 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It was a reported tweet.

Don't particularly care as it wasn't my main account (which I use for the football) - Tommy Ten Names is absolute c**t that the world wouldn't miss.

So UnitedTillEhDeh is now banned on Twitter.

Got it.

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Unrest in London, Hartlepool and other places as beered-up blackshirts protest against bleedin' forners on boats because of some child-murderer who wasn't one.

They are ghastly and venal but they are also somewhat limited mentally.

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6 hours ago, KirkieRR said:

Unrest in London, Hartlepool and other places as beered-up blackshirts protest against bleedin' forners on boats because of some child-murderer who wasn't one.

They are ghastly and venal but they are also somewhat limited mentally.

Helped by suited fascists like Farage and lying c***s like Tommy Ten Names and Andrew Tate.

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The far right disinformation has worked - Southport, Hatlepool, Aldershot, Farnborough, London, Manchester.

Its clearly organised, albeit in a loose way.

The fact that this kid was not "an islamist" is irrelevant to these people, all they want is to cause bother - ironically toward the police they were supporting last week after they booted a brown kid in the head.

Lets hope they get longer sentences than the 5 people who put water soluble paint on statues the other week............

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I am a great believer in people’s right to protest peacefully and also recognise that even peaceful protests can get a bit out of hand.  However what we’re seeing here is totally different and it is hate filled against a particular group.  I have no time for Islam or its proponents but I’d not go about throwing things at mosques and trying to scare people.

Surely the police have intelligence units monitoring hate groups and should be more prepared for the sort of gatherings we’ve seen.


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42 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I am a great believer in people’s right to protest peacefully and also recognise that even peaceful protests can get a bit out of hand.  However what we’re seeing here is totally different and it is hate filled against a particular group.  I have no time for Islam or its proponents but I’d not go about throwing things at mosques and trying to scare people.

Surely the police have intelligence units monitoring hate groups and should be more prepared for the sort of gatherings we’ve seen.


It's only very recently that the UK authorities have begun to even acknowledge the growing threat of right-wing hatred in society.  And I agree that it can't be the most difficult task to identify the perpetrators, their means of transport and their locations and deal with them accordingly.

However, we also need to remember the deep-lying attachment certain parts of the upper echelons of UK society have for these lads, they are the latest in the long line of such bulldogs who crewed the ships, manned the garrisons and pacified the natives as the British Empire ruled the waves and conquered the globe.

Now they have f**k all left but grotesque and violent ideals of patriotism and nowhere to vent it in but dear old Blighty.

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They're all a bit miffed that they got an absolute f**king scudding at the election so in a fair and open democracy (no sniggering at the back), they've opted to ignore the law. As others have said, it would be interesting to see the reaction of the far right twitterati to a few of these reprehensible c***s getting truncheoned into next week.

This is all on the likes of Rees Mogg, Braverman, the Reform c***s and their acolytes who are actually sharp enough to know exactly what they're doing and are happy to incite thick arseholes like old brick-balls. 

Edited by HTG
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18 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

It's only very recently that the UK authorities have begun to even acknowledge the growing threat of right-wing hatred in society.  And I agree that it can't be the most difficult task to identify the perpetrators, their means of transport and their locations and deal with them accordingly.

However, we also need to remember the deep-lying attachment certain parts of the upper echelons of UK society have for these lads, they are the latest in the long line of such bulldogs who crewed the ships, manned the garrisons and pacified the natives as the British Empire ruled the waves and conquered the globe.

Now they have f**k all left but grotesque and violent ideals of patriotism and nowhere to vent it in but dear old Blighty.

The UK authorities have acknowledged (and its extreme far right hatred not right wing hatred) for decades, remember Combat 18 in the 90's? Often its how the said acknowledgement reaches us as consumers of information via media shoved in front of our faces and most people unwisely trust mainstream to tell the truth and not leave important stories out. The mind sometimes forgets that this is an ongoing problem back and fore ever since someone perceived there was a problem in the first place. Brixton, Toxteth etc. Its never gone away.

If authorities can't do enough then people organise counter organisations to oppose the extreme far right. The problem with that is although good at organising marches and music festivals, they argue over petty things which are of less importance such as complaining that the Anti Fascist League is mostly made up of white people, then certain left woke thinking half educated porridge brains all focus on that and everyone else becomes uncomfortable. Easy weaknesses and emotions that can be exploited by the far right agent provocateurs (pretending to be left), propagandists (distributing fake pamphlets for example)and internet trolls to distract away from their own progress and growth, slithering into power. The far right is far more organised and far far more focussed on their goals than any organised opposition right now, and they are well backed financially.

But we have the numbers.

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I think this has been mentioned already, but the MSM coverage of these planned ‘gatherings’ by right wing nutjobs needs to be framed differently.  They are nothing to do with the horrible events in Southport, this is only being used as an excuse for racist arseholes doing racist arsehole stuff.  Do not do these people any favours by linking the two things.


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3 hours ago, The Black Flag said:

The UK authorities have acknowledged (and its extreme far right hatred not right wing hatred) for decades, remember Combat 18 in the 90's? Often its how the said acknowledgement reaches us as consumers of information via media shoved in front of our faces and most people unwisely trust mainstream to tell the truth and not leave important stories out. The mind sometimes forgets that this is an ongoing problem back and fore ever since someone perceived there was a problem in the first place. Brixton, Toxteth etc. Its never gone away.

If authorities can't do enough then people organise counter organisations to oppose the extreme far right. The problem with that is although good at organising marches and music festivals, they argue over petty things which are of less importance such as complaining that the Anti Fascist League is mostly made up of white people, then certain left woke thinking half educated porridge brains all focus on that and everyone else becomes uncomfortable. Easy weaknesses and emotions that can be exploited by the far right agent provocateurs (pretending to be left), propagandists (distributing fake pamphlets for example)and internet trolls to distract away from their own progress and growth, slithering into power. The far right is far more organised and far far more focussed on their goals than any organised opposition right now, and they are well backed financially.

But we have the numbers.

It shouldn't be left to fellow citizens to confront the violence and mayhem of the extreme right.  Government has the power to take on the internet companies who are facilitating the propaganda and organisation of the gatherings and the police presumably have the levers of surveillance and the force of the law to come down heavily on those fomenting the trouble and those indulging in it.

As things stand containment seems to be the position but that will need to change.  You can get five years in jail for disrupting motorway traffic in this country but seemingly next to nothing for serious public rioting and extreme damage.

The authorities 'can' do enough I assure you.

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