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Off The Ball - Is it good?

Off The Ball  

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My old man got tickets to the Off the Ball Live show at the Kings earlier this year - f**k me, it was utterly torturous. It started at 7:30pm and never finished until past 10:30pm. It was literally just Cosgrove and Cowan sitting in two seats on the stage, talking the same shite they've talked on the radio for years. It was essentially a stand-up gig for Cowan as Cosgrove sat crossed-legged, contributing little and semi-conscious like the audience.

I used to find his Cosgrove's views relatively congruent to that of the provincial club fan but I now find him unbearably righteous and often quite misinformed. Like Saturday's show for example - apparently Oli McBurnie plays for Leeds and is only in the National squad because of his performances for the 21's which isn't enough for Cosgrove.  Never mind the fact he's one of the top scorers in the Championship and is one of the most in-form players available to us.

The c**t they roll out to do Jonathan Watson-esque impressions needs taken out the back and shot.

There's people out there doing the same thing but infinitely better and far more current (Simon Ferry, Tell Him He's Pele).

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I like it. Not as good as it was but still passes the time well when travelling. If one (or both) are absent then its a no (chic and/or Jane Lewis!!).

The best part is usually the open 20 minutes or so before they have guests although they cut this off the podcast.

The Saturday supplement could be better used. Should be more reflection on games of the day rather than the 'Tracks of my years' crap with guests. 


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1 hour ago, Hammer Jag said:

Tam Cowan has always been a bit behind the times. In his 40’s before he got a burd, in his 50’s before he learned to drive. 

He isn't even actually 50 yet but I think I know what you are getting at.

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1 hour ago, jagfox99 said:

Used to be a good listen back in the day but as time has moved on its less and less irreverent and more and more sycophantic and banal. 

Hasn't gone off the cliff as much as Only an Excuse did back in the day but has lost any edge and needs more listener interaction and some genuine new blood may be the way forward, imo.

I remember back in the day they asked for workmates nicknames and Frank McAvennie quipped, 'Broken Arrow' about someone he knew as they didn't work and couldn't be fired...

I only really listen now if not going to the football.

“Back in the day”? What on earth does that actually mean? How is it defined?

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8 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

“Back in the day”? What on earth does that actually mean? How is it defined?

In the past or some time ago. Undefined but relates to in this case when this show first came out and was mildly entertaining. 

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16 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

In the past or some time ago. Undefined but relates to in this case when this show first came out and was mildly entertaining. 

Sorry to have a go, but I hate the phrase. In my mind it’s lazy and undefined. It can mean five years ago, ten years ago, forty years ago, sixty years ago, and therefore has no meaning. There I go again. And don’t get me started with people that start the answer to any question with “so”.

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2 hours ago, kingjoey said:

Sorry to have a go, but I hate the phrase. In my mind it’s lazy and undefined. It can mean five years ago, ten years ago, forty years ago, sixty years ago, and therefore has no meaning. There I go again. And don’t get me started with people that start the answer to any question with “so”.

What about people who say "The back of 5",  (or whatever number) for a time description?

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5 hours ago, Barry Ferguson's Hat said:

Not really getting the criticism for their lack of knowledge of things outside the Central Belt. That's a pretty niche thing to be knowledgeable about and something that the entire BBC Alba channel is designed to cater for. 

Well BBC Alba is not terribly well designed then, given that it's delivered in a language spoken by very few, either inside or outside of the Central Belt.

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Stuart Cosgrove was a very articulate voice at the time of Armageddon...I particularly remember him absolutely savaging Graham Speirs' argument that Scottish Football without the Old Firm  would be on par with the Irish League.

He seems to have lost his edge recently...I suspect Cosgrove having a young son and St Johnstone winning a Trophy has contributed but he did make a somewhat wistful comment a while ago about being a target when you give an opinion about Scottish Football. 

I still enjoy listening to Stuart & Tam...it does seem a bit tired but I would really miss it if it wasn't on.


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