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What's The Worst Pain You Have Ever Experienced?

Dee Man

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The wife and I were watching someone on the telly getting their arse waxed earlier - as you do - when she piped up, "He didn't even flinch!", so obviously my false bravado made me instantly reply - "Easy!"

Unbeknownst to me she has all the gear required for waxing so she wanted me to prove if I was as tough as I was making out. 

As I lay naked, vulnerable, spread-eagled and face down on the bed crying into the pillow, I anxiously wondered what pain awaited me, if it would be the worst pain I had ever endured and if I would be able to feign how painless the procedure was. As it turned out, it was a piece of piss - like pulling an elastoplast off some hair. Canter. 

Anyhow, that's got nothing to do with anything - what is the worst pain you have ever actually suffered?

Mine was earlier this year when the corner of a metal cage fell on me and dragged down my shin gouging out a chunk of flesh about 7" long, 1/4 of an inch wide and about 5mm deep. Yes, I just mixed metric with imperial.

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I’ve broken bones but for me it’s got to be toothache, especially one time when I had an abscess that was stuck to my tooth and when they gave me a jag to numb/remove the tooth they had to inject into the area where the abscess was. Tears were running down my face from that few seconds of intense pain.

The whole night before with the toothache was the worst though. I’ve read that toothache is one of the few things your body doesn’t put you into shock for but I’m pretty sure that happened to me. I drove from Glasgow to Kilmarnock in absolute agony and when I got in the house I didn’t even get to phone the dentist, I just fell asleep fully clothed on the bed for about 6 hours. By the time my girlfriend got home it was about 9pm and the next 12 hours waiting for the dentist to open was the worst night of my life.

I genuinely think that in places like America you probably get a few deaths classed as suicide when someone has had really bad toothache and just blown their own heads off instead of dealing with the pain, especially those who can’t afford the dental care. I’m sure that night I would’ve taken that as a preferred option.

There are some people I know, the girlfriend in question at the time being one of them, who have absolutely perfect teeth and have never had toothache as an adult. If you are one of these people then lucky you. My teeth don’t necessarily look that bad from the front but the sides of my mouths are full of holes where teeth have been.

Would rather get knocked down by a bus than get really bad toothache again.

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I very stupidly jumped off a shed roof on to an old abandoned sofa, whilst very drunk (just for the shitz & giggles), the pain from shattering your heel bone is intense, never felt anything like it & I include popping a cruciate ligament in this (which is also very sore). But the worst pain I’ve ever felt was getting a green dot from Banana on P&B.
Actually@mo83 was present when I shattered my heel bone.

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When I was about 12 I shut my thumb in a car door. 

That in itself was painful, but worse was yet to come. At the hospital, they stuck a needle through the nail to drain the blood that had gathered underneath it. You know that stinging pain when you accidentally catch something under your nail? This was about a thousand times worse.

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Earlier this year woke up and noticed where my appendix is was a bit sore but nothing too painful, but wow it got so much worse. Ended up just curled up on the floor not being able to get up with the pain and couldn't get a doctors appointment for 4 hours. Gave in an hour or two after that and eventually found someone to give me a lift to A+E. Somehow while I was there it really started to calm down and eventually went away and they had no idea what was wrong as they thought my appendix was going to burst, but as it was going away they said it couldn't be, so f**k knows. Still the few hours before I went to the hospital was absolutely agony and later my hand wasn't in a great state as I punched a radiator while on the floor. 

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Calcific tendinitis in my shoulder. Never known pain like it before or since, could not move my arm without it feeling like someone had driven a red hot poker into my shoulder blade. Had to get a steroid injection to reduce the pain enough to allow me to start moving again.



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21 minutes ago, Mantis Toboggan said:

Earlier this year woke up and noticed where my appendix is was a bit sore but nothing too painful, but wow it got so much worse. Ended up just curled up on the floor not being able to get up with the pain and couldn't get a doctors appointment for 4 hours. Gave in an hour or two after that and eventually found someone to give me a lift to A+E. Somehow while I was there it really started to calm down and eventually went away and they had no idea what was wrong as they thought my appendix was going to burst, but as it was going away they said it couldn't be, so f**k knows. Still the few hours before I went to the hospital was absolutely agony and later my hand wasn't in a great state as I punched a radiator while on the floor. 



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28 minutes ago, The Master said:

When I was about 12 I shut my thumb in a car door. 

That in itself was painful, but worse was yet to come. At the hospital, they stuck a needle through the nail to drain the blood that had gathered underneath it. You know that stinging pain when you accidentally catch something under your nail? This was about a thousand times worse.

f**k, that reminds me...

I slid off a roof and instinctively reached out to grab something as I fell off which turned out to be a razor sharp, metal gutter which sliced under my middle finger nail causing it to gush blood. Went to the hospital and was told it would need stitched but they'd have to remove the nail first. Got 3 or 4 anaesthetic injections around the nail which I'm sure I felt hitting my finger bone. Got the nail painlessly ripped off with a pair of medical pliers once the anaesthetic had kicked in. Once the anaesthetic wore off however, the pain was quite something. 

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Trying to fix a garage door and managed to get my fingers caught in whatever you call this bit where the cable wraps around the wheel thing...


Thought they'd all been sliced clean off the pain was so acute but they were just bent back with the tightly sprung cable clamped on top. 

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Having the scar tissue in my arm and shoulder ripped to free up the movement in my arm and shoulder post two operations to repair my collarbone, dislocated shoulder and separated acromioclavicular joint. Basically grabbing my elbow and thrusting it skywards vigorously resulting in what can only be described as a white hot ripping sensation that thankfully lasted less than 10 seconds. Never felt anything like it before or since. Thankfully. 

It being preceded by the phrase from the consultant "right Mr Campbell you'll feel a slight discomfort here" which did absolutely nothing to prepare me for what was about to follow :lol: 

There was lots of swearing. 

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