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What's The Worst Pain You Have Ever Experienced?

Dee Man

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1 hour ago, supermik said:

When I got mine done, I watched it all on the monitor. They cut 4 things out that looked a bit suss. They marked 2 of the removal points with a tattoo dot so if they ever have to re examine me they will be able to reference where exactly they were. The doc said that after they had been removed they didn’t appear as bad as first thought. Of course, after I got home, the wife decided to Google the things that were removed. And, in the best tradition of Google, she then informed me that I was now facing a lingering and painful death which cheered me up no end.

It took almost 10 weeks for the results to comeback. Everything was benign.

f**k Google (and nosy wifes)

Good to hear! The wait begins here but Google doesn’t bring up much.  At least you got a free tattoo!

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Had a nasty bout of pleurisy a few years ago, was told not to go to sleep fully on my back but was so tired from not sleeping due to the pain that I feel asleep flat out woke up about four hours later in the worst pain I've ever experienced. Like red hot pokers through my back and chest. Have ripped my medial ligament three times and none holds a candle to that.

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Had a couple of colonoscopies twice with an endoscopy thrown in for good measure.
NHS Scotland had me lying on my side watching the monitor, US hospitals knock you out!

ETA currently suffering some of the worst acid reflux ever between bouts of spewing.
It’s like molten lava being poured down my esophagus.

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  • 5 months later...

Rubbed some chemicals in my eyes last night by mistake. Still sore this morning so asked Mrs where the eye drops were. Put them in and they stung a bit and when I went out everything was grey and fuzzy and a bit painful. Went back home and it turned out I’d filled my eyes with covid test stuff (rather than eye drops.

Would not recommend covid test juice as eye drops. 1/5

Edited by Shandon Par
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I discovered a lump on one of my bollocks a few years back so booked in to get it checked out. Doctor tells me to lie down and he’ll have a feel. 

Conversation went something like this:

”Seems ok, just going to check if its mobile”

Cool no bot-AH YA b*****d

Poor guy must’ve jumped about 3 foot in the air and everyone in the waiting room definitely heard my cries of pain. He apologised profusely and seemed mortified. 

Identified as some sort of cyst and the worry was over. The pain I felt when he tried to move it was one of the most intense pains I’ve ever felt. 

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2 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Rubbed some chemicals in my eyes last night by mistake. Still sore this morning so asked Mrs where the eye drops were. Put them in and they stung a bit and when I went out everything was grey and fuzzy and a bit painful. Went back home and it turned out I’d filled my eyes with covid test stuff (rather than eye drops.

Would not recommend covid test juice as eye drops. 1/5

Blind Pew: A vicious, deadly, and sinister blind beggar who served as a member of Flint's crew. Despite his blindness, he proves to be a dangerous adversary and can even be considered a ringleader amongst his fellow crewmen. He is the second messenger to approach Billy Bones and the one to deliver the Black Spot. He is trampled to death by the horses of revenue officers riding to assist Jim and his mother after the raid on their inn. Silver claims Pew spent his share of Flint's treasure at a rate of £1,200 per year, and that for two years until his accident at the "Admiral Benbow", he begged, stole, and murdered. Stevenson avoided predictability by making the two most fearsome characters a blind painter & decorator and an amputee.

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2 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Rubbed some chemicals in my eyes last night by mistake. Still sore this morning so asked Mrs where the eye drops were. Put them in and they stung a bit and when I went out everything was grey and fuzzy and a bit painful. Went back home and it turned out I’d filled my eyes with covid test stuff (rather than eye drops.

Would not recommend covid test juice as eye drops. 1/5

She obviously doesn't trust you to f*** things up on your own...

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At high school was playing football. Went to retrieve the ball from some long grass beside a fence.

Was one of those tall black iron ones. The tall grass hid one of the support bars that go at an angle from the fence to the ground.

It hit my shin & I went over the top of it but my leg was planted.

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A lifelong fear of dentists was started in P7, the school dentist (when they used come round in big caravan and be in school car park for a couple of weeks. Had two teeth extracted and the anesthetic injection had not worked. A dentist kneeling on my chest with pliers in hand and assistant holding me down, as I screamed this is really sore, and they shouted back don't be so silly. I've had toothache and rather have that,  although now back to dentist at least once a year, it brings terrors in me.

The third time I had Covid (about 12 months ago) was bad, ended up lying on my living room floor crying an vomiting and unable to move without blinding pains in head and chest. Have been left with a recurring chest infection, and managed to cough so badly over a weekend about a month ago that I fractured two ribs in a coughing fit. Coughing chest infection with broken ribs is a nightmare.

But has been said emotional pain in worse, 4 years ago my partner had a miscarriage at 19 1/2 weeks (20 weeks and they call it a stillbirth, so very far on). As close as anything has come in my life to totally breaking and destroying me. Pretending to be strong and dealing with it when you cannot have a conversation without crying and an emotional pain that that physically hurts.

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Got shot from a air rifle on the back of the arm ,the tricep  kind flesh area while out working one day ,was wearing a t shirt ,c**t was problay  aiming for my head so maybe got off lightly , got stabbed on the arse cheek (steady now ) back when I was in my 20’s ,and that wasn’t as sore as the air rifle surprisingly. 

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10 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Rubbed some chemicals in my eyes last night by mistake. Still sore this morning so asked Mrs where the eye drops were. Put them in and they stung a bit and when I went out everything was grey and fuzzy and a bit painful. Went back home and it turned out I’d filled my eyes with covid test stuff (rather than eye drops.

Would not recommend covid test juice as eye drops. 1/5


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On 23/03/2023 at 10:38, Shandon Par said:

Rubbed some chemicals in my eyes last night by mistake. Still sore this morning so asked Mrs where the eye drops were. Put them in and they stung a bit and when I went out everything was grey and fuzzy and a bit painful. Went back home and it turned out I’d filled my eyes with covid test stuff (rather than eye drops.

Would not recommend covid test juice as eye drops. 1/5


"Federal health officials are continuing to investigate a multi-state outbreak of drug-resistant infections linked to eye drops.

  • There have been eight reports of vision loss, the CDC said in its update this week citing data as of March 14.
  • There have been four cases involving surgical removal of an eyeball, the CDC said.
  • The 16 states with reported cases are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wisconsin."
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On 23/03/2023 at 10:38, Shandon Par said:

Rubbed some chemicals in my eyes last night by mistake. Still sore this morning so asked Mrs where the eye drops were. Put them in and they stung a bit and when I went out everything was grey and fuzzy and a bit painful. Went back home and it turned out I’d filled my eyes with covid test stuff (rather than eye drops.

Would not recommend covid test juice as eye drops. 1/5

The best bit of this is that you didn't stop after the first eye.

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Kidney stones have been my top pain. The second one was so bad, while I was being driven to the emergency room, I had to have the driver pull over so I could stumble out and throw up on the motorway verge. The pain was rhythmic, on about a 30 minute cycle…during the 5-10 minute major pain portion it was impossible to find a position that mitigated the pain in any way…you either lay curled up fetal style or paced, hunched over. The best pain meds they gave me dropped the pain from a 8-9 to a 4-5.

It finally moved a tiny bit and was less painful for the next two days until I had laser ablation surgery. The picture he took of the kidney stone looked like a little ribcage jammed in between my kidney and bladder. It was lasered away, along with the narrowing, so they admitted me for the night…which I spent pissing blood. The next morning, absolutely fine…until they told me about the internal stent.

Went back to have the stent between kidney and bladder removed two weeks later…they shoot some numbing crap up the hole and then have you sit there and watch while they play like one of those arcade cranes with a little grabber jammed up your somewhat numbed junk. Then he says “you might feel this a bit…”

Damn f**king right I did…he pulled it out like the old tablecloth trick!

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30 minutes ago, TxRover said:

Kidney stones have been my top pain. The second one was so bad, while I was being driven to the emergency room, I had to have the driver pull over so I could stumble out and throw up on the motorway verge. The pain was rhythmic, on about a 30 minute cycle…during the 5-10 minute major pain portion it was impossible to find a position that mitigated the pain in any way…you either lay curled up fetal style or paced, hunched over. The best pain meds they gave me dropped the pain from a 8-9 to a 4-5.

It finally moved a tiny bit and was less painful for the next two days until I had laser ablation surgery. The picture he took of the kidney stone looked like a little ribcage jammed in between my kidney and bladder. It was lasered away, along with the narrowing, so they admitted me for the night…which I spent pissing blood. The next morning, absolutely fine…until they told me about the internal stent.

Went back to have the stent between kidney and bladder removed two weeks later…they shoot some numbing crap up the hole and then have you sit there and watch while they play like one of those arcade cranes with a little grabber jammed up your somewhat numbed junk. Then he says “you might feel this a bit…”

Damn f**king right I did…he pulled it out like the old tablecloth trick!

I've passed kidney stones a couple of times, naturally.  Certainly hard to imagine a worse pain.

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On 23/03/2023 at 10:38, Shandon Par said:

Rubbed some chemicals in my eyes last night by mistake. Still sore this morning so asked Mrs where the eye drops were. Put them in and they stung a bit and when I went out everything was grey and fuzzy and a bit painful. Went back home and it turned out I’d filled my eyes with covid test stuff (rather than eye drops.

Would not recommend covid test juice as eye drops. 1/5

^^^ @GordonS 

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