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Dating disasters

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Has anyone had anything totally disastrous happen while on a date with someone?

Last night I went a drive in my car with someone before parking up and having a discussion (that's not a euphemism). After a while we decided to drive around again but my car wouldn't start.

Luckily she only lived a short distance away so we walked around to her house to get her car and some jump leads to jump start my car. She parked her car in front of mine and connected the leads up before starting her car and revving it.

Suddenly her car jerked forward and glanced against the furthest edge of the bottom of my front bumper and then hit a tree. :lol: 

She was mortified and apologetic but I was dying with laughter. It was genuinely one of the funniest things I have ever seen. The hilarity was definitely worth having a small scratch on my car, and it was a nice change that it was her and not me who did something daft.

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6 minutes ago, Friedrich Nietzsche said:

Has anyone had anything totally disastrous happen while on a date with someone?

Last night I went a drive in my car with someone before parking up and having a discussion (that's not a euphemism). After a while we decided to drive around again but my car wouldn't start.

Luckily she only lived a short distance away so we walked around to her house to get her car and some jump leads to jump start my car. She parked her car in front of mine and connected the leads up before starting her car and revving it.

Suddenly her car jerked forward and glanced against the furthest edge of the bottom of my front bumper and then hit a tree. :lol: 

She was mortified and apologetic but I was dying with laughter. It was genuinely one of the funniest things I have ever seen. The hilarity was definitely worth having a small scratch on my car, and it was a nice change that it was her and not me who did something daft.


Are you going to see her again?

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9 minutes ago, Friedrich Nietzsche said:

Has anyone had anything totally disastrous happen while on a date with someone?

Last night I went a drive in my car with someone before parking up and having a discussion (that's not a euphemism). After a while we decided to drive around again but my car wouldn't start.

Luckily she only lived a short distance away so we walked around to her house to get her car and some jump leads to jump start my car. She parked her car in front of mine and connected the leads up before starting her car and revving it.

Suddenly her car jerked forward and glanced against the furthest edge of the bottom of my front bumper and then hit a tree. :lol: 

She was mortified and apologetic but I was dying with laughter. It was genuinely one of the funniest things I have ever seen. The hilarity was definitely worth having a small scratch on my car, and it was a nice change that it was her and not me who did something daft.

Never mind all that, did you get a ride?

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Got blackout drunk on a first date in classy Dunfermline style. We met at The Viewpoint (a bench and popular outdoor drinking spot overlooking the town). I started puking quite early and her pal took it upon herself to undo my flies, help me aim my pee into the bushes then tuck everything away again as and when required. Unfortunately that wasn’t enough to put her off and I was with her for a few years after that. 

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I went on a date last year that ended up with the girl getting that hammered she blacked out in the casino and disappeared. Tried to call her and see where she was as she had left her bag at the table with me, but the phone was in her bag.

She contacted me on FB the next day after I sent her a private message on there, asking what happened. She ended up getting a taxi to her parent’s house and crying outside until her Dad got up and gave her 20 quid for the taxi, as I had her purse.

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I had a genuine emergency phonecall on a first date but the girl thought I was ripping the pish out of her. It was a few years ago with all the flooding in Aberdeen and I got a call from my neighbour saying the police were round and if I didn't come home and move my car in the next 20 minutes it would be underwater. 

Never heard from her again despite the fact that it was genuine and the flooding was extremely well publicised at the time. Fucking bitch still owes me a round. 

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I had a genuine emergency phonecall on a first date but the girl thought I was ripping the pish out of her. It was a few years ago with all the flooding in Aberdeen and I got a call from my neighbour saying the police were round and if I didn't come home and move my car in the next 20 minutes it would be underwater. 
Never heard from her again despite the fact that it was genuine and the flooding was extremely well publicised at the time. Fucking bitch still owes me a round. 

Maybe the bird wanted her fanny flooded [emoji1]
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I went on a date with a lassie, I took her to the stand, but when I met her she’d clearly been on the bevvy that afternoon (id probably need to be drunk to date me too). So drunk girls and comedy clubs dont mix very well. Especially when you have to sit at the front to get a seat and she thinks the show is a private conversation between her and the comedian. Every ‘edgy’ joke left her trying to argue with the comics about the minutiae of sexism. I havent wanted the earth to open up as much as I did that night. Ended up leaving at the interval and left her the taxi money.

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2 hours ago, CountyFan said:

I had a genuine emergency phonecall on a first date but the girl thought I was ripping the pish out of her. It was a few years ago with all the flooding in Aberdeen and I got a call from my neighbour saying the police were round and if I didn't come home and move my car in the next 20 minutes it would be underwater. 

Never heard from her again despite the fact that it was genuine and the flooding was extremely well publicised at the time. Fucking bitch still owes me a round. 

They've had a spate of knackered fridges up that way I've heard.

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I had a tinder date once in Aberdeen. I was living an hour away from the city in Aberdeenshire at the time so I drove through with the intention of ending up in the girls bed by the end of the night - or drive home.

Date went off to a shaky start but the initial nerves died down and it was going well, we were starting to get cosy in bar. Now, because I had the car I couldn’t drink. I very cheekily told the lass earlier that I could have a drink however she would have to let me stay at hers - on the sofa of course. She had a think about it and then agreed, so up to the bar I went and got us a bottle of wine. Job was a good’n. Or so I thought.

Girl gets a phone call and goes outside. She returns with a worried look on her face and says her friend is at a pub somewhere and is in a right state because her ex bf has turned up. I was thinking, well so what? Let her deal with that herself surely. Apparently this was not an option given that this ex had “fucked up her life.” I thought I could go along with her, get this sorted and continue the night after. Nope, this girl was getting picked up and taken home to be looked after. Just like that the date was over.

Now I had a problem. I’ve had a drink. I can’t drive home and now I can’t stay at hers. Genuinely feeling bad about the situation and the date ending so prematurely she says she’ll pay my taxi - no chance I said, it’ll cost a fortune. She ended up giving me the keys to her flat. I walked back and let myself in, slept in her bed, got up the next morning and drove home :lol:

It was probably a really stupid thing to do on her part but she must be a good judge of character because I could have ransacked her room if I was bad b*****d. Either way it was an incredibly sound thing to do and I was thankful. I never heard from her again.

Another Aberdeen date ended oddly when the girls mate decided we weren’t getting to stay at her flat again after we had done so the night before. I ended up staying at the girls parents house, meeting her mum and being put in a separate bed. That was a bit weird.

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9 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

I had a tinder date once in Aberdeen. I was living an hour away from the city in Aberdeenshire at the time so I drove through with the intention of ending up in the girls bed by the end of the night - or drive home.

Date went off to a shaky start but the initial nerves died down and it was going well, we were starting to get cosy in bar. Now, because I had the car I couldn’t drink. I very cheekily told the lass earlier that I could have a drink however she would have to let me stay at hers - on the sofa of course. She had a think about it and then agreed, so up to the bar I went and got us a bottle of wine. Job was a good’n. Or so I thought.

Girl gets a phone call and goes outside. She returns with a worried look on her face and says her friend is at a pub somewhere and is in a right state because her ex bf has turned up. I was thinking, well so what? Let her deal with that herself surely. Apparently this was not an option given that this ex had “fucked up her life.” I thought I could go along with her, get this sorted and continue the night after. Nope, this girl was getting picked up and taken home to be looked after. Just like that the date was over.

Now I had a problem. I’ve had a drink. I can’t drive home and now I can’t stay at hers. Genuinely feeling bad about the situation and the date ending so prematurely she says she’ll pay my taxi - no chance I said, it’ll cost a fortune. She ended up giving me the keys to her flat. I walked back and let myself in, slept in her bed, got up the next morning and drove home :lol:

It was probably a really stupid thing to do on her part but she must be a good judge of character because I could have ransacked her room if I was bad b*****d. Either way it was an incredibly sound thing to do and I was thankful. I never heard from her again.

Another Aberdeen date ended oddly when the girls mate decided we weren’t getting to stay at her flat again after we had done so the night before. I ended up staying at the girls parents house, meeting her mum and being put in a separate bed. That was a bit weird.

So in summary, you rifled her dirty washing basket.

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