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The Bethnal Green Schoolgirls


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The right and the left are absolutely not in agreement on this. 
I hate to simplify it this much, but if you’re on the same side of the argument as Piers Morgan, Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins I’d suggest you are on the wrong side. 

Normally I would agree with that but my feeling is they might be right, just because we don’t like them because they are utter cretins doesn’t mean they are always wrong.

If comments on Facebook on articles produced by the National are anything to go by then I would absolutely say the majority of the left think she should gtf, with the few remaining saying bring her back.

I can see the arguments for both sides but I feel like she shouldn’t come back. I’ve also seen people mention what’s happening to the “Windrush Generation” just now - how is it fair that these people are deported but they’ll bring a back an ISIS recruit? It’s a bit of a disgrace how much press coverage this lassie is getting instead of these guys who deserve it more.
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Normally I would agree with that but my feeling is they might be right, just because we don’t like them because they are utter cretins doesn’t mean they are always wrong.

If comments on Facebook on articles produced by the National are anything to go by then I would absolutely say the majority of the left think she should gtf, with the few remaining saying bring her back.

I can see the arguments for both sides but I feel like she shouldn’t come back. I’ve also seen people mention what’s happening to the “Windrush Generation” just now - how is it fair that these people are deported but they’ll bring a back an ISIS recruit? It’s a bit of a disgrace how much press coverage this lassie is getting instead of these guys who deserve it more.

I’d rather we didn’t disqualify people from the support we are duty bound to give to our own citizens because of a trial by the tabloid press and Facebook. It’s also possible to argue that both sympathetic and non-sympathetic people are entitled to be treated humanely and fairly by the law.
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3 hours ago, jamamafegan said:

I can see the arguments for both sides but I feel like she shouldn’t come back.


I don't see why the Kurds, who did the vast bulk of the fighting to defeat IS, should be expected to divert attention from the imminent  threat of attack from both the Syrian Government and Turkey, to babysit our gullible and potentially very dangerous teenagers. She was made in Britain and she's our problem.

Edited by welshbairn
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You would think, unless she did a lone wolf attack, she would be worse than useless to IS in the UK, as near enough everyone she communicated with would be immediately on a watchlist.

The more staunch Rangers supporters on my facebook will not shut up about this, particularly now that Gerrard is back to being shite. This inclines me to say she should come back to the UK and be given a council house, a playstation and a plasma screen tv (if you still get those).

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5 hours ago, NotThePars said:


I’d rather we didn’t disqualify people from the support we are duty bound to give to our own citizens because of a trial by the tabloid press and Facebook. It’s also possible to argue that both sympathetic and non-sympathetic people are entitled to be treated humanely and fairly by the law.

What support is she not getting that are we duty bound to give her.

Again this is rather close to making things up to gain sympathy for an supporter of a genocidal regime who has still not condemned them other than because her husband was arrested. (Though yesterday people lied  claimed she could not criticise them for fear of her life).

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20 hours ago, JamieThomas said:

I didn't truly believe this would make right wing brain donors quite as angry as it has, so I've moved from not giving a shit to fully endorsing bringing her and the bairn home, sticking them in a 7 bedroom luxury mansion and paying her the £100k a year benefits or whatever it is these absolute foaming fucking helmets actually believe asylum seekers get these days.

I think the number depends on the tabloid you read.

Daily Mail tells it's gullible customers it's £250K and a free top of the range house.

Sun readers believe it's a more modest £70K per annum

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Me: (small brain, totally stupid) 

As she's a British citizen, we have a responsibility. She should be brought home, put on trial and her newborn child taken care of.

You: (galaxy brain,  actual fucking genius)


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