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3 hours ago, Lukovic said:

I think it was originally meant to be Adam Cole but then his ankle exploded.

Still convinced the guys under the masks are the Kingdom and Roderick Strong though.

Could always do a story that, when he comes back, he reveals it was him but then someone stole it.

Or something.

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4 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Whoever it is, they need to wrap this up at the PPV.

For me it's been an absolute flop. 

The story of MJF's cuntish past coming back to haunt him with everyone he's ever wronged all vying for him at the same time but him now being a bit more honourable and giving them their shot at redemption on him is simple and bloody good.

Everywhere he turns there's a Kingston, a Joe, a Mox, a Hobbs, a Wardlow, a Starks waiting on him.

This devil stuff, whilst probably needed as a vehicle for the big Adam Cole reveal, is now booked into a corner and you feel they are still trying to pivot and figure it out themselves without a massive plot hole somewhere along the line. If they had quietly dropped it after Jay White got battered, nobody would have bothered their arse.

AEW has honestly gone miles backwards in their overall presentation. The in ring action is still good but it desperately needs a shake up overall.

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41 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

For me it's been an absolute flop. 

The story of MJF's cuntish past coming back to haunt him with everyone he's ever wronged all vying for him at the same time but him now being a bit more honourable and giving them their shot at redemption on him is simple and bloody good.

Everywhere he turns there's a Kingston, a Joe, a Mox, a Hobbs, a Wardlow, a Starks waiting on him.

This devil stuff, whilst probably needed as a vehicle for the big Adam Cole reveal, is now booked into a corner and you feel they are still trying to pivot and figure it out themselves without a massive plot hole somewhere along the line. If they had quietly dropped it after Jay White got battered, nobody would have bothered their arse.

AEW has honestly gone miles backwards in their overall presentation. The in ring action is still good but it desperately needs a shake up overall.

It's one of the most talked about things in wrestling currently (amongst wrestling geeks at least) so I wouldn't call it a flop.

I do agree they've booked themselves into a corner however as it will need a major reveal otherwise all the work beforehand is pointless 

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They just need to find a way to make it Cole that makes sense and drags things on until he's healthy.  Anything else would range from absolutely mental to just disappointing.  I've got a horrible feeling it'll end up being MJF himself, which would be...fucking horrible honestly.

Personally I think it'll be Cole, and he'll be revealed in some way at World's End.  Probably costing him the title to Joe.  MJF then gets to go away and sell him totally going to WWE obvs, and ultimately heal up after being everywhere for about a year.  Joe gets the title and gives the whole picture a refresh with a well-deserved run (possibly up to a big face run for Ospreay to win at All In).  Then when Cole is better, MJF can suddenly return and kick off what was presumably ultimately going to happen eventually before the injury.  That would seem a sensible way to go about things and book your way out of a hole.  But knowing AEW, I expect a completely broken MJF retains both his titles at World's End, nothing gets revealed, and we keep having them spin their wheels for months until it turns out it's fucking Ric Flair or something.

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Doesn't seem like it will be one of the recent WWE releases thankfully.

If Nick Nemeth had a main event spot lined up he wouldn't be stuck in a 2003 timewarp when ex-WWE guys would end up in Puerto Rico for some pay days.

Mustafa Ali's announced a ton of indie dates and probably has the best release/hype video since Mox's prison break. He'd be an asset for AEW or TNA. Smart enough to scoop up all the main event independent money and rebuild his reputation so he doesn't just have the ex-WWE label.

And I don't think Matt Riddle was seen as a Devil candidate, but he's off to MLW.

Adam Cole was the plan I have no doubt. Going for the masked man mystery and dragging out the ROH Tag Title situation to keep alive the storyline between MJF and Cole. Then they found out how bad the ankle injury was and the plan was buggered.

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Nice to see we're back to the women's booking of "have a match, heels win, post-match beat-down, face runs down to save".  Innovative.

I know I'm in a tiny minority, but I've never quite taken to Kingston.  Even so, he's probably one of the more believable characters, and having him win is exactly what needed to happen, even if it just continues Danielson's complete aversion to winning any feud he has.  Moxley winning the other side was a bit meh, and he's starting to feel pretty over-exposed, so hopefully Kingston wins the whole thing.  

World's End feels a bit of an odd show.  Built largely around the MJF story, but instead of your big show being where feuds conclude, it seems like AEW are trying to make it where they start.  Quite a few matches just chucked on there seemingly with little build-up (I know Swerve and Lee have a lot of history, but still), and although it's probably recency bias, this is probably the first AEW main show card where most of the matches seem a bit shit.  It'll be a good show, it always is, but feel they could have done better.

Then the MJF stuff...they reeeeeally need to do the reveal at the show on Saturday, because you can hear the story creaking from all the shit they've put on it.  It's almost certainly Cole now, which is probably the right decision, but they need to move it on for something to actually happen, and prove they can actually pivot if they need to.  Always an outside shot that Cole isn't quite as injured as they're making out and he's closer to ready than expected, but if it isn't, just get on with it anyway. 

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15 minutes ago, Mark Connolly said:


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It was a good storyline with a stinking reveal. 

Again, booked themselves into a corner. It was meant to be Jake Roberts but he was too far off the wagon.

Then it was meant to be Christopher Daniels but he wasn't well enough known for it to be viable.

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These don't seem like the words of a man about to leave the company. I'm sure folk will be having a field day trying to work out who he was legit having a go at in parts of the article.


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1 hour ago, Lukovic said:

I don't think he likes CM Punk anymore 

He's meant to have been a witness to the brawl at All Out. Outside looking in, he went from having his return built around his new faction against Punk/Pinnacle. Which at the the very least meant completing the trilogy of singles matches. To completely ignoring Punk this summer, and never acknowledged Punk's title.


Edited by FairWeatherFan
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