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13 minutes ago, thisal said:


Your prejudices are slipping. Unfortunately there are a lot of young folk and Scots old and young who support Johnson on Brexit.

Johnson doesn't support Johnson on Brexit, he knows he doesn't have a clue what to do.

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3 minutes ago, thisal said:

Not really the point I was making.

I know, but I don't see how anyone can support him specifically on Brexit when he doesn't have a policy, just irreconcilable promises to opposite sides of the argument. I suppose people might believe that he'll somehow blag his way through.

Edited by welshbairn
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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I know, but I don't see how anyone can support him specifically on Brexit when he doesn't have a policy, just irreconcilable promises to opposite sides of the argument. I suppose people might believe that he'll somehow blag his way through.

Again not the point I'm making as someone who is no longer a spring chicken  and has an English parent I get pee'd off with that attitude that is allowed to go unchallenged here that everyone over 40 and English hold a certain view. The Da patter is chronic. and as for gammon, well if stereotyping someone on race gender and age isn't "gammon" I don't know what is.

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Your prejudices are slipping. Unfortunately there are a lot of young folk and Scots old and young who support Johnson on Brexit.
Are you seriously trying to suggest that the lurch to the extreme political right in the UK, and England in particular, is not intrinsically connected to racial attitudes ? Brexit is this phenomenon writ large and the word 'Immigration' runs through it like a watermark.

And I'll need to take your word for it on Scottish attitudes on Johnson - we obviously move in parallel universes.
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Again not the point I'm making as someone who is no longer a spring chicken  and has an English parent I get pee'd off with that attitude that is allowed to go unchallenged here that everyone over 40 and English hold a certain view. The Da patter is chronic. and as for gammon, well if stereotyping someone on race gender and age isn't "gammon" I don't know what is.
"Gammon is waaaycist" [emoji1] [emoji1] [emoji1]

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1 hour ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Are you seriously trying to suggest that the lurch to the extreme political right in the UK, and England in particular, is not intrinsically connected to racial attitudes ? Brexit is this phenomenon writ large and the word 'Immigration' runs through it like a watermark.

And I'll need to take your word for it on Scottish attitudes on Johnson - we obviously move in parallel universes.

Did you read what I said. The only point I made is that support for Johnson's latest take on Brexit is not unique to the elderly and the English remember over 1m Scots voted for Brexit.

32 minutes ago, jupe1407 said:

"Gammon is waaaycist" emoji1.pngemoji1.pngemoji1.png

Off course it is what would you call making assumption on someone based on race gender and age. It might be one of the least harmful but it's still prejudiced.

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4 minutes ago, Tibbermoresaint said:

So 4m+ didn't?


2 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

You said they support Johnson on Brexit.

How do you know that?

I don't not anymore than the people who say that it's the elderly and English that back him. That's kind of my point.

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