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Runners and Riders.... Next PM.

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Has there ever been a more spineless MP? 

Satan himself could rise from hell and take office and Mundell would be telling us all to stick together and give him a chance. Utterly pathetic.


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So Boris Johnson has the smallest constituency majority (5k) of any PM since 1924. Wonder if other parties will stand aside at the next election to give Labour a free run at it?

Also, you probably won’t hear much about it, but there will be a fair chunk of young, remain voting, Tories who will be leaving the party today or in the coming days. The party membership is going to become even more no-deal obsessed.

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Has there ever been a more spineless MP? 
Satan himself could rise from hell and take office and Mundell would be telling us all to stick together and give him a chance. Utterly pathetic.
I hate that w****r more than Boris to be honest
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6 minutes ago, Sooky said:

Also, you probably won’t hear much about it, but there will be a fair chunk of young, remain voting, Tories who will be leaving the party today or in the coming days.

I'm not convinced. The Conservative Parties biggest strength has always been that, unlike Labour and the Liberals, they put party ahead of principles. I don't see this changing things.

ETA: I'm being generous on the Libs there. The last time they had the chance to put their principles first they sold out at the first sign of having genuine influence.

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Wonder what the chances are of the new PM reaching out to the new LDem leader for a bit of support? I think any principles Swinson might have would disappear very quickly. 

Time for Sturgeon to name the day to get us out of this calamitous mess.

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2 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

Wonder what the chances are of the new PM reaching out to the new LDem leader for a bit of support? I think any principles Swinson might have would disappear very quickly. 

Time for Sturgeon to name the day to get us out of this calamitous mess.

She'd be a fool to name the day now. Let Boris make the case for her easier and almost cast iron.

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Just now, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

She'd be a fool to name the day now. Let Boris make the case for her easier and almost cast iron.

Is the case not already made? His reputation across Europe isn't going to magically turn him into a 'statesman' overnight and most of the UK already know what's coming.

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Tories so consumed by Europe, they have voted this walking omnishambles in. This is definitely a case of "be careful what you wish for"

The Tories are so far removed from the reality of Britain, they really think BJ is the answer.

I think we are about to witness the Tory Party go into meltdown between now and the end of October.

I'm getting the popcorn out.

Ffs Scotland get it right and vote ourselves out of this sham Britain, next time.

BJ couldn't find his arse with a map.

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Snivelling, servile, craven doormat of a man.

Can't the residents of D&G bin this embarrassment, next time they get a chance?

Snakes have more backbone than him.

Has there ever been a more spineless MP? 
Satan himself could rise from hell and take office and Mundell would be telling us all to stick together and give him a chance. Utterly pathetic.
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1 hour ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

So, the most predictable result of the year.  Given the amount of Tories who won't touch Johnson with a bargepole, it will be very interesting to see what sort of cabinet he can muster.  A squad of scarecrow faction right-wingers like IDS, Raab, Truss and Baker will do just fine from a Scottish perspective.

And by the way, where the f**k is Ruth The Mooth right now ? 


The silence from Ruth has been absolutely deafening of late.

(eta, just read tweet above which says nothing)

BBC Scotland has just shown a very much edited interview with Nicola by Brian Taylor, which began him saying that Nicola had offered congratulations to BJ and was looking forward to working with him on a whole range of issues of concern in Scotland.. We only got a snippet of Nicola actually talking. Might have been interesting to see the whole unedited interview.



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Davidson should be getting hounded from now on in....,shes backed everybody bar johnson.

The minute things aren't going her way,she hides under a rock and surprise surprise our mostly yoon media let her stay there untouched.

Times up for her,mundell and all the rest of the self serving Yoon politicians hanging onto Westminster's coat tails.

Wake up Scotland !!!

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It's impossible for anyone to be more characteristically suited to a job than Mundell is to his. This kind of language is thrown around a bit too easily about politicians these days but he really is an absolute rat of a man.

If there is one good thing to come of this, it's what complete cretins the Tories up here have made of themselves. Operation Arse indeed.

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