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Rangers' Wee Spot in Europe - Season 2023/24

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11 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

"We had a game at the weekend"

Lol.... What exactly does Gio think should have happened?

Did playing Saturday/Tuesday when in the UCL catch him off guard?

Get back in your fucking box Rangers emoji23.png

Nah, he's absolutely right.

Rangers have had a midweek European game most weeks during the last couple of months.  If this country was at all serious about its football, we'd stop requiring them to actually play domestic league matches at the weekends at all during this spell, and instead just give them the points. 

Yet another example of how our parochial outlook holds them back.

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12 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Nah, he's absolutely right.

Rangers have had a midweek European game most weeks during the last couple of months.  If this country was at all serious about its football, we'd stop requiring them to actually play domestic league matches at the weekends at all during this spell, and instead just give them the points. 

Yet another example of how our parochial outlook holds them back.

I can’t tell if these clubs/managers really believe this when they say it or they’re just being disingenuous to deflect from their own failings - or both. 

The argument that a domestic league should be bending over backwards to accommodate an already lucrative competition doesn’t stand up to any scrutiny whatsoever. It gets dressed up as helping clubs do well in Europe but in reality I suspect they’re more concerned by what europe does to their domestic form. 

Case in point being their 2008 run to the uefa cup final - we were told that the SPL and SFA could have helped them win the uefa cup but we know fine well that they think the uefa cup and the lack of fixture changes to support it cost them the league title. 

It’s almost as if competing and succeeding on multiple fronts is difficult for a reason 

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19 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

I can’t tell if these clubs/managers really believe this when they say it or they’re just being disingenuous to deflect from their own failings - or both. 

The argument that a domestic league should be bending over backwards to accommodate an already lucrative competition doesn’t stand up to any scrutiny whatsoever. It gets dressed up as helping clubs do well in Europe but in reality I suspect they’re more concerned by what europe does to their domestic form. 

Case in point being their 2008 run to the uefa cup final - we were told that the SPL and SFA could have helped them win the uefa cup but we know fine well that they think the uefa cup and the lack of fixture changes to support it cost them the league title. 

It’s almost as if competing and succeeding on multiple fronts is difficult for a reason 

What is always forgotten is that in 2008 Rangers were allowed to postpone a game against Gretna earlier in the season before a CL game against Lyon. Their fringe players should have been able to beat Gretna. They then went on to get beat by Lyon 3-0.

They forget that they played a part in creating a backlog of fixtures towards the end of that season.

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He is scrambling for any type of excuse after another pitiful display.

The difference in our energy and effort compared to only 5/6 months ago is astonishing. At that stage we were navigating through a congested fixture list, going to extra time in European (Braga) and domestic competition (Celtic) and actually looked fitter and hungrier.

We have regressed massively.

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4 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

On the back of Rangers record breaking feat’s, does anyone know if there’s ever been a season in Champions League history where a country has been represented by 2 clubs and neither has won a single game ?

Unsure about that, but it must be unusual to have two clubs from the same country representing two different countries.

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11 minutes ago, AJF said:

He is scrambling for any type of excuse after another pitiful display.

The difference in our energy and effort compared to only 5/6 months ago is astonishing. At that stage we were navigating through a congested fixture list, going to extra time in European (Braga) and domestic competition (Celtic) and actually looked fitter and hungrier.

We have regressed massively.

Is GVB worse than Pedro or Murty ? Come on, you know it makes sense to admit it !!

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2 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

Always a Celtic fan to come along and ruin the fun. 

“We might get pumped but we’ll be pure brilliant at it, unlike them!” 


They try so hard to be part of the gang...

F*** them.

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28 minutes ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

1. First ever manager to reach -20 GD in Champs League

2. First manager to lead a Scottish club to 6 defeats in Champs League

3. Record home defeat

He’s pretty pish isn’t he. But, I think I know the real reason you rate him so highly.




Firstly, your question was do I think GVB is worse than Caixinha or Murty. Anyone looking at that question objectively will arrive at the same conclusion: no, he isn't. If you are suggesting otherwise based on his European record alone, then there's no point continuing the debate given what Gio achieved for us in Europe last season. Even qualifying for the CL this season and getting spanked in the group stage is more than Pedro or Murty achieved.

Secondly, you have implied that I rate him so highly for something that I did not know he had, nor do I know what a Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau is. For one, I haven't said I rate him highly and I have been critical of his team. The original post of mine you actually quoted was me being critical of him...

But to suggest that he is worse than Caixinha or Murty is simply moronic. I don't take you for a moron, so I can only assume you are being disingenuous in your arguments. 

ETA: I've just googled this Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassua and it seems this is a military and civil award for special merits for society and has no religious basis whatsoever. Yeah, good homework you've done on that 🤣

Edited by AJF
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5 minutes ago, AJF said:


ETA: I've just googled this Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassua and it seems this is a military and civil award for special merits for society and has no religious basis whatsoever. Yeah, good homework you've done on that 🤣

I am aware of this but the truth/reality isn’t as good as the headline/myth so I chose to ignore it 😉.

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