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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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I for one am delighted to see Tories south of the border throw off their pretend love for the precious union and burn it all to the ground in s fit of pure English gammon nationalism instead. Velvet divorce here we come!


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4 minutes ago, virginton said:

I for one am delighted to see Tories south of the border throw off their pretend love for the precious union and burn it all to the ground in s fit of pure English gammon nationalism instead. Velvet divorce here we come!


Looking good.

29 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Did anyone see Phillip Lees interview on newsnight last night?
Was interesting to note that his decision to jump to the lib dems was taking after a constituency meeting when a motion was proposed to kick northern ireland and Scotland out of the union emoji23.png


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I for one would keep this Parliament going for years just to see the man who spent all his life building towards this moment being put in a corner with a keyboard to play with and getting horsed every time his so-called government tries to win a vote. It's truly delicious viewing. 


Edited by vikingTON
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I for one would keep this Parliament going for years just to see the man who spent all his life building towards this moment being put in a corner with a keyboard to play with and getting horsed every time his so-called government tries to win a vote. It's truly delicious viewing. 

These fuckers are bred, like Cameron et al before him to believe they have some divine right to rule over us, taken to posh boarding schools and perfecting the sneery superiority complex and being told they are better than us working people. Its fucking delightful every single time they are brought back to reality. Absolutely delicious seeing this lot taken down a peg or two.
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