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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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9 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Good idea!

Although tbh, I already know exactly what they'll be saying.

James O'Brien made a good point this morning on his radio show, suggesting that Remain voters are largely influenced by faith - you simply must believe in it, and it will all come good in the end. They can't give you any better reasons to leave, other than of course, the country will be a better place with fewer immigrants.

Leave voters are more concerned with actual facts and figures and can generally see the sense in free movement/immigration.

Remain voters - faith? Leave voters - facts? Have you written this the wrong way around or maybe someone has hacked into your account.

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3 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Remain voters - faith? Leave voters - facts? Have you written this the wrong way around or maybe someone has hacked into your account.


You're right - Can't believe I did that.



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13 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

James O’Brien, whilst his radio show very obviously targets moron callers, is brilliant at exposing the brexit fantasy. There’s a best of video on YouTube which has some classics.


I've heard quite a few callers to others on that radio channel, like Eddie Mair for instance, saying that they were initially leave voters, but since listening to O'Brien they are now in favour of remaining.

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19 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Generalisations can be dangerous thing to get into, but I used to naively believe that people were pretty much the same wherever you went in the world.

Thanks now to Boris and his army of supporters I've had to seriously revise these beliefs since coming to live in England.  (temporarily)

No doubt someone will come on here soon and explain why so many appear to love and even idolise the guy.

Well , one unfortunate lassie seems to have lost faith. 


Jade Smith, 21, a Conservative political campaigner who had 'I Love Boris Johnson' tattooed on her leg has been found dead at a seaside beauty spot.

Police say they are not treating the death as suspicious.  

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this article then you can call the Samaritans 24 hour helpline on 116 123.


Edited by cyderspaceman
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If Twitter is anything at all to go by, the gammons have deserted Nigel Farage and are now backing the Prime Minister as Chief Gammon.

Farage’s criticism of Johnson not going down well. Some of them have even sussed he might be criticising for career reasons. Follow the dots...

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26 minutes ago, Paco said:

If Twitter is anything at all to go by, the gammons have deserted Nigel Farage and are now backing the Prime Minister as Chief Gammon.

Farage’s criticism of Johnson not going down well. Some of them have even sussed he might be criticising for career reasons. Follow the dots...

If you look at the polls there's been a substantial swing from the Brexit Party to the Tories in recent weeks.

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1 hour ago, Paco said:

If Twitter is anything at all to go by, the gammons have deserted Nigel Farage and are now backing the Prime Minister as Chief Gammon.

Farage’s criticism of Johnson not going down well. Some of them have even sussed he might be criticising for career reasons. Follow the dots...

If Johnson is doing what Farage wants him to do then obviously the idiots will swing behind him.  However if at any time he ignores the puppet master it will all swing back again


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16 hours ago, Fullerene said:

If Johnson is doing what Farage wants him to do then obviously the idiots will swing behind him.  However if at any time he ignores the puppet master it will all swing back again


OK, can't resist a Daily Express style comment :-

"I'd like to see them all swing"    :angel

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Hahaha fucking hell

Watch again. He shook hands with those who offered their hand. He was continually moving so would have had to stop and wait. This is a non story. The 2 guys continued to clap and didn't offer a handshake.
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AIDS will be Johnson’s downfall.

Sorry that should read ‘aides will be Johnson’s downfall’.


ETA  “A person who works for the current administration at City Hall said that to their knowledge it was the only time the mayor's office had overruled a decision about which businesses should be allowed to attend a trade mission.”

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Looks like the EU are treating Johnson’s proposal for the sham it is.  However rather than playing into his hands with outright rejection they are ‘giving it consideration’.

It was designed to be rejected and will be rejected.  We will still be a member of the EU come 1 November.

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I see BJs ex-rival for the job Rory Stewart has resigned from the Tory party in a speech where he read out BJs school report from 1982, Stewart is another old-Etonian whose main qualification for the job seemed to be his privileged background - I won't miss him, although I see he intends to run for Mayor of London as an Independent. 

“Boris really has adopted a disgracefully cavalier attitude to his classical studies,” the letter begins.

Ex-Public Schoolboy bantz I guess - out of all his high-jinks & misdemeanours it doesn't even make my list of grievances against Johnson! :rolleyes:

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Scottish Court of Session now saying they have had confirmation from Number 10 that Boris will comply with the instruction to request an extension to Article 50 by October 17th if no agreement has been reached with the EU.

Not quite what he's been saying recently and repeatedly.

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