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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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56 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I *love* how the Scottish tories humiliate themselves over and over again in their attempts to ingratiate themselves with a completely ambivalent English leadership. Love it.

I’d go beyond “ambivalent”. The English Tory leadership either seem flat-out contemptuous towards them or ignorant of their existence. I’d imagine that, being tub-thumping, far-right, rule-the-waves nationalists, the English Tories must hold a certain degree of contempt for craven, quivering, self-hating crawlers. At the same time they’re trying to portray their “optimism”, independence, and bally superiority to the world, their Scottish colleagues are trying to promote doom, inferiority, and dependence.

Pretty much the mindset of every North British Conservative towards their masters:


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12 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

As I've said before if any of the wearrapeepul types were to approach the Queen to say how much they loved her they'd get within 100 feet before the security services shot them dead.

Shoosh, Bennett might see.

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16 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

As I've said before if any of the wearrapeepul types were to approach the Queen to say how much they loved her they'd get within 100 feet before the security services shot them dead.

I would dearly love to put this theory to the test. How big a sample size would we require to prove/disprove your hypothesis?

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2 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

As I've said before if any of the wearrapeepul types were to approach the Queen to say how much they loved her they'd get within 100 feet before the security services shot them dead.

Probably be the same trying to approach any head of state/Pm/Fm etc

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They should redo that Spitting Image sketch from the Thatcher government where they had Cecil Parkinson banging away at a woman who said to him “Oh Cecil am I the first woman you’ve made love to”? He replies “you could well be your face is vaguely familiar”.

Boris is a natural for a reprise.



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4 hours ago, doulikefish said:

He attended a cabinet meeting the other day aswell...but im guessing it will be a negative test but for some reason he wont be seen for a period of time of  about 7-14 days 

Got that wrong...announced he is positive for covid 19

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The rules say now everyone he's had contact with must self isolate for 14 days, so that must be dozens of Tory MPs right? 



The rules also state he shouldn’t have been anywhere near other people given he was clearly symptomatic. Just another idiot who thinks the rules don’t apply to him. Tosser.


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Must admit Boris is a dab hand at lying low , its as if he knows as soon as he gets involved in anything it turns to rat shit. Wonder if he will turn up for  a going over at PMQs or if he will be away getting Brexit done as that will be more important to him than looking for his world beating track & trace AP is up & running.

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