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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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14 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:


He'll be more than happy to jump ship before the Brexit shit hits the fan.

No matter how bad the Brexit fallout is it's gonna be portrayed as a triumph in the usual pro-Tory platforms with any problems written off as teething issues. If the lockdown & arrival of vaccines drives Covid rates down I can see BJ going in April/May and being lauded as our greatest PM since Churchill - Brexit completed, Covid defeated!

His predecessor TM is charging £100k a speech :o and I reckon BJ would be keen to pick up a slice of that, a lucrative book deal & a few plum directorships kerching - after all who can survive on the PMs measly salary of £150k?

Edited by btb
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2 hours ago, btb said:


His predecessor TM is charging £100k a speech :o and I reckon BJ would be keen to pick up a slice of that, a lucrative book deal & a few plum directorships kerching - after all who can survive on the PMs measly salary of £150k?


Certainly not that c**t. 

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Think Bozo has been on the sherry and said devolution was Tony Blairs worse mistake. Obviously he's backtracking and Dross and his client journalists are trying to twist it to blame seperatists

Suspect there is going to be a row here... PM "devolution has been a disaster north of the border" and it was "Tony Blair's biggest mistake"

NEW No10 source: ‘PM always supported devolution but Blair failed to foresee rise of separatists in Scotland. And leaving EU means we must strengthen and protect UK economy with UKIM Bill. Devolution is great - but not when it’s used by separatists + nationalists to break up UK”

Devolution has not been a disaster. The SNP’s non-stop obsession with another referendum - above jobs, schools and everything else - has been a disaster.
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9 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:


Devolution has not been a disaster. The SNP’s non-stop obsession with another referendum - above jobs, schools and everything else - has been a disaster.

Well he would say that the spineless puddle of sputum seeing as he is trying to sneak into the Scottish Parliament through the list system.

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Think Bozo has been on the sherry and said devolution was Tony Blairs worse mistake. Obviously he's backtracking and Dross and his client journalists are trying to twist it to blame seperatists

  @MrHarryCole   Suspect there is going to be a row here... PM "devolution has been a disaster north of the border" and it was "Tony Blair's biggest mistake"   @MrHarryCole NEW No10 source: ‘PM always supported devolution but Blair failed to foresee rise of separatists in Scotland. And leaving EU means we must strengthen and protect UK economy with UKIM Bill. Devolution is great - but not when it’s used by separatists + nationalists to break up UK”

    @Douglas4Moray   Devolution has not been a disaster. The SNP’s non-stop obsession with another referendum - above jobs, schools and everything else - has been a disaster.    


Boris Johnson has done more for Scottish Independence than Sturgeon and Salmond combined [emoji23]. Keep it up BoJo it’ll be 60% for Yes by December. DRoss is an utter snivelling weasel of a man, it’s no wonder the coward is going for the list.

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36 minutes ago, San Starko Rover said:


Boris Johnson has done more for Scottish Independence than Sturgeon and Salmond combined emoji23.png. Keep it up BoJo it’ll be 60% for Yes by December. DRoss is an utter snivelling weasel of a man, it’s no wonder the coward is going for the list.


Spot on.

The next SNP/Indyref2 polls should make interesting reading.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Jock Britnats will agree with him.

Absolutely. Plenty of Yoons in Scotland equate devolution and the Scottish parliament with the SNP, and would quite happily see it all abolished and power returned to Westminster. 

Don't think this is going to incense people. Around half the population of Scotland will be furiously nodding with agreement. 

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9 hours ago, dirty dingus said:


Devolution has not been a disaster. The SNP’s non-stop obsession with another referendum - above jobs, schools and everything else - has been a disaster.

I haven't been in Scotland for a while. I hadn't realised there was no more jobs or education.

If only you'd charged £9k a year to students you could have saved education. 

Obviously unemployment in Scotland (4.6%) is a disaster compared to the UK as a whole (4.5%). 

Excellent choice of battlefield from a master tactician. 

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Seeing a lot of commentary about this but I haven’t seen a single mention that Scotland actually voted for devolution, via a referendum.

This is starting to look suspiciously like ignoring the will of the Scottish people.

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