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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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13 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The Grauniad has a good article on the by-election. 

By all accounts Bexley is an unusual London constituency.....a high number of older voters who own homes, and a constituency that voted for Brexit in 2016.  The constituency is very Tory, and by all accounts quite right-wing.

It seems there was a very low turnout...34%....caused mostly by disaffected Tory voters not bothering to turn up.

The Guardian suggests that the danger to Johnson is not that these voters (and similar voters all over England) will do a U-turn and vote Labour at the next GE, but that they'll be attracted by fringe parties like Reform UK. 

The pressure will be on Johnson to push more right-wing policies to try and keep these voters. 

Expect more, and more rabid, attacks on immigrants and asylum seekers in the months to come. Also look for things like the human rights acts to come under attack, and for Johnson to up the ante on blaming the EU for everything.





That would be hard, given he's not already attacked them in the first place.

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6 minutes ago, Scott Steiner said:

That would be hard, given he's not already attacked them in the first place.

Keep up Stormzy..


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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Sorry Dizzee Rascal, but you'd have to engage in some serious mental gymnastics to equate the possible change of citizenship status of some immigrants to 'an attack on immigrants and asylum seekers'

Either that or yer on the wind-up.

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9 minutes ago, Scott Steiner said:

Sorry Dizzee Rascal, but you'd have to engage in some serious mental gymnastics to equate the possible change of citizenship status of some immigrants to 'an attack on immigrants and asylum seekers'

Either that or yer on the wind-up.

It's a wee bit tough if you're away in Benidorm for a holiday and the Home Office take a disliking to you, and revoke your passport and stop you going home with no right of appeal, despite the fact you were born in Britain, because your Mother or Father might have the right to claim citizenship in another country. Nothing happening here, move along please.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

It's a wee bit tough if you're away in Benidorm for a holiday and the Home Office take a disliking to you, and revoke your passport and stop you going home with no right of appeal, despite the fact you were born in Britain, because your Mother or Father might have the right to claim citizenship in another country. Nothing happening here, move along please.

I didn't say nothing was happening here.

It's not an attack on immigrants and asylum seekers though.  You're clutching at straws.


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1 minute ago, Scott Steiner said:

I didn't say nothing was happening here.

It's not an attack on immigrants and asylum seekers though.  You're clutching at straws.


Hang on, you don't think this applies to immigrants?

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22 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

I reckon there will be letters going into the 1922 committee pretty soon. There was over 10% vote swing to Labour in the Old Bexley by-election. His buffoonery and bluster shtick is getting old very quickly and his death by a thousand cuts is playing out now. I think a lot of Tories would forgive the corruption and nepotism as they would probably do it too but the partying when everyone else was in lock down will piss them off more than siphoning hundreds of millions out their pockets.


The Old Bexley result was a good one for the Tories. Difficult to work out much from a 34% turnout but still managed over 50% of the vote. Apparently the only thing voters were talking about on the doorstep was channel crossing migrants and despite their absolute failure in this respect, still managed a comfortable win. 

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I think when you look at the standard of MP's (off all parties) and especially ministers, you realise just how poor they are.

Lucy Allan is probably pretty competent in real life, but put her and her ilk in political situations and they go to pieces.

We can all look to awards beyond BJ, but when you see the main contenders, Rabb, Truss, Gove etc you just see zero ability.

It feels very like John Major's government. A serious lack of talent and someone at the top out of their depth, but as much as they were all scumbags, they were at least (in the main) sticking by their ideologies. This mob have zero principles aside getying Brexit done.

If you are a proper Conservative, you do not recognise this government and if you are proper Labour, you don't recognise the opposition.....

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2 hours ago, RiG said:

"The police don't normally look back at things that happened a year ago" might be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard and it comes from the Deputy Prime Minister :lol: 


Worse, it came from the justice minister (although he demands to be called the deputy PM).

Should be a fairly easy thing to investigate, there is logs of who enters and when the leave and senior politicians will have security details who if asked would need to tell the truth.

Clearly from his interview, Rabb knows and they are trying to stall and hope it goes away. If he genuinely doesn't know, then he is incompetent. Surely if there was a big news story for almost a week involving your colleagues, then to not ask if it was true would be odd in the extreme. 

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'This story brings us to the announcement that Boris Johnson’s idea of building a bridge between Northern Ireland and Scotland would be, at £335bn, absurdly expensive. Such was widely suspected as soon as the plan became public given, among other things, that it would have to cross the 300m-deep Beaufort’s Dyke, which is filled with up to a million tonnes of dumped munitions. But it has required a government feasibility study by a team of “world-renowned technical advisers” to conclude that bears do, after all, shit in the woods.'

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Users of class A drugs in the UK would face losing their passports or driving licences under proposals reportedly set to be unveiled this week.

Boris Johnson will this week launch a 10-year plan to tackle drug-related crime, which will include travel bans, harsher sentences for drug dealers and measures to break up county lines gangs.

According to the Sun on Sunday, some of the measures will be designed to target “middle class” users to act as a “deterrent for well-off professionals who peddle coke at swanky clubs and dinner parties”.

“We need to look at new ways of penalising them. Things that will actually interfere with their lives,” the prime minister told the paper. “So we will look at taking away their passports and driving licences.”

He added: “What I want to see is a world in which we have penalties for lifestyle drug users that will seriously interfere with their enjoyment of their own lifestyles.”

The civil penalties will be modelled on sanctions already used against parents who fail to pay child maintenance and banning orders for football hooligans, the Sun said.

Meanwhile, the Sunday Times revealed sniffer dogs could be deployed across the parliamentary estate under plans for a drug crackdown by the Commons authorities.

The Conservative MP Charles Walker, who chairs the administration committee, said the issue would be discussed by the body responsible for the administration and services of the Commons next week.

“The House of Commons has a long history of using sniffer dogs to detect explosives,” he told the paper. “It may be that we now need to broaden the range of sniffer dogs ... to include those which can detect drugs.”

The Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, has said police will be called in amid growing evidence of cocaine use in parliament.

Funding for addiction treatment and recovery services across 50 local authorities with the most challenging drug issues will also reportedly be announced as part of the 10-year crackdown on drugs.

The government announced in July it would establish a new unit to help end illegal drug-related illness and deaths, as the second part of Dame Carol Black’s independent review of drugs was released.

The first phase of the review, which was published in February, estimated there were 300,000 opiate or crack cocaine users in England, and about 1 million people had used cocaine in the past year.

Drug poisoning deaths are at a record high, having increased by almost 80% since 2012.

Black’s review estimated that the illicit drug market in the UK was worth £9.4bn a year, but cost society more than double that figure in terms of health, crime and societal impacts.


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15 hours ago, GNU_Linux said:

I understand that the Speaker is under pressure to address drug use in the Commons.  If a senior politician is caught, it'll take about 15 seconds for drug use to change from a 'law and order' issue to a 'health issue, with those affected requiring help an support'. 


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