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The official Boris pm cluster-fuck thread


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There is no one size fits all politics. Consider that things might look different for someone in a low paid job in post industrial Scotland than they do working in Westminster. 
From my perspective this is a man who spent 30 years writing racist agit prop for right wing publications and who's entire political career has been dedicated to making the lives of working class people much harder than they have to be. My contempt for him is merely a mirror of the contempt he has for the Yemenis he bombs, people barely existing on UC, low paid people trying to achieve a fairer wage through trade union activity and the disabled who have been hammered by his party.
I'm standing with the water melon eating Piccaninnies and Letterboxes. f**k Boris.

You are actually using examples that existed before Boris Johnson came into power as justification.
I’m not a Tory but every party will do something that benefits some and harms others.
For example I’m in a Tax Band that means that Tax cuts in England are not passed on to me in Scotland. But I get that as it’s benefitting others in society.
However when you make statements such as above, some of which, as isolated statements I agree with in a less extreme way than you state them, do you take into consideration the few positive things such as tax cuts at the lower end of the wage threshold, or raising the minimum wage or the national living wage limits, or the improved economy and lower unemployment levels, or do we just forget these things as they don’t suit your agenda?…
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1 hour ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

@Dunning1874 is of the opinion he's already deid and they're just organising stuff in the background before announcing it. I disagree on the grounds that I don't think the smoothbrains in the Tory cabinet have the foresight to organise stuff in the backgrounds

FWIW I was being a bit facetious saying he's already dead, but no doubt they've been downplaying his condition massively. The announcements that he was only admitted to hospital for 'routine testing' rather than being seriously ill and then only moved to intensive care 'as a precaution' were obviously misguided attempts at managing this as a story rather than acknowledging how serious this has been from the point he required hospitalisation, because no one is going to hospital just now unless their symptoms make it entirely necessary.

They should have been saying from the point he was hospitalised that even the Prime Minister is seriously ill and using the seriousness of that to reinforce the importance of following the guidelines. Instead they insisted he was still fine and working as normal, with the effect of downplaying the seriousness of the virus in general for dickheads who still aren't following it - see, even someone who's been hospitalised with it can still work, why shouldn't I keep my building site open or go to a park for a sunbathe?

It was an attempt to say 'move along, nothing to see here' on a par with Andropov and Chernenko being dragged out of their hospital beds to pose with that day's copy of Pravda as proof that everything is fine.

Edited by Dunning1874
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21 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

You are actually using examples that existed before Boris Johnson came into power as justification.
I’m not a Tory but every party will do something that benefits some and harms others.
For example I’m in a Tax Band that means that Tax cuts in England are not passed on to me in Scotland. But I get that as it’s benefitting others in society.
However when you make statements such as above, some of which, as isolated statements I agree with in a less extreme way than you state them, do you take into consideration the few positive things such as tax cuts at the lower end of the wage threshold, or raising the minimum wage or the national living wage limits, or the improved economy and lower unemployment levels, or do we just forget these things as they don’t suit your agenda?…

We are at war  in Yemen right now. He could end our involvement but chooses not to. He also voted for the Iraq War.

The marginal issues that you are talking about don't outweigh the harm caused by austerity. 

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We are at war  in Yemen right now. He could end our involvement but chooses not to. He also voted for the Iraq War.
The marginal issues that you are talking about don't outweigh the harm caused by austerity. 

Well I certainly don’t think in the short time he has been in power now that he can be accused of austerity at the moment, do you?…
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34 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

You are actually using examples that existed before Boris Johnson came into power as justification.
I’m not a Tory but every party will do something that benefits some and harms others.
For example I’m in a Tax Band that means that Tax cuts in England are not passed on to me in Scotland. But I get that as it’s benefitting others in society.
However when you make statements such as above, some of which, as isolated statements I agree with in a less extreme way than you state them, do you take into consideration the few positive things such as tax cuts at the lower end of the wage threshold, or raising the minimum wage or the national living wage limits, or the improved economy and lower unemployment levels, or do we just forget these things as they don’t suit your agenda?…

No chance. Get with the programme. This is the age of the anonymous post on the internet. Pick a tribe and stick with it. Absolutely everything the "other side" does needs to be derided. 100%. No space for nuance or balance. You can't be an adult and admit, well I don't like their policy X, I don't have a strong view about policy Y, but I actually quite like policy Z. No, the other side need to be evil or moronic and compared to Hitler or Maduro - nothing in between. And if one of your own should be a bit thick, or make an erse of something or get caught doing something unacceptable (even to you) then still you must follow your party line and go online to deflect and defend to the hilt. A fair chunk of posters on P&B don't need to have the capability of rational human thought - they could just be bots with algorithms to respond in set ways to certain trigger words.

(This rant is not aimed specifically at Detournement who, although way OTT with that post, is at least independent-minded).

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1 hour ago, roman_bairn said:

You are actually using examples that existed before Boris Johnson came into power as justification.
I’m not a Tory but every party will do something that benefits some and harms others.
For example I’m in a Tax Band that means that Tax cuts in England are not passed on to me in Scotland. But I get that as it’s benefitting others in society.
However when you make statements such as above, some of which, as isolated statements I agree with in a less extreme way than you state them, do you take into consideration the few positive things such as tax cuts at the lower end of the wage threshold, or raising the minimum wage or the national living wage limits, or the improved economy and lower unemployment levels, or do we just forget these things as they don’t suit your agenda?…

I think you've answered your own question.

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2 hours ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

I can't wait to live in an independent country with the likes of Detournement. The likes of him having more influence in a smaller pond is heart-warming.

That's an opinion based on the, almost certainly, unfounded assumption that there's a disproportionate number of people of the likes of Detournement in Scotland compared to the rest of the UK.

1 Detournement in 10 is exactly the same proportional influence as 10 Detournements in 100.

Edited by Gordon EF
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16 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

That's an opinion based on the, almost certainly, unfounded assumption that there's a disproportionate number of people of the likes of Detournement in Scotland compared to the rest of the UK.

1 Detournement in 10 is exactly the same proportional influence as 10 Detournements in 100.

I can only go on my 40+ years in Scotland and 10 in England.  Perhaps not mixing with his like was easier elsewhere and certainly reading posts like that on here only reminds me his kind exist in numbers too high for comfort. The answer maybe sticking to the football section as much as possible though that is no guarantee of avoiding the ridiculous.

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You are actually using examples that existed before Boris Johnson came into power as justification.
I’m not a Tory but every party will do something that benefits some and harms others.
For example I’m in a Tax Band that means that Tax cuts in England are not passed on to me in Scotland. But I get that as it’s benefitting others in society.
However when you make statements such as above, some of which, as isolated statements I agree with in a less extreme way than you state them, do you take into consideration the few positive things such as tax cuts at the lower end of the wage threshold, or raising the minimum wage or the national living wage limits, or the improved economy and lower unemployment levels, or do we just forget these things as they don’t suit your agenda?…
You want to realise there's a difference between "harms" and "doesn't benefit".

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I'm pleased to note that the queen is being "kept informed" as to BJ's condition.
I can only surmise that her telly isn't working.
It's a completely normal response to hear that the Prime Minister is seriously ill and think, "holy shit, have they told the lassie we keep on staff to fleece the tourists?"
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You want to realise there's a difference between "harms" and "doesn't benefit".

Ok, we are NOT at war with Yemen but are certainly immorally selling arms to the Saudis who are killing innocent people and should be held to account urgently.
I’d also point out that if his thought process was all money and power, to the detriment of welfare of people, we would not find ourselves in lockdown at present.
Frankly, I’m getting concerned that you guys are roping me into defending the Tories....[emoji15]
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34 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

I’d also point out that if his thought process was all money and power, to the detriment of welfare of people, we would not find ourselves in lockdown at present.

Given that the Tories rely disproportionately on the elderly vote I doubt the strategy is entirely altruistic. Maybe a bit over cynical, but I doubt Stanley was too keen on the early Cummings strategy of let it run rampant and cull the pensioners.

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