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McBurnie's socks

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12 hours ago, accies1874 said:

Fleck: "Are you going away?"
McBurnie: "I hope not."

He then asks Fleck "so you're leaving me to go on my own?" and you can hear him say "it's shite" at the end.

It could just be banal banter from banterman McBurnie and it is a poor quality clip out of context, but it reflects pretty poorly on him and it's understandable why folk are raging.

You have good hearing to make that out.

12 hours ago, pandarilla said:

Could be completely out of context but he sounds like a fanny.

Who the f**k do you think you are spouting this shite?

It's entirely out of context.  A thirty second mumbled conversation could be taken to mean anything.

11 hours ago, BingMcCrosby said:

If you think it fine players saying they hope they don't get selected and playing for your country is shite, fair enough

I don't at all. I don't consider myself in any way a tartan army foot soldier either.

How is someone going to perform to the best of their abilities if they don't even want to be there in the first place?

He should be given a chance to explain/apologise. If he doesn't we should get rid


Why should he half to apologise for a thirty second conversation which may or may not mean anything.  Football fans are entitled to precisely zero from the players, beyond what they do on the pitch.

11 hours ago, ForzaDundee said:

Scottish national team has only went backwards since we started the policy of player English born players over Scots. A national disgrace.

There's so much wrong in that post, it's not real.

9 hours ago, craigkillie said:

Belgium didn't look like taking 5 or 6 of us in Belgium, so f**k knows why folk think it's going to happen at Hampden.

There will be at most 2 call-offs I reckon, and if there are they will be genuine injuries.

My recollection is different.  Lukaku missed about three sitters.  They absolutely did look like  scoring  five or six.  The only reason they didn't is that they were prancing around for half the game, knowing Scotland weren't capable of doing anything to hurt them.   If Scotland keep it to 0-3 or better, it's about as painless as it's likely to be versus Belgium.

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Agreed as much as he try’s way too hard on social media to the point of being an insufferable ***  f**k its almost impossible to make out what he is saying and even more so the context so people shouldn’t really be giving taking this seriously.

Edited by gannonball
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End of the day, whether someone thinks he did say it, but it's not the end of the world, or thinks he should get chased, or thinks we need context, I'd trust the management team to make the right decision on whether he's committed enough to represent us.  Maybe he goes out next Friday and scores a hat-trick, or maybe he puts in a performance that clearly shows he's not arsed.  I expect Clarke has been in the game long enough to know the right decision to take.

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14 hours ago, accies1874 said:

Fleck: "Are you going away?"
McBurnie: "I hope not."

He then asks Fleck "so you're leaving me to go on my own?" and you can hear him say "it's shite" at the end.

It could just be banal banter from banterman McBurnie and it is a poor quality clip out of context, but it reflects pretty poorly on him and it's understandable why folk are raging.

It doesn't even make sense given that Fleck isn't in the squad.

I doubt it's even about Scotland TBH.

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It doesn't even make sense given that Fleck isn't in the squad.
I doubt it's even about Scotland TBH.


And as Fleck didn’t play at the weekend because of injury then you’d assume that McBurnie was already aware that he was injured before the squad was announced!

Absolutely nothing in this video to suggest that it’s about Scotland.

The shite comment seems to be in relation to Fleck saying he’s injured.

Anyone bumping their gums about this is a complete roaster
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If it looks like bullshit and smells like bullshit, then it’s probably bullshit. This was sure to drive the fundamentalist branch of the Tartan Army zealots into a frenzy. Almost as insufferable as the rubbish that’s been served up at Hampden over the last decade or so, is some of the company you have to keep to witness it.

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14 hours ago, Kuro said:

Aye, and your Mrs was just giving your best friend a shoulder to cry on.  She was sucking him off mate open your eyes.

Sorry to hear about your marriage Pep. You should talk to someone.

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1 hour ago, ali_91 said:

He’s clearly a bellend, vocally supports Rangers, hasn’t kicked a ball for Scotland and has a shite attitude to socks. 

We’ve spent two decades being pish, time to start having some minimum expectations of professionalism from these jokers, 

The Daily Record is the source for this conversation and even in their article they state that the context of the conversation isn't clear.  Perhaps we should wait and see what happens rather than ending a boys career over a Daily Record clickbait article.

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16 hours ago, velo army said:

The fact is that this is a clip with no context applied. I have no idea of the relationship between these two. He could be hazing Fleck for all we know. Fleck could well know that McBurnie loves playing for Scotland and it's a bit of a laugh between them.

People are seeing what they want from a badly shot, few seconds of video.


Mods, please.

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15 hours ago, G_Man1985 said:

Why would sheffield united tv put it up if was going to cause bother?

Depends on what it was on. If it's just a clip from a longer program they had on it looks like they just missed it. Or never thought about it much.

If mcburnie was talking about something else, or joking with fleck and it meant nothing he should come out and say that. Or apologise if he was slagging Scotland off. 

The score the winner in both games and alls sorted

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Depends on what it was on. If it's just a clip from a longer program they had on it looks like they just missed it. Or never thought about it much.
If mcburnie was talking about something else, or joking with fleck and it meant nothing he should come out and say that. Or apologise if he was slagging Scotland off. 
The score the winner in both games and alls sorted

Why does he have to say anything? He can say whatever he damn well pleases in the tunnel before a game and it’s not one iota of anyone else’s business.
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4 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Why does he have to say anything? He can say whatever he damn well pleases in the tunnel before a game and it’s not one iota of anyone else’s business.


He doesn't have to, my opinion is I think he should. 

He can say what he wants yes, as can you and I. But sometimes you or I or him could say something which offends people. 

Like if your playing for your country, and your saying it's "shit" that's not the kind of thing which will endear him to alot of people. Hence explaining himself and stating his commitment would help repair any damage.

Some people will probably boo him now every game, which I think would be childish. Much like his comments in the first place.

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He doesn't have to, my opinion is I think he should. 
He can say what he wants yes, as can you and I. But sometimes you or I or him could say something which offends people. 
Like if your playing for your country, and your saying it's "shit" that's not the kind of thing which will endear him to alot of people. Hence explaining himself and stating his commitment would help repair any damage.
Some people will probably boo him now every game, which I think would be childish. Much like his comments in the first place.

We literally don’t know what his comments were. There’s a twenty second video in which it’s impossible to gather any context.
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We literally don’t know what his comments were. There’s a twenty second video in which it’s impossible to gather any context.
I agree. I also think a slick one-liner in a pre match build up interview could work wonders PR-wise - just something to brush off the perceived controversy. An "I'll do my talking on the pitch" kind of statement.
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2 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

We literally don’t know what his comments were. There’s a twenty second video in which it’s impossible to gather any context.


Impossible to gather context? Maybe for you.

So when he says to fleck (his roommate on internationals) after asking is he was injured.

"your going to make me go on my own"

Unless for the next Sheffield utd match they have selected a squad of just one man. The man being mcburnie 

Originally it was a 2 man squad fleck and mcburnie, but fleck pulled out. So now mcburnie is having to go and represent Sheffield utd on his own.

Rightly he is asking questions, 2 man squad was bad enough.

Either that or quite obviously it's the Scotland squad their talking about.

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Impossible to gather context? Maybe for you.
So when he says to fleck (his roommate on internationals) after asking is he was injured.
"your going to make me go on my own"
Unless for the next Sheffield utd match they have selected a squad of just one man. The man being mcburnie 
Originally it was a 2 man squad fleck and mcburnie, but fleck pulled out. So now mcburnie is having to go and represent Sheffield utd on his own.
Rightly he is asking questions, 2 man squad was bad enough.
Either that or quite obviously it's the Scotland squad their talking about.

If he didnt want to play for scotland then he could just pull out. Cant remember him ever pulling out a squad
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