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Scotland's Shame

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34 minutes ago, Victor von Doom said:

What the actual feck!?!? 😨😨😨😨 Speaking as someone who lived in Dublin fairly recently, you must've lived somewhere rural or not gotten out very often. It's not just in rabidly "Celtic-minded" watering holes such as The Players' Lounge that rebublican or rebel songs are commonly aired. 

Threads like this - and there are a depressing number of them - are comical.

We could start by banning the words "sectarian" and "sectarianism" from this board. "Terrorism", "Racism" and - bugger me rigid! - "Homophobia" could also simply be automatically edited out by software. Together with anything else ending "Ism" or "Phobia." There are no isms of phobias. If somebody dislikes you, your behaviour, your ideology or your cultural practices, they will have developed that dislike for reasons broadly similar to the reasons you dislike whatever it is that irks you; not because of some mental deficiency that doesn't afflict the "right minded."   

Sorry buddy, that’s just not correct. The last few republican marches have been completely lambasted in Dublin, and consisted almost entirely of people bussed in from Co. Derry (in fact, during the last march, normal Dubliners were openly shouting at the marchers to get out the fecking way so the traffic could start moving again). There are a few pubs in the north side of Dublin where people sing republican songs, but they’re not the sort of person who could by any means be considered the ‘normal majority’. Your average person in dublin is incredibly scathing of Ulster - there is an i

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8 minutes ago, The Other Foot said:

Sorry buddy, that’s just not correct. The last few republican marches have been completely lambasted in Dublin, and consisted almost entirely of people bussed in from Co. Derry (in fact, during the last march, normal Dubliners were openly shouting at the marchers to get out the fecking way so the traffic could start moving again). There are a few pubs in the north side of Dublin where people sing republican songs, but they’re not the sort of person who could by any means be considered the ‘normal majority’. Your average person in dublin is incredibly scathing of Ulster - there is an i

I lived in Phibsboro - which is where some of those "few" pubs in the "north inner city" are located. 

And, "Yes" - you are right. In Dublin these days, the "normal majority" are depoliticised twits with far too much spare time and spare money to believe in anything meaningful... Just like the "normal majority" in Scotland in general - and on here in particular😨! They do indeed get irked by "republican" demos that disrupt traffic. They tend not to disrupt traffic much in Phibsboro, Cabra and Drumcondra - or in Crumlin, Drimnagh or (Heaven forefend!) Dolphin's Barn south of the river. Must be a terrible inconvenience for commuters from Foxrock or Malahide to have to endure the Great Unwashed disrupting their working day in the middle of town.      

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Threads like this one should be smothered at birth... 

... and so should any babies born to anyone using the words / phrases "Vibrant",  "Offended", "Send out a clear message",  "Right-thinking / right-minded",  "Zero tolerance",  "Strict liability" and anything ending in "-ism" or "-phobia". 

Scotland in particular - and the UK in general - needs to remove the stipendiary parasitocracy from its position. 

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8 hours ago, Victor von Doom said:

I lived in Phibsboro - which is where some of those "few" pubs in the "north inner city" are located. 

And, "Yes" - you are right. In Dublin these days, the "normal majority" are depoliticised twits with far too much spare time and spare money to believe in anything meaningful... Just like the "normal majority" in Scotland in general - and on here in particular😨! They do indeed get irked by "republican" demos that disrupt traffic. They tend not to disrupt traffic much in Phibsboro, Cabra and Drumcondra - or in Crumlin, Drimnagh or (Heaven forefend!) Dolphin's Barn south of the river. Must be a terrible inconvenience for commuters from Foxrock or Malahide to have to endure the Great Unwashed disrupting their working day in the middle of town.      

It’s not class warfare, mate. It’s just social progress. 

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He seems to think Irish rebel songs are bigoted and anyone sympathetic to Irish republicanism is a bigot, a lazy ill informed stereotype to make.
I hold strong views on a variety of subjects including Ireland, Scotland, Palestine, the conflict in the middle east, the gradual insurgency of thinly veiled right wing views in politics amongst many others but only occasionally touch on them on here, and only in context, nothing I have posted equates to anything bigoted or sectarian but, it seems my views on one particular subject rip his knitting, in general the guy just dislikes me so lazily calls me a bigot and the moderators bigot apologists. 

Your first username on here was in tribute to the IRA man who carried out the Brighton bombing.
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16 hours ago, deadasdillinger said:

Thought we could have a thread to catalogue all the moments of diddiness, scummery and outright bigotry from the two cheeks of the Old Filth. 

One game in to the season and a cracker from each of them so far. 

This absolute shambles from the morons at Parkhead 



Aside from the text can we take a moment to appreciate the surrealism of a football crowd displaying a picture of a football crowd in front of itself

It's even stranger than the Arsenal mural at Highbury


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These displays take a lot of effort. Planning, deciding on the content, the image, time to paint it all, set it up in the stadium. You must assume then that to go to all that effort, the message itself is very important. I find myself wondering who exactly is trying to keep Celtic down? Last time I looked, Celtic had won every trophy going for years, had amassed a relative fortune in cash, had did OK in Europe, play in front of nearly 60,000 most weeks, and have merchandising on a huge scale compared to most other UK and even European clubs. Shops in the town, the airport, Braehead.... some daft English club might be about to hand them £30 million for one player.... they seem, to my eyes, to be a rather successful, powerful, and well-off football club. So, question one - who is trying to keep them down. They’re making a right cnut of it whoever these shady basturts actually are.

Question two. Who, in their attempts to kick the Celtic juggernaut in the baws and keep them down, is threatening to deport their supporters? This is a national scandal. We’re not talking about a few here, apparently an entire army of people are being eyed up for Guantanamo Bay. I’ve checked and re-checked the news. Nothing. There’s two shootings in America, a dam might burst, and some kid was thrown off a museum in London. 

What’s this all about then? Who, why, how. 

Completely heads gone.


Marvelous to see. 1 game into the season [emoji3]


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In crowd safety news, here's from before the match, when self-appointed members of the Rangers Safety Crew invoke the memory of Hillsborough in order to, err, force open the gates, push past the stewards and disregard the turnstiles which normally control the entry to the ground. If it wasn't for these resourceful individuals, 800 Rangers fans would surely have been crushed to death in the Rugby Park car park through the unrelenting pressure of their own willpower and determination to get to the game.

Surely awarding the bluenose in question a Queen's award for bravery or a George Cross is in order.

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The Green Brigade types mostly seem to be of the generation desperate for attention and relevance on social media.  The fact that any action causes outrage or discussion is probably success, and feeds their desire to do it more.  You have to wonder if no one in the mainstream media or social media ever mentioned anything, no photos appeared anywhere etc, would they get increasingly desperate in their messages, or would they get bored at the lack of attention and just go back to watching their football team like normal folk do?

And yet here I am, discussing it on a football forum, providing more attention..

Am i involved in a paradox here?  Wanting to make the point that we shouldn't provide them any more attention as it encourages them, yet to make the point I have to provide them with more attention. If confirmed, I'm not sure I've consciously been involved in a paradox before so this is quite a big deal for me.


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3 minutes ago, PauloPerth said:

The Green Brigade types mostly seem to be of the generation desperate for attention and relevance on social media.  The fact that any action causes outrage or discussion is probably success, and feeds their desire to do it more.  You have to wonder if no one in the mainstream media or social media ever mentioned anything, no photos appeared anywhere etc, would they get increasingly desperate in their messages, or would they get bored at the lack of attention and just go back to watching their football team like normal folk do?

And yet here I am, discussing it on a football forum, providing more attention..

Am i involved in a paradox here?  Wanting to make the point that we shouldn't provide them any more attention as it encourages them, yet to make the point I have to provide them with more attention. If confirmed, I'm not sure I've consciously been involved in a paradox before so this is quite a big deal for me.


Schrödinger's c**t, if you will...

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1 hour ago, Romeo said:

Completely heads gone.


Marvelous to see. 1 game into the season emoji3.png


Nope,  Pozbaird's excellent, rational post just pointed out that the carefully planned Celtic display was laughable, paranoid nonsense which deserves to be roundly mocked.

Edited by VictorOnopko
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Threads like this one should be smothered at birth... 
... and so should any babies born to anyone using the words / phrases "Vibrant",  "Offended", "Send out a clear message",  "Right-thinking / right-minded",  "Zero tolerance",  "Strict liability" and anything ending in "-ism" or "-phobia". 
Scotland in particular - and the UK in general - needs to remove the stipendiary parasitocracy from its position. 

Welcome to the forum Mr. Rees-Mogg.....[emoji149][emoji149]
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Nope,  Pozbaird's excellent, rational post just pointed out that the carefully planned Celtic display was laughable, paranoid nonsense which deserves to be roundly mocked.
"Words on paper upset grown men" shocker
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Guest Moomintroll
Nope,  Pozbaird's excellent, rational post just pointed out that the carefully planned Celtic display was laughable, paranoid nonsense which deserves to be roundly mocked.

Celtic as a club are happy to perpetuate this paranoid, non inclusive behaviour as it keeps the money rolling in from the Millennial wanabee provos & the terminally hard of thinking who fail to notice their bonus loving Chief Executive & majority shareholder are right wing Tories to the core who couldn't give a f**k about Palestine, Rangers or any other divisive behaviour (unless they need a convenient diversion), as long as the brainless sheep keep spending their pennies & believe everything they are fed from compliant media sources.


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13 minutes ago, Romeo said:
23 minutes ago, VictorOnopko said:
Nope,  Pozbaird's excellent, rational post just pointed out that the carefully planned Celtic display was laughable, paranoid nonsense which deserves to be roundly mocked.

"Words on paper upset grown men" shocker

Who is upset? People are rightly pointing and laughing at the huge display at Celtic Park claiming that Celtic are victims of a conspiracy to keep them down (despite winning the last 9 trophies on the bounce and being the richest they have ever been) and, bizarrely, mentioning deportations.  It's (unintentionally) very funny indeed, because it's so pompous and self-aggrandising.

You calling a very level-headed post a "heads gone" is also quite funny.  Cheers for that.

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