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Tales of P&B Past


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Was he the one who had an absolute nightmare when the Green Brigade hung effigies of Rangers fans a few years ago? Claimed their hands had been tied to make them easier to carry into the ground or something?

Yup. Anything remotely critical of Celtic got a massive bite. I can't remember what got him binned though.

I have a vague memory of somebody boasting about being on £9 an hour in some failed attempt at one-upmanship. 
Paulo Sergio wasn't it?
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2 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:

I think the death of Dee Dee was something that really hit home on here, can remember I was genuinely shocked and saddened at the news.

I also remember the Dundee Utd poster (but not his name) who took his own life.

He'd been posting on here for months about people talking to him and sending him messages through the television, subliminal messages and conspiracies in every facet of his life, people bugging his phone, driving by his house, even trying to poison his food.

Most thought he was at it as he wouldn't document such things on here if he was genuinely of the belief someone was out for him and watching his every move. A few tried to reason with him to check himself into a facility to get help and then it turned out he was genuine in his paranoia and killed himself.

I was one of the folk who used to try and reason with him that there most certainly was no focused messages coming directly to him through his TV and if he was genuine in his belief, was completely paranoid and to get himself help but he wouldn't even trust medical professionals. It really hit home to hear that he wasn't only genuine but so far in despair that he went to those lengths in the end.

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There were 2 or 3 Best/Most/Influential poster awards in the space of a few years and they were all absolutley carnage.  It's maybe just me looking back nostalgically on a time in my life where I was able to follow every single post on a 50 page P&B thread but I genuinely look back on them as the funniest things I've ever been involved in on the internet. @craigkillie "announcing" Big Gus as winner and the subsequent acceptance speech, halcyon days man.

Philpy buying a peado a pint.

Supras claiming to be a lecturer at the London School of Economics when he was about 17.

The boy who bought a pair of blatantly fake Puma trainers and trying to scrap a Killie fan who took the piss.


A Rangers fan throwing his phone at magee.

Crispy pets.

mhak winding up the Ahberghreen fans

28 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Oh man, Swampy.

Met him years ago and he was a decent, quiet lad. He then moved out to America and just completely lost the plot over the course of 4 or 5 years. Think he was kicking about the President Trump thread a while back (might still be) posing as a 100% American with no Scottish roots who just happened to stumble upon a Scottish football website and decide this was the best platform to air his far-right views.

Wasn't Swampy a bit of a lefty?

No Kings.

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3 minutes ago, blackislekillie said:

Was Bambino 7 the boy who claimed to have been chucked out of house and home and had left his bank card behind, leading to a plea for funds from the PNB brethren?


Yeah, I got sucked into that one along with several others.

The cun'ts probably retired to the Bahamas now.

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1 minute ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:


Wasn't Swampy a bit of a lefty?

No Kings.

He was, for definite. Think moving out to the gun-toting, tobacco-spitting, banjo-strumming backwaters of America's deep south absolutely melted his brain though and he completely 180ed.

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I think in the early days of P&B, probably pre facebook/bebo(!) and certainly twitter taking off there was generally a tendency for folk to pretend that everything was brilliant offline and / or exaggerate their wealth / job / sexual prowess (I now only do the latter).  I mean the most popular thread on here for years was a thread where people just posted what they were drinking, how pished they were, and generally used it as a chat thread or to try and chat up any females that strayed into it. Stuff like the Depression thread wouldn't have existed back then.
The fives / P&B football team / general meetups and subcrawls have generally disappeared over the years as the view has gone from "people on online football forums are all weirdos , who does that sort of thing?"(2003) -> "actually, people who use online forums are actually just normal folk and I'd go for a pint with them" (2007) -> " there are thousands of people on online football forums now and the ones who want to meet up are most likely the serial killers or sex offenders" (2019)
That said, I think there was a lot less of making stuff up for #numbers or likes online which is why the Falkirk boy posting a thread on here about having a blocked outside drain, asking for advice on how to clear it and then posting back a few hours later to say he'd discovered a decomposing badger in it, and in the shock of realising this when he fished it out, volleyed it, causing its stomach to explode and him to vomit everywhere is still one of the best stories I've read online because I'm 99.9% convinced its true and the imagery was so vivid.

Yeah that’s fair. For quite a long time the forum was fairly niche, basically dominated by Falkirk, St Mirren and Clyde fans. As it’s grown it’s changed. I still think Kilt caused Brexit though.
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