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Maths homework

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11 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I'm sure the original poster is just absolutely devastated at having 3 solid answers to his question. :lol:

Your attitude was absolutely rife in the estate I grew up in. All the thick c***s trying to pretend that being good at things like maths was seriously uncool and was something we should feel bad about. I remember a friend of many years completely cutting me off for getting "ideas above my station" because I moved out of Scotland after graduating.

Getting out of there was the best thing I ever did but that attitude still persists like a bad case of e-coli. Nothing seems to be able to shift it.

And you guys are screaming for independence the loudest apparently. Fucking hell. :lol:

All that from one tongue-in-cheek remark? Lighten up.

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19 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

I'm sure the original poster is just absolutely devastated at having 3 solid answers to his question. :lol:

Your attitude was absolutely rife in the estate I grew up in. All the thick c***s trying to pretend that being good at things like maths was seriously uncool and was something we should feel bad about. I remember a friend of many years completely cutting me off for getting "ideas above my station" because I moved out of Scotland after graduating.

Getting out of there was the best thing I ever did but that attitude still persists like a bad case of e-coli. Nothing seems to be able to shift it.

And you guys are screaming for independence the loudest apparently. Fucking hell. :lol:

You have serious issues.

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4 minutes ago, Romeo said:

You have serious issues.

There is a kernel of a point in there, I do think Scotland has a bit of a culture of discouraging achievement.

But it was entirely inappropriate for the post/thread and he seems to bring it up in just about every thread he participates in and can't wait to tell posters they are inferior to his elite approach to life.

Plus in all of that I'd like to think most people take themselves less seriously on here than they do in real life (with a few notable exceptions obviously).

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I raised the issue of the homework question with his teacher. It seems young Arnold didn't explain things properly to his parents. One or two of you might be interested.

The Barvember problem is a nationwide challenge that is revealed each day by White Rose Hub. The idea is to have everyone around the country give it a go and share answers and methods. Methods and answers are shared on @WhiteRoseMaths throughout the day as people contribute and there are more examples of how to use the bar model to solve these sorts of problems at https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/classroom-resources/barvember/
They are not part of our maths curriculum but an event run for the month of November to try and get everyone using the bar model as a method. We’ve only been doing them as a warm up prior to our Maths lesson each day and they are just mean to be for a bit of fun if the children want to give them ago. The children are definitely getting quicker at arriving at an answer in class but the challenge questions are a bit trickier and don’t come with a solution so I’m working them out at home each night too! It is not required homework, just meant to be an opportunity to have a challenge at home if they want to- it has so far seems to have created a deep discussion in most houses as parents and children come together to discuss methods so seems to be having the desired effect, even if people aren’t able to reach the answer!
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47 minutes ago, Arnold Layne said:

I raised the issue of the homework question with his teacher...


Thanks for letting us know Arnold. It is good to see that schools are still trying to stretch kids (Kenneth Williams) and also are advocating taking work home to discuss with their parents. At a school I recently visited, they told a story of getting parents to come into the school to be taught by the kids. It is still clear (as oaksoft alluded to) that a lot of work needs to be done with the parents.

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6 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

What's good about homework for kids aged 10?

I went to school in Sweden for three years about that age, and pretended to the teachers for about a year and a half that I hadn't learnt enough Swedish to do homework, until I fucked up and came second in a Swedish spelling test. Incidentally about the same time as I came 4th in English.

Edited by welshbairn
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8 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

What's good about homework for kids aged 10?

I moved my kids schools for the start of this academic year and the difference in homework expectation is huge.

In part I think it’s due to change in socioeconomic catchment of schools. Old school didn’t issue strict homework as they knew it wouldn’t get done. 

The new school I think parents expect homework to be issued. Along with standard maths and language the older two have had talks to prepare.

Theres mixed evidence as to the benefit of homework. But those who probably need the additional input the most are ones least likely to have the back up at home to do it. 

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22 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I went to school in Sweden for three years about that age, and pretended to the teachers for about a year and a half that I hadn't learnt enough Swedish to do homework, until I fucked up and came second in a Swedish spelling test. Incidentally about the same time as I came 4th in English.



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26 minutes ago, RH33 said:


Theres mixed evidence as to the benefit of homework. But those who probably need the additional input the most are ones least likely to have the back up at home to do it. 

I think at secondary school introducing some work to be done at home is necessary, but at Primary school? Let them fire spuds at each other or whatever it is kids are up to these days.

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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

I'm sure the original poster is just absolutely devastated at having 3 solid answers to his question. :lol:

Your attitude was absolutely rife in the estate I grew up in. All the thick c***s trying to pretend that being good at things like maths was seriously uncool and was something we should feel bad about. I remember a friend of many years completely cutting me off for getting "ideas above my station" because I moved out of Scotland after graduating.

Getting out of there was the best thing I ever did but that attitude still persists like a bad case of e-coli. Nothing seems to be able to shift it.

And you guys are screaming for independence the loudest apparently. Fucking hell. :lol:

That's some nick to get yourself in over Shotgun's post. 

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