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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Ask your parents about the lockdown in ‘
In 1957 it had all seemed initially quiet on the UK influenza front. Dr McDonald's quarterly report (November 1956—March 1957) mentioned a ‘remarkably low level of respiratory illness so far this winter.’ However, a Times newspaper comment (17 April) that ‘an influenza epidemic has affected thousands of Hong Kong residents’ heralded the start of rapid movement across the East with 100 000 cases in Taiwan by mid-May and over a million in India by June. Five months after the Hong Kong outbreak it was reckoned to have traversed the globe. As an entirely new strain there was no immunity in the populace and the first vaccines were not distributed until August in the US and October in the UK, and then on an extremely limited basis.
The first cases in the UK were in late June, with a serious outbreak in the general population occurring in August. From mid-September onwards the virus spread from the North, West, and Wales to the South, East, and Scotland. One GP recalled ‘we were amazed at the extraordinary infectivity of the disease, overawed by the suddenness of its outset and surprised at the protean nature of its symptomatology.’2 It peaked the week ending 17 October with 600 deaths reported in major towns in England and Wales. There was some evidence of a limited return in the winter.
By early 1958 it was estimated that ‘not less than 9 million people in Great Britain had … Asian influenza during the 1957 epidemic. Of these, more than 5.5 million were attended by their doctors. About 14 000 people died of the immediate effects of their attack.’3Not only was £10 000 000 spent on sickness benefit, but also with factories, offices and mines closed the economy was hit: ‘Setback in Production — “Recession through Influenza”’ (Manchester Guardian, 29 November).
Despite Watson's early prediction that ‘in the end, and in spite of the scare stuff in the lay press, we will have our epidemic of influenza, of a type not very different from what we know already, with complications in the usual age groups,’4 the core group of main sufferers was aged 5–39 years with 49% between 5–14 years. In London, 110 000 children were off school suspected of having influenza. With adults there was usually a connection to children; for example, parents, teachers, doctors, or a closed group such as the armed forces and football teams. As the Manchester Guardian put it: ‘Fit Go Down with Flu’ (20th August). There was also a rise in influenzal deaths in January 1958 of an older age group but it was not clear how much of this was the usual seasonal deaths attributed to influenza as opposed to Asian flu.5

That's only gonna work if your parents are the thick end of 80.
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We are witnessing psychosis, successfully fomented on a planetary scale. Virtually the entire human race has been rendered insane. Media-induced mass fear, panic, hysteria, and  hypochondria grip all of humanity.

As the tidal wave of panic overwhelms all of life itself, people become oblivious to facts, oblivious of clear evidence that they have been and continue to be criminally manipulated, exploited, and controlled.

Even the most ardent and obsessed crisis watchers misinterpret, deny or ignore rational data, and embrace any convoluted interpretation of statistics that suit them. They seem to enjoy the “fear porn” and their own hysteria, and seek justification and approval for their madness.

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5 minutes ago, ScottishZizou said:

Im fairly new to posting a lot here. What’s up with this virginton guy? He seems to be able to form arguments quite well so clearly not an idiot but why has he chosen the Coronavirus is the same as the flu hill to die on? He has to be contrarian to prove he’s smarter than everyone else, is that it, have I nailed it?

Take a day off man, especially when society is facing a pandemic which is killing close to a thousand a day in other countries. You are coming across as a bit of a dick and the kind of guy who no one will listen to unless they are being controversial  so you are being Intentionally controversial for attention and to be so much smarter than everyone else. It’s having your desired effect that your getting attention but it’s also bringing to everyone’s attention that your behaving like a teenager who is rebelling because they aren’t cool and labelling everyone else around them as stupid.

I asked you a very straightforward question: it's really not my fault that you don't like the answer that you're logically bound to give.


Do yourself a favour and give it up and don’t continue to be the “coronavirus = flu guy” when there’s a very real chance people in this site could be losing family members to it soon. 

Because of course nobody loses a family member when tens of thousands of people are getting bumped off by the flu instead. Take your emotive, weepy pish elsewhere then.

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1 minute ago, Jeremiah Cole said:

We are witnessing psychosis, successfully fomented on a planetary scale. Virtually the entire human race has been rendered insane. Media-induced mass fear, panic, hysteria, and  hypochondria grip all of humanity.

As the tidal wave of panic overwhelms all of life itself, people become oblivious to facts, oblivious of clear evidence that they have been and continue to be criminally manipulated, exploited, and controlled.

Even the most ardent and obsessed crisis watchers misinterpret, deny or ignore rational data, and embrace any convoluted interpretation of statistics that suit them. They seem to enjoy the “fear porn” and their own hysteria, and seek justification and approval for their madness.


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6 minutes ago, G_Man1985 said:
11 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:
When’s the best time to be visiting an Aldi/Lidl/Asda and the likes?
The wee shop along the road is fine but could now do with an essential bigger shop.

Tbf apart from pasta everything else we have. Shop is quiet 🙂

What time are normal (ie not old c***s or nurses) allowed in? 

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13 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

When’s the best time to be visiting an Aldi/Lidl/Asda and the likes?

The wee shop along the road is fine but could now do with an essential bigger shop.

MIddle aisle withdrawal symptoms.. ?

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The threat posed by COVID-19 itself is relatively low based on most current known information (and against information from previous pandemics). Although there has remained a legitimate risk for older people with weakened immune systems and pre-existing conditions, the disease is “survivable” according to every metric to date.

Even now, with hysteria at earth-shattering maximum, even including the worst actual infection and death counts, the outlandish projections of a few weeks ago have not materialized. Yet the media continues to trumpet 80% infection rates and other hyperbolic fantasies to push maximum panic, to justify new police state measures and more public submission.

Easily rendered compliant and submissive, the mobs echo the fearmongering propaganda. We need “testing”! We need vaccines! We need draconian “public health” controls! We need more and more “social distancing”. We need to “change life as we know it” permanently, “for our own good”. We must burrow deeply into the safest crevices in our homes, never to emerge, lest someone “infected” even look at our direction.

In locked down communities across the world, self-righteous new social justice warriors—militant New Age collectivists—are taking it upon themselves to behave like Red Guards on steroids, “enforcing” the proper “social distancing”, reporting on fellow individuals who “fail to comply”, demanding new police enforcement of this new “distancing” paradigms, while also echoing the talking points of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Big Pharma, and their chosen political idols—the very agents at the source of this “crisis”.

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1 minute ago, Rugster said:

I’m positive @pandarillaused to be sensible. And by the way @Detournement it’s not just the old who are vulnerable you fanny. 

Pandarilla has gone off the tracks and the other guy is a previously banned poster.

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The threat posed by COVID-19 itself is relatively low based on most current known information (and against information from previous pandemics). Although there has remained a legitimate risk for older people with weakened immune systems and pre-existing conditions, the disease is “survivable” according to every metric to date.
Even now, with hysteria at earth-shattering maximum, even including the worst actual infection and death counts, the outlandish projections of a few weeks ago have not materialized. Yet the media continues to trumpet 80% infection rates and other hyperbolic fantasies to push maximum panic, to justify new police state measures and more public submission.
Easily rendered compliant and submissive, the mobs echo the fearmongering propaganda. We need “testing”! We need vaccines! We need draconian “public health” controls! We need more and more “social distancing”. We need to “change life as we know it” permanently, “for our own good”. We must burrow deeply into the safest crevices in our homes, never to emerge, lest someone “infected” even look at our direction.
In locked down communities across the world, self-righteous new social justice warriors—militant New Age collectivists—are taking it upon themselves to behave like Red Guards on steroids, “enforcing” the proper “social distancing”, reporting on fellow individuals who “fail to comply”, demanding new police enforcement of this new “distancing” paradigms, while also echoing the talking points of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Big Pharma, and their chosen political idols—the very agents at the source of this “crisis”.

Oh shit off smoothbrain.
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Tbf apart from pasta everything else we have. Shop is quiet :-)
Is it getting better with the pasta? My missus got some dry pasta from tesco kingsway earlier but said there were only a few packs left.

When will folks cupboards be full? Surely they don't eat pasta every fucking day.
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7 minutes ago, Jeremiah Cole said:

Even the most ardent and obsessed crisis watchers misinterpret, deny or ignore rational data, and embrace any convoluted interpretation of statistics that suit them.

Exemplified by your failure to differentiate between this virus and previous flu epidemics, by ignoring the rate of infection and the ability of the health service to care even for the dying if transmission is not slowed. It's not all about the death count.

Edited by welshbairn
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What time are normal (ie not old c***s or nurses) allowed in? 
Whenever. Seems to just be on Sunday between 9am - 10am for nurses / doctors.

Old c***s was between 9-10am mon wed fri but cant stop normal c***s coming in.

Thursday usually heaviest day for deliveries.
The now it's fairly packed.
Long life milk and pasta fucked on and broth mix.

Rest carry on like normal.

Opening times changed again
Mon - sat 8am - 10pm
Sun 9am -10pm
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