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1 hour ago, Paco said:

Boris Johnson said in his ‘Ministerial Address’ announcing our lockdown, viewed live by 27m people, that ‘parks remain open for exercise’. And you have people on here slating the public for going to the park.

This is what we’re meant to do. Have a pop at Londoners in their small one-bed flat for going a walk round the park, rather than focussing on the government’s dreadful strategy. We are three months into this and we have a load of clinical staff without PPE, NHS England has tested barely 3000 frontline staff for the virus with tens of thousands isolating and we’re now into dozens of clinical deaths, we’re on a steeper curve for deaths than Italy and Spain with a significant head start when the virus landed in Europe, existing UK ventilator manufacturers punt them out to the rest of the world while we sit waiting on the PMs pals to come up with them, testing is essentially stagnant with a ridiculous target that’ll never be hit released to appease the media, the much trailed antibody test is still nowhere near ready and there’s different advice and answers on an almost daily basis from the Carabao Cup reserves that are punted out to do the daily updates while the PM hides, virus or no virus if he’s well enough to allegedly chair meetings he could manage some updates or at least allow his chancellor/Home Sec/Foreign Sec out on a regular basis - too scared that the big hitters (such as they are with this government) might fill the void of leadership that he sends no marks that 99% of people would walk past in the street and the reviled Gove out to do it instead.

People are idiots. Obviously. That’s not up for debate and it never will be. There are of course a few cases of morons sitting about in public for a barbecue or a few cans. It’s stupid and they shouldn’t be doing it. But the vast majority are doing what they’re asked to within the guidelines. I’d far sooner chase the government for their failings than Archie from Govan for getting out his flat and sitting on his arse for ten minutes in the park.

100% agree mate, but the blame has to lie on both sides. The public have to shoulder some responsibility for the steep rise, because if they'd done what they were asked to when they were asked to, we'd be seeing a flatter shape around now

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16 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Iv'e seen Methil, Glenrothes an Kirkcaldy, who knew Fife was a second home sanctuary for the Edinburgh elite

Fife is full of contrasts like that. Persevere for a few miles past Methil to the likes of Lower Largo, St Monans etc. A bit like Inverkip and Wemyss Bay are in the west. Only better.

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8 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

Probably not. She's not broken any laws and I assume hadn't been told not to travel by the police 🤷‍♂️


She absolutely did break the law, very clearly and without doubt. You are not allowed off your place of residence without a reasonable excuse, a list of examples is given, and visiting your second home is definitely not allowed. 


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Your CMO hasn't been the only one, check out this NZ culprit. Maybe taking a van with his coupon all over it wasn't the  smartest move.

Health Minister David Clark has flouted the Government's advice to exercise locally after confirming he drove to a park to go mountain biking on Thursday.

Clark was nabbed after parking his signwritten van at the car park - 2.3km from his Dunedin home - and it was spotted by someone who dobbed him in to media.

A Toyota Hiace van, emblazoned with Clark's face, was snapped parked near Signal Hill Lookout earlier on Thursday.

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22 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Iv'e seen Methil, Glenrothes an Kirkcaldy, who knew Fife was a second home sanctuary for the Edinburgh elite

Wow, you really don't know Fife!

Earlsferry, Elie, St Monan's, Cellardyke, Anstruther, Crail, St Andrew's, Cupar, Falkland, Cammo Estate, the Lomond Hills... I highly recommend spending some time over there, it's lovely. When our kids were really small we had our summer holidays 4 years in a row at Elie. The beach is fantastic.

Loads of the Scottish legal elite have homes in Elie and Earlsferry, including the Advocate General Richard Keen and, until he passed way recently, the Supreme Court judge Lord Rodger. 

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5 minutes ago, GordonS said:

Wow, you really don't know Fife!

Earlsferry, Elie, St Monan's, Cellardyke, Anstruther, Crail, St Andrew's, Cupar, Falkland, Cammo Estate, the Lomond Hills... I highly recommend spending some time over there, it's lovely. When our kids were really small we had our summer holidays 4 years in a row at Elie. The beach is fantastic.

Loads of the Scottish legal elite have homes in Elie and Earlsferry, including the Advocate General Richard Keen and, until he passed way recently, the Supreme Court judge Lord Rodger. 


Catherine Calderwood

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52 minutes ago, jagfox99 said:

Got to agree. Her position is indefensible.

It grates a bit that Sun journalists can roam around freely for such exposes but that's just the way the cookie crumbles...

I very much doubt a Sun hack just happened to stumble across the CMO in Elie. I presume the photo was taken by someone on their phone and then sold to them.

50 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Is she a politician or scientific expert? I know who she next to sturgeon but was exactly is her role, and what has she done in terms of a second house?

I thought she was a genuine expert, in which case i couldn't really care about her personal infidelity (within reason) if her qualified advice is still the best we have in Scotland. But I'm clearly not clued up as I've been trying to avoid the news for a bit.

She's the main medical adviser who advised the government to introduce a law banning people from doing exactly what she did. The law is about slowing the spread of the worst pandemic the world has faced in over 100 years.

32 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

Some doctor has went on an absolute rampage trying to discredit and basically harass Jason Leitch on Twitter for not being a doctor.

This is the beginning of the backlash of the morons.

Folk really ought to know by now the difference between a medical doctor and an epidemiologist.

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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

The pontificating shite from Britnats is just absolutely shocking - but no surprise.

It's amazing how many of think the CMO is politician and not a public servant.

Some people who are all over this are just utter vermin.

Equally as bad is the pontificating shite from Scotnats defending the indefensible for purely partisan reasons. It was dully predictable that both sides would take the positions they have.

There's no way in which this isn't gross misconduct, a breach of the Civil Service Code and a fatal undermining of her own credibility.

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She has to fall on her sword, can't act like a c**t while imploring others not to act like a c**t. 

Doesn't mean you throw away her knowledge, you just keep her doing what she's been doing without putting her out there. 

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Guest JTS98
1 minute ago, ayrmad said:

She has to fall on her sword, can't act like a c**t while imploring others not to act like a c**t. 

Doesn't mean you throw away her knowledge, you just keep her doing what she's been doing without putting her out there. 


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8 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Catherine Calderwood has clearly been a bit of a muppet with her travelling to a second home. This is a prime time to say that when I first saw her I honestly thought she had been a man before. Think it was the firm jawline and voice. 


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