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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


My point wasn't so much to do with testing - or the lack of.

I was making the point that in England, deaths in care homes are not being recorded. Why is it they can be recorded and tabulated in Scotland but not in England? 

Strikes me we have a government that is hell bent on point scoring, rather than stating the truth.

They are being recorded and tabulated in England, everytime I mention it some take it as me hoping for high numbers of deaths. 

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12 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

It’s pretty likely that trust is misplaced though. Time will tell.

Misplaced or not, I'd like a shot at living under a trusted government. 

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10 minutes ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:


Be careful around singling him out he could go crying racism to the mods.


Think it might be a while before he shows himself again after his shocker yesterday. 

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14 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

At the moment, the UK peak new cases day was 5th April with 5,903. To say that figure has been rising every day since just isn't true. Our current peak deaths day was April 10th, with 980.

Italy's peak death day, btw, was 26th March - 15 days prior. If we are 2 weeks behind them as we are often told, again that fits.

Of course i'm speculating - i'm looking at the available data across the worst hit places in Europe, looking for any patterns and then applying them to the data available from here.

What's wrong with that? What would you do differently?

Keep doing what you're doing, at least you're searching for the truth, I'm fed up listening to people on the box bullshitting folk whilst taking the Kings shilling. 

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31 minutes ago, coprolite said:

Is that government spending or spending in the economy? The US spends more on healthcare than we do, but a huge chunk funds profits of insurers, and providers of bullshit wellness. 

Beware of international comparisons

The comparisons are being made with reference to the EU.  The only person talking about the US is you.

As a percentage of GDP,  in the figures from 2016,  the UK spent 12.6 % less on healthcare than Germany.

As a percentage of GDP,  in 2016 the UK spent less than the overall  EU average.

Edited by beefybake
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4 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

I've already posted about that more than once, the journalists must have been on the bevvy all week. 

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4 minutes ago, Distant Doonhamer said:

Or dying under a trusted government for that matter. I do take your point re trust but time will tell what the outcome is.

It's easy for me to say as I'd be in for 12 weeks under both regimes. 

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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:


I think that’s why people see it as a non political issue. The SNP and the Tories have responded precisely the same way.


Just because each are at polar opposites of the political spectrum doesn’t make it non political. It just means both have made a rip roaring c**t of it.

Dead easy to blame the Boris. Not so easy it seems to have the equivalent go at Saint Nic. 

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My point wasn't so much to do with testing - or the lack of.
I was making the point that in England, deaths in care homes are not being recorded. Why is it they can be recorded and tabulated in Scotland but not in England? 
Strikes me we have a government that is hell bent on point scoring, rather than stating the truth.
They are being recorded, it's just coming through on a reporting lag.

The ONS is including the figures in their weekly population death summary (for England and Wales). The issue is that the time it takes for these figures to come out. Last Tuesday they released the figures up to 27th March, but that was registered date - so up to 5 days after the actual date of death. That week, there was 538 registered deaths where Covid-19 was mentioned in the death certificate, 501 of those were in hospitals.
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4 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I’ve given up watch the news.

The MSM are not great at best of times but have sunk to a new low during this crisis with their lack of scrutiny.

As other have said a couple of weeks ago Italy and France were being portrayed as disaster areas yet the equivalent death rate in the UK is being reported completely differently.

ETA also how the government is getting away with the same bullshit about PPE and ventilators every day virtually unchallenged is appalling.


I am following the same path. 

After this virus has passed, there should be a massive reset in priorities, driven by people power. Sadly due the collective moronity and selfishness, I doubt this will be the case, but I live in hope.

Patel is a self serving, dangerous individual, whom I would leave in charge of a cat.  She's is the pinnacle of extreme toryism.

MSM is a disgraceful waste of trees and online bandwidth.

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Just because each are at polar opposites of the political spectrum doesn’t make it non political. It just means both have made a rip roaring c**t of it.
Dead easy to blame the Boris. Not so easy it seems to have the equivalent go at Saint Nic. 

Absolutely. You see folk desperately trying to differentiate between the Scottish response and the UK response for this precise reason.
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Apologies if already posted but a really good thread showing how Ireland has managed to have less than half the deaths of the UK despite being in a similar (slightly worse off) position with regards to number of ICU beds. Largely caused by the Government dithering at the start of this.


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3 minutes ago, Father Ted said:

I am following the same path. 

After this virus has passed, there should be a massive reset in priorities, driven by people power. Sadly due the collective moronity and selfishness, I doubt this will be the case, but I live in hope.

Patel is a self serving, dangerous individual, whom I would leave in charge of a cat.  She's is the pinnacle of extreme toryism.

MSM is a disgraceful waste of trees and online bandwidth.

Cat hater found. 

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From Nick Martin, Sky News.

There are thought to be more than 1,000 coronavirus deaths in care homes in England alone but they are not counted in the official figures.

It feels like the nurses here are fighting on a forgotten frontline.

This is, for now, a hidden death toll, with lives being lost in the shadows of this crisis.

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Just now, Granny Danger said:

I look across the Atlantic and wonder why Trump is getting away with making such a f**k up of this, then realise the same thing is happening on our doorstep.


We're basically European Americans. Thick as f**k.

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