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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 hours ago, coprolite said:

Excellent idea, i'll send the seven year old out in the city by herself. Nothing could go wrong there. 

Most families I see out are fairly keen to keep their kids away from other people. 

I don't doubt there are irresponsible families but most aren't.  It's mainly young men that don't make an effort to move, probably because they think they're invincible. But that's relative. There are ignorant c***s of all types. 

Your seven year old has got absolutely no valid reason to be outside right now. They’re not a key worker, they’re not shopping for essential items and they’re not sufficiently aware of their surroundings to respect social distancing during their so-called ‘exercise’. So you should be keeping them inside instead of letting them get in everybody else’s way and if that makes your domestic life a wee bit more annoying, that’s just tough.

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Dont worry lads, if the Covid doesnt get you, then the nuclear pollution being sent into the atmosphere by forest fires at Chernobyl will.

Some year.


The world reacts badly to Scotland nearly qualifying for anything.

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1 minute ago, virginton said:

Your seven year old has got absolutely no valid reason to be outside right now. They’re not a key worker, they’re not shopping for essential items and they’re not sufficiently aware of their surroundings to respect social distancing during their so-called ‘exercise’. So you should be keeping them inside instead of letting them get in everybody else’s way and if that makes your domestic life a wee bit more annoying, that’s just tough.

Give it a fucking rest eh?

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16 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

Dont worry lads, if the Covid doesnt get you, then the nuclear pollution being sent into the atmosphere by forest fires at Chernobyl will.

Some year.

Localised spikes in radiation only. Don't fret on that one.


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Just now, Tynierose said:

Excellent, first you have us all getting HIV and now nuclear pollution.

What next, a fucking invasion by aliens?

Apparently we have fewer ray guns than other European countries but Dyson are to switch production and we have been promised at least 3,000 in a fortnight.

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3 hours ago, VladimirMooc said:

You’re aware the health and social care is entirely devolved, aye? If the Scottish Government have failed to plan properly and procure the PPE needed that’s on them. And I say that as an independence supporter.

Bollocks. These are the suppliers engaged by ScotGov on behalf of our NHS. NHS is n ot 'entirely devolved' - we just manage it. The funding for example is reliant on what happens to the English NHS. Until we have all the levers of power, including over taxation, international trade deals and the rest, then we will only ever 'manage' what is given to us. That's why it's devolution 'power retained' and not independence.

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2 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Excellent, first you have us all getting HIV and now nuclear pollution.

What next, a fucking invasion by aliens?

Don't be silly.  You are getting your Sci fi films all mixed up.  Nuclear pollution doesn't cause aliens.  That's nonsense.  Giant insects the size of houses maybe but not aliens.  Ridiculous. 

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Just now, Fullerene said:

Don't be silly.  You are getting your Sci fi films all mixed up.  Nuclear pollution doesn't cause aliens.  That's nonsense.  Giant insects the size of houses maybe but not aliens.  Ridiculous. 

Not Them again.

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10 hours ago, VladimirMooc said:

I don’t think those people are dying because folk are still allowed out for an hour’s run or walk a day. They’re dying because the government didn’t introduce the current measures quickly enough and have proven themselves as abject failures in developing credible testing regimes. 

And what’s truly disturbing is that people are lapping up this incessant personal behaviour message as being responsible for anything above 0.1% of the running shitshow to date.

A fresh nadir in media coverage was reached this morning with BBC Breakfast interviewing the mawkish sister of a health worker who had caught the virus and died. Her utterly mawkish but state-approved message was to plead for people to stay inside so that her sister ‘didn’t die in vain’. At no point did either party in the interview focus on why health workers are actually contracting and dying from the virus in significant numbers here: because a useless government and inept health minister in particular failed to secure sufficient and credible protective equipment and testing kits despite having several weeks advance notice.

But I guess if we all keep putting up rainbow posters and philpying neighbours we don’t like to the police instead then we’ll have this pandemic on the run in no time. 

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21 minutes ago, virginton said:

Your seven year old has got absolutely no valid reason to be outside right now. They’re not a key worker, they’re not shopping for essential items and they’re not sufficiently aware of their surroundings to respect social distancing during their so-called ‘exercise’. So you should be keeping them inside instead of letting them get in everybody else’s way and if that makes your domestic life a wee bit more annoying, that’s just tough.

Unfortunately for you, your opinion is just your opinion and has no legal or moral authority. 

It is also a shite opinion, of a type commonly held by arseholes. 

I'm not saying you're an arsehole. 

You're clearly a c**t. 

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