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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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So is social distancing just going to stop the minute we ease restrictions....surely it can't and hence how do businesses like hairdressers operate even with protective clothing (that really should all be going to the NHS and care sector). Tough on the hairdressers !!!
Not entirely, but there are going to have to be exceptions.

Schools will reopen after the summer holidays, and they obviously won't stay 2 meters apart.

But we'll have to work out the best strategies possible, use the ppe we have, and keep washing our hands.

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13 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

But what if that takes 9 months. Are we really saying that a lockdown could go on for that length of time? Or longer?

Germany has almost done it. Belgium is getting close as well. Tbh, if takes 9 months that is purely down to the incompetence of the government. Which should be a scandal.

Open up too soon, more people die and we end up having a second lockdown.  That in itself will lead to arguably even worse economic problems in the long run

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36 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Looking forward to someone providing me with a scale drawing of how I can fit myself, my desk, 33 pupils, 33 desks, a cupboard, drawers and a shelving unit into a room measuring 8m x 7m while maintaining 2m between everyone at all times.


Going to need a height to that room before we can work out where everyone needs to be seated :P

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30 minutes ago, Gaz said:

I've tried "Blitz Spirit" and "Stiff Upper Lip" but strangely enough it doesn't seem to have physically made my classroom any larger.

Well it's obvious isn't it, you haven't banged any pots together...or had an elderly relative doing laps of your house.

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2 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

Papers full of their "secret" reopening plans. Most seem to report that hairdressers will be in the 1st phase af business allowed to reopen. The same articles include the detail that all reopening businesses will require to continue with current social distancing measures. How the hell will that work unless we can find hairdressers with 6ft long arms !!!

Hairdressers are working in such close proximity to people, I honestly thought they’d be one of the last places to be given the go ahead to open! 

2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

From The Sun so probably wise to ignore the dates, however the plan overall would be plausible


“sports venues”? Surely not! There’s to be no sports played in front of crowds until 2021 don’t you know 🙄

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18 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

We can make that decision once we have projections on the impact of reopening wee shops and nurseries.

Tbf i'd take any projections with a pinch of salt.

They've been rotten so far.

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2 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:
2 hours ago, dirty dingus said:
Upside down blenders suspended from the roof?

Quite. They clearly put no thought into the shite they are writing. Similarly schools returning next month reported as "children clearly are not badly I'll if infected " but failing to mention they are still able to cross infect anyone they come into contact with, teachers, janitors, school bus drivers, diner ladies the list is endless and in Scotland at least for what...about 5 weeks hardly worth the risk.

Restaurants opening too, then?

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9 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Still avoiding the question in terms of how long we can cope.

A depression the likes of the 1930s is already on the cards. At some stage the government will run out of the credit and we'll not be able to fund wages. Unless you're talking about genuine revolution.

The UK government borrows in its own currency, it literally can't run out of money. We can just print more money to pay for everything. And given the alternative is probably massive deflation, then a little bit of BRRRR is probably okay.

People on here seem to think that as soon as restrictions are lifted then everything returns to normal and "the economy" starts back up and it's all good. It's not going to work like that - for as long as the virus is still working its way through the population, there's still going to be uncertainty. You open things back up, see a surge in infections, then there's detrimental economic effects there too.

There's no "optimal" solution to this crisis. Regardless of lockdown or no lockdown, there's going to be a significant economic hit. People will lose jobs. There'll be enormous and long-lasting social impacts. The best solution is the "least-worst" one

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Fact is without proper testing, tracing and all that accompanies it, any relaxation of the lockdown is going (not might, is) to result in a spike of new cases. 

It basically comes down to whether you think that's an acceptable price to pay for relaxed rules. Any claim that this isn't the case hasn't been paying attention. 

Personally it makes no real difference as I'm a 12 weeker so I'll be in anyway. 

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The bint from Oxford research on Andrew Marr appeared pretty clear that the vaccine they have will work, will have few side effects, and can be produced cheaply if facilities are made ready to start.

I was surprised after doing the usual 5 years of work in 3 months where the logjam now lies.

So you vaccinate 50% of volunteers and placebo the other 50%.

I wrongly assumed to keep this accelerated process up you would then just infect them all. I appreciate that is not the norm

So we have to send them all back home into their community environment where hardly any one is catching it anyway if they follow the rules.

Then wait patiently to see who gets symptoms.


Anyone else think other countries will use the less "professional" method of testing the vaccine.



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Holy f**k - what an absolute clusterfuck. Boris and his fuckin gang of incompetent hangers on have to be held accountable for this surely?

Warning after warning after warning basically ignored. Until it was too late.
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4 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Fact is without proper testing, tracing and all that accompanies it, any relaxation of the lockdown is going (not might, is) to result in a spike of new cases. 

It basically comes down to whether you think that's an acceptable price to pay for relaxed rules. Any claim that this isn't the case hasn't been paying attention. 

Personally it makes no real difference as I'm a 12 weeker so I'll be in anyway. 

Same here

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3 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Michael Gray being extremely correct as usual


This reminds me of The People's Republic of Walmart which you should read btw.

2 hours ago, Tynierose said:

Full chemical weapons suit.  Would be a surreal experience without all the usual shit chat.

Up to anything the night, good weekend, you got holidays booked, did you see that film etc etc etc.

Actually that would work.

Getting your haircut off one of the Big Daddies from Bioshock.


1 hour ago, TheScarf said:

Does anyone else see 'Furlonged' when they see Furloughed? 

Keep thinking of the 3.35 at Chepstow every time I see it. 

No? Just me? 

Tbf I'm waking up some days like I've been thrown off Vintage Clouds at the second to last hurdle.

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40 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Still avoiding the question in terms of how long we can cope.

A depression the likes of the 1930s is already on the cards. At some stage the government will run out of the credit and we'll not be able to fund wages. Unless you're talking about genuine revolution.

But the rest of the world is going to try and get on as normal and we'd quickly be cut off.

A lockdown like the one we have surely couldn't go on for (ballpark medium length guess). 9-12 months.

I can't answer the question you seem to want me to answer because we have nowhere near enough data to do so.

Current situation and our understanding as a species of this virus means that opening anything else up by mid May would be absolutely insane and reckless. 

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14 minutes ago, Biscuits said:

Boris and his fuckin gang of incompetent hangers on have to be held accountable for this surely?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Welcome to the UK.

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21 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Fact is without proper testing, tracing and all that accompanies it, any relaxation of the lockdown is going (not might, is) to result in a spike of new cases. 

It basically comes down to whether you think that's an acceptable price to pay for relaxed rules. Any claim that this isn't the case hasn't been paying attention. 

Personally it makes no real difference as I'm a 12 weeker so I'll be in anyway. 


16 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Same here


12 minutes ago, Biscuits said:

And here emoji849.png

And me. After 12 weeks of total lockdown we should be the safest people in the country. Beach party anyone?

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