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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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14 minutes ago, John MacLean said:

I've had a skim through the document released today and a first glance it appears really useful and clear in terms of explanation and expectation. 

There's nothing really new in it but just as has been the case with the vast majority of stuff from the Scottish Government it comes across as honest with no attempt to mislead even by providing false assurances. I get the sense what they are doing is genuinely motivated by a desire to safeguard health before safeguarding the economy although the latter will clearly be a factor in when and what restrictions are relaxed. I'm not sure that that approach  is shared everywhere else. 

There is no eradicating the virus. It will be about how we learn to live with it and what we consider as "acceptable"  mortality levels. Personally I'm still going back and forwards to work so find that kind of structure to my day very useful but otherwise, I'll be honest, I'm finding it hard.  Not being able to do the things I enjoy or having any concept of when that might change is having a negative impact on my mental wellbeing. I'll not be alone in that respect and the numbers feeling that way will only grow as time goes on. A time will have to come when judgements are made surrounding what is best for society's collective mental health and not just it's collective physical health. 

Good balanced post and anyone who says anything different is undoubtedly lying.

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12 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Hearing social distancing is likely to be in place the rest of the year is a bit shit for me. I work in the events industry doing various things so no work for potentially months/a year is sobering. It’s hard  enough suffering from depression without having something to “get up and go” for. Throw in the fact I live in a small Ayrshire town with feck all to do apart from be alone with my thoughts. Without being all woe is me, in the last 7 months I’ve had a long term relationship end, my Dad dying and now no job. It’s a lot to go through. Maybe people should think about people like me who are struggling before they blindly agree with lockdown measures lasting months and it impacting on so many businesses, jobs, and mental health 

Who is blindly agreeing?

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3 minutes ago, oaksoft said:


This idea that, for the Tories, it's a straight shootout between the economy and people dying is unbelievably simplistic and I have no idfea why someone would choose to either believe that or pass it on as fact.

Purely on health terms, if the lockdown continues for too long we end up with it killing more people than it protects and I'm talking about untreated cancer patients etc.

It's a balance where people die no matter what the Tories do.

As for the economy - if the economy dies, people will die too.

For all their mistakes, the Tories have done some good things in this crisis. They are voluntarily paying countless employees on furlough rather than have them on the dole (which would have been much much cheaper for the Tories). Millions of small business owners will just have had or soon will have non-repayable grants of either £10k or £25k paid straight into their bank accounts with the 80% average profit payments to kick in within 6 weeks. If the Tories were worried just about money they needn't have done any of this.

It's a real shame that so many people seem to be incapable of understanding this stuff but if someone is blinded in their hatred of the Tories then I suppose they can't be expected to be fair or balanced in their analysis.

Surely the grants are means tested? My mates wife has a hair salon. She only has to pay wages for two girls as the other’s are “hiring a chair”. I’m not sure she’d get anywhere near £10k  

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56 minutes ago, Steven W said:

When you consider that the virus seemingly takes four weeks from catching it, to eventually killing someone, therefore it most probably was in USA in January, so every chance it's been prevalent in the UK since, maybe even early February

A lot of people would have been travelling from Hubei province all over the world late last year and into January and with an R0 > 3 it would be surprising if the virus wasn't already in the UK and most other western countries with extensive air travel by late January

If some of the random sampling antibody tests of the wider population that are being reported from Germany, Sweden and the United States are accurate (big if because the tests might not be specific enough for COVID19) then there could easily have already been over 50× as many infections as the official numbers based on testing.

If most cases are mild or asymptomatic, it could also easily have taken many weeks to get enough serious cases on the go for the uptick on non-influenza pneumonia to be statistically noticeable in hospitals. The lockdown may turn out to be a case of locking the stable door well after the horse had already bolted.

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1 minute ago, Thereisalight.. said:

People I know! The types that post on FB “repost this if you’ve seen stayed in your home all weekend”, or looking out at neighbours who dare to go out twice a day instead of once 

Your post looked like it was referring to people on here. Stay off facebook.

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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It's not means tested but there are some restrictions on which type of business gets it.

You just need to have a property that you are registered with the council to pay business rates on.

If you are classed as getting the 100% rates discount (i.e. you pay no rates) you'll get £10k.

For bigger properties there's £25k available.

It takes about 20 minutes to apply, it's all done by email and it takes approximately 4 weeks for the money to be paid into your account.

Your mate's wife should definitely check it out through Business Gateway.


But the Tories aren't paying people’s wages out of the goodness of their heart, if they put everyone on the dole, people who had never been on the dole wouldn’t stand for it and you would see civil unrest in no time.

If they pay 80% of people’s wages and tell folk they have to stay at home then that money will be spent on rent/mortgages, utilities and at supermarkets which will all be taxed as well as people paying for council tax. It’s not like the government are losing out entirely here and they can still keep a lot of big business happy.

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13 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

If some of the random sampling antibody tests of the wider population that are being reported from Germany, Sweden and the United States are accurate (big if because the tests might not be specific enough for COVID19) then there could easily have already been over 50× as many infections as the official numbers based on testing.

I commented on one of these the other day. They reckoned actual cases 50-85x greater than reported, with a morbidity rate in the region of 0.1-0.2%

I'm surprised that there is not as much focus on this type of testing as there is on a vaccine or effective treatment.

If these antibody test results were shown to be even close to being accurate and reflective of the general population then the pressing need for a vaccine is much much less.

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For the fellow cancer warriors out there 💪 🤮, I had my bloods done on Tuesday, phone app with my oncologist yesterday (usually in person) and off into the beatson tomorrow to get the good/bad stuff injected right into my fucking veins.

Quite a relief that treatment will continue for me, especially having read about people who have been told theirs is cancelled. As mentioned before, it seems to be mainly people who are already in God's waiting room who have been told that, and that seems mainly to be because the risk of them catching it at hospital is considered higher than the risk of not giving them their treatment.

Will be interesting to see what, if any, precautions are in place at the beatson. I was last there ~5 weeks ago and at that point the only unusual thing was a small sign saying that patients should come alone. No PPE, nothing, in fact I felt like such a 🛎 🔚 with my mask on I took it off in the end. Bad enough being cancerous let alone having everyone think you're a twat as well. 

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Going to hold off on patting the tories on the back for doing something similar to most other Western governments regarding finding money to help businesses etc, especially as it would have caused much more harm to the economy just to let everyone get completely fucked financially losing their jobs / businesses and doing f**k all about it. 

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1 minute ago, Marshmallo said:

We are seeing it already on here from Certain Posters.

What happened to yon pozbaird? Wonder if he's still playing golf and going shopping with his wife.

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1 minute ago, Gaz said:


Old Man Danger had a similar rant along the same lines when he was driving his Mrs about to buy a paper and a 10 deck of Mayfair. Screaming "I'M A MARRIED MAN" while sitting in the car park of an Asda to own the libs.

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