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7 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

She has a point.


Especially considering she was in the middle of divorcing her husband who was undergoing cancer treatment while missing cobra meetings to sort out her private life. 

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8 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

She has a point.


No, Janet, we wouldn't. And do you know what? A lot of us aren't putting any flags out now either.

As a journalist of long standing, perhaps you could use you platform to criticise some other facets of Johnson's behaviour - like his abdication of responsibility in the face of advesity, like his lying repeatedly to the country, like.. oh, this is your job. He's given you enough mateial for a lifetime. This sprog, irritating though the press and media reaction may be, is small potatoes compared to people dying. You've railed in the past about the infantilisation of modern news coverage. Stop contributing to it.

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26 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

She has a point.


The flag waving for the new baby must have passed me by. I just think there is a whole host of serious things to criticise the PM for without using language borrowed from 1950s bigots. 

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23 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

No, Janet, we wouldn't. And do you know what? A lot of us aren't putting any flags out now either.

As a journalist of long standing, perhaps you could use you platform to criticise some other facets of Johnson's behaviour - like his abdication of responsibility in the face of advesity, like his lying repeatedly to the country, like.. oh, this is your job. He's given you enough mateial for a lifetime. This sprog, irritating though the press and media reaction may be, is small potatoes compared to people dying. You've railed in the past about the infantilisation of modern news coverage. Stop contributing to it.

Who you talking to?

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1 hour ago, madwullie said:

That's something that's been annoying me - the idea that us brits just weren't the type of people to have a lockdown, and this being used as an excuse (that plenty are buying) for us not to have locked down earlier because we wouldn't have stood for it. 

Had to laugh at all the jokes early on about the Germans snitching on their neighbours given we're a nation of curtain twitchers.

44 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I find him hard work quite often but I suppose this is saying something like 'talking about masks before the UK government does is a way for the dastardly Scottish government to use coronavirus to deflect attention away from their other failings and is entirely motivated by this, not keeping people safe.'

There were some by him during 2013 and 2014 where other than it being obvious he was attacking the SNP because he just out and says he hates the SNP quite a lot, it really wasn't clear what the syntax of the joke was. Maybe there isn't a point to a lot of them. Gary Larson did a far side once that was called 'cows and their tools', showing a cow stood by a bench with a bunch of weird things, one of which looked vaguely like a saw. He said he just drew nonsense shapes but because he'd made this one look like a saw, for years afterwards he had people writing him letters with their guesses for what the other things were.

Can't imagine having more of a take on any political cartoonist than "well that sucks."

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Just had our food parcels (two) delivered from the council. It's taken us about 4 weeks to get on their list (at least 4 phone calls all asking for the same information, culminating in a phone call this morning from the Northern Health Trust, which didn't last long after I informed her that the council had rung on Tuesday night and we were now on their system).

Toilet rolls, hand moisturiser, individual packets of cereal, tin of beans ( a very big tin - 840 g), tins of tomato soup, cartons of orange and apple juice, bag of apples, tea bags, tin of sweetcorn, a loaf, tins of pasta sauce, tin of bacon grill, jar of coffee, quick cook rice, tin of sweetcorn, tin of tuna, jar of dolmio sauce,  jar of carrots, bag of spuds, packet of digestive biscuits, lasagne sheets. All x 2, as we got two boxes. 

Delighted with this. Sometimes it pays to be a decrepit pensioner.

Jacksgranny is now sorting it out and putting it away, so no doubt half of it will be lost and discovered in 6 months time.

Edited by Jacksgranda
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2 hours ago, madwullie said:

I know I'm an snp voter and wouldn't cross the road to pish on a tory on fire, but I genuinely can't see how anyone could say that sturgeon isn't head and shoulders above the offerings we're given from down south. Honest, factual, explains her thinking, assumes we're smart enough to deal with the concepts, not evasive, just generally a really good leader in a time of crisis. 


She's been fairly competent and efficient throughout this , more upfront and quicker to act than her Westminster equivalents.  Only downside was her handling of the cmo fiasco but no one gets everything right.

I still think that once this over there should be enquiries into how it was handled, best to learn from any mistakes that may have been made.


7 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Just had our food parcels (two) delivered from the council. It's taken us about 4 weeks to get on their list (at least 4 phone calls all asking for the same information, culminating in a phone call this morning from the Northern Health Trust, which didn't last long after I informed her that the council had rung on Tuesday night and we were now on their system).

Toilet rolls, hand moisturiser, individual packets of cereal, tin of beans ( a very big tin - 840 g), tins of tomato soup, cartons of orange and apple juice, bag of apples, tea bags, tin of sweetcorn, a loaf, tins of pasta sauce, tin of bacon grill, jar of coffee, quick cook rice, jar of carrots, bag of spuds, jar of carrots, packet of digestive biscuits, lasagne sheets. All x 2, as we got two boxes. 

Delighted with this. Sometimes it pays to be a decrepit pensioner.

Jacksgranny is now sorting it out and putting it away, so no doubt half of it will be lost and discovered in 6 months time.




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1 hour ago, Arch Stanton said:

She has a point.


Probably not.  But that’s down to most folk being sexist hypocrites.

Johnson has much to answer for, but his marital status upon becoming a father is totally irrelevant.

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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

Probably not.  But that’s down to most folk being sexist hypocrites.

Johnson has much to answer for, but his marital status upon becoming a father is totally irrelevant.

I'm not so sure. Displays a distinct lack of being responsible for his actions. Bit hard to lecture the rest of us about taking responsibility (during this crisis) to help each other even if we only self shield, while scattering your seed like a demented farmer on speed and running off abandoning the results of said seed scattering.

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1 minute ago, Jacksgranda said:

I'm not so sure. Displays a distinct lack of being responsible for his actions. Bit hard to lecture the rest of us about taking responsibility (during this crisis) to help each other even if we only self shield, while scattering your seed like a demented farmer on speed and running off abandoning the results of said seed scattering.

So if he had been married whilst having this child it would have been OK?


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7 minutes ago, madwullie said:

Wtf is bacon grill 

I'm assuming this:


There really are some things which, canning's undoubted preservatie qualities aside, should never be tinned. I've seen footage (from 'Murica) of a whole tinned chicken. Looks absolutely disgusting.  *I also have really bad memories of Goblin tinned hamburgers from when I was a kid (mind you, canning was in its infancy in those days...)

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So if he had been married whilst having this child it would have been OK?
The way someone eats a bacon roll should be irrelevant but that's not the world we live in. Being a serial absent parent and denying kids is more relevant than most mud that gets slung about in politics.

This is the same guy who has had plenty to say about single parents etc.
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1 minute ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I'm assuming this:


There really are some things which, canning's undoubted preservatie qualities aside, should never be tinned. I've seen footage (from 'Murica) of a whole tinned chicken. Looks absolutely disgusting.  *I also have really bad memories of Goblin tinned hamburgers from when I was a kid (mind you, canning was in its infancy in those days...)

Bacon grill is actually quite tasty, particularly along with chips and an egg, or in a sandwich.

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