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4 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

What do you go to those cities for when everything is shut, a walk ???

Yeah I like going to Edinburgh to walk Calton Hill and Arthur’s Seat. 

Theres also a really good Mexican place in Rose St. Hopefully it will survive all this 

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If it's South Ayrshire SC then we have (rightly imo) stopped all use of Zoom within the Authority as it is simply not secure. I assume you have not seen the reports of kids being exposed to porn using Zoom following hacks. Teams seems for now anyway more secure but as you say not many are accustomed to it.

We're moving more to teams in the next few weeks.  The problem for us was that it was only set up for the P7 class and my colleagues are not the most technically capable of people, either.   I will be interested to use it, I like the idea of doing videos for teaching and being able to speak to my class, but the council keep shifting the goalposts about what is and isn't allowed (apparently zoom is a no-go, yet I see other authorities using it...) and it's proving hard to be consistent for the parents.
My colleagues are also very funny about parents having our e-mail addresses, as they feel once this is over parents would be bombarding us 24/7 but I think it is the quickest and easiest way for parents to get in touch with me and vice-versa.
We get a range of activities out to the kids at the start of the week so that parents can pick and choose what and when they do it but so far I've had 4 PowerPoint presentations e-mailed to me about the topic work I set and that's it.  It's frustrating as I don't know exactly how much work is being done or where they will be when we are back. 
If any parents do have questions about teaching their kids, though, I'm happy to help out - feel free to PM. 
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Speaking as a parent of an Edinburgh P5 pupil I’ve found extremely frustrating trying to follow the activities.  I’ve tried to follow all the guidelines but there is to many different forms of communication and attachments are all over the place. Put everything in one place with instructions ie Long division...(bus stop/chunking 1 hour) etc,etc..it’s doing ma nut in [emoji6]
That's the problem I've found too. I've preferred to keeping everything on our website, with links to videos and visual explanations, but it seems like it'll be moving to teams soon. Of course that depends on the school, but consistency with the information would help everyone.
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2 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:



Like i said yesterday alot of people don’t have much understanding or experience of risk management.

The people who have been posting the meme I pasted below are themselves falling into the “ elf & safety gawn maad “ category.

Literally everything in life can kill you including staying in the house and doing nothing for prolonged periods . Everything from the comon and obvious road traffic accidents to less frequent lightning strikes , industrial accidents, slips and falls, electrical appliances and even trousers. Yes people really do die each year getting dressed.

Obviously we simply can’t avoid anything hazardous as everything is hazardous to one extent or another so what we do is take a calculated risk when we do something , usually subconsciously.

This disease for most people is not deadly, but it is contagious and without some measures it will find its way to the vulnerable and kill them .

The measures we are using at the moment are very knee jerk, like evacuating a burning building. Now that we’re out of the fire we need to move to the next phase as we can’t stand outside in the cold in our pants until the house is rebuiltIMG_1657.thumb.jpg.0acca9032044b80eb28685769368de53.jpg


The same people who post “share this if you stayed inside all weekend” every Monday 🙄 

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34 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

No, ‘belief’ in anything where there is no empirical evidence is not ‘understandable’.  Not in the U.K. in 2020 with the levels of education and knowledge available.

Comments like ‘shouter wee lads’ don’t add anything to your very weak argument.

The term was 'shoutier'.

My argument does not concern the idea of the existence of a deity being understandable.  It concerns the fact that such belief exists and fulfils an often valuable function, being understandable.

Your arrogant dismissal of this is unfortunate.

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4 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

The term was 'shoutier'.

My argument does not concern the idea of the existence of a deity being understandable.  It concerns the fact that such belief exists and fulfils an often valuable function, being understandable.

Your arrogant dismissal of this is unfortunate.

What valuable function?

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Fair does, I too enjoy a day in the city but it invariably revolves round food and drink hence I don't expect one anytime soon.

Yeah I like going to Edinburgh to walk Calton Hill and Arthur’s Seat. 
Theres also a really good Mexican place in Rose St. Hopefully it will survive all this 
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P7 kids have been left pretty stranded with the transition from primary to secondary. Particularly where they need busses etc.
It's why I think they will be back for at least a few weeks.

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Just now, superbigal said:

P7 kids have been left pretty stranded with the transition from primary to secondary. Particularly where they need busses etc.
It's why I think they will be back for at least a few weeks.

They wont. There will be an extended transition in August

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If it's South Ayrshire SC then we have (rightly imo) stopped all use of Zoom within the Authority as it is simply not secure. I assume you have not seen the reports of kids being exposed to porn using Zoom following hacks. Teams seems for now anyway more secure but as you say not many are accustomed to it.
No, I understand why it's been stopped. I was just using it as an example. The child protection factor has to be paramount when we are trying to find ways of working.

We are all just trying to figure things as we go, parents and teachers alike, so there's going to be trial and error. Hopefully out of this we find some good future ways of working though.
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13 minutes ago, superbigal said:

P7 kids have been left pretty stranded with the transition from primary to secondary. Particularly where they need busses etc.
It's why I think they will be back for at least a few weeks.

That's pretty much the one bit of school we're fairly certain will happen before the summer down here - the induction days for P7 kids.

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20 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

What valuable function?

It provides hope, meaning and structure for people.  

The central message is usually a 'good' one.

Churches can provide rallying points for noble, charitable efforts.

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A poll on one of the Scottish news sites asking if people think lockdown measures should start to be lifted after Thur. Suprised that only 22% think they should be. With daily death rates falling dramatically it’s clear they’re buying into the original scaremongering regarding it

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

No chance.

There is no benefit to teachers in that, and if childcare is the biggest driver then it's no different to any other year's summer holiday.

If it continues through the summer holidays I doubt it’ll be staffed by teachers. For a start the EIS will create all hell plus the overtime rate would be expensive.

I think it’ll be offered to term time staff like support assistants. Renfrewshire runs activity camps in holidays for kids on free school meals that’s staffed by active schools and support assistants. So may be a similar set up but the focus on key workers instead.


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2 hours ago, super_carson said:

Yeah we're drip-feeding in teams from the top-down to avoid that.  Edinburgh council are fairly pushing teams now, just wish they had been more proactive with it when we realised that schools closing could become a possibility.  

We sent home workbooks before we closed and other resources, but I don't know how effective it all is.  Kids love AR because they can see their progress.  Topic and art are still worth doing, but only if the kids actually like the subjects.  There's got to be pragmatism about expecting too much work from them and whether or not it may put them off the other stuff.  I


I have an aversion to arts and crafts 😂

Once they’ve done tasks it goes on seasaw and teacher comments/marks it. I’ve been really impressed with the communication flow. Very much do not feel pressure to do absolutely everything.

I’ve found it handy as fills couple hours a day. Then reading time dotted through day. I know some parents who are working full time at home are struggling though. 

P6 were introducing a new maths Concept last week but the other two have mainly been consolidating. Well the wee one had mainly been fighting me all the way! 

Hopefully there will be some transition in August where possible, my sons teacher is amazing and she’d be so good for him before high school. He’s going from 3.2 to 5.5 level in reading this year. Still can’t spell for peanuts (dyslexic).

someone mentioned thinking having two sen kids in a class is atypical, I’d say it’s getting fairly normal as more and more there is a push for mainstream. But that’s a whole other debate.


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